• 外部索引条件约束可让资料表之间定义参考整合性。

    A foreign key constraint allows you to define referential integrity between a parent and child table.


  • 外部索引条件约束于父资料资料表之间实作参考完整性

    A foreign key constraint can implement referential integrity between parent and child tables.


  • 必须了解产生资料集程序码如何建立资料库中的外部索引条件约束串联行为

    It is important to understand how foreign-key constraints and cascading behavior in the database are created in the generated dataset code.


  • 例如建立新的客户新的订单然后尝试储存资料导致资料库所定义外部索引条件约束发生冲突

    For example, creating a new customer and a new order and then trying to save the data can cause a conflict with the foreign-key constraints defined in the database.


  • 用户可以ctrl然后单击浏览器Refresh按钮,阻止浏览器发送某个条件GET

    A user can hold down the Ctrl key and click the browser's Refresh action to prevent the browser from sending a conditional GET.


  • 如果没有能满足作为默认分区条件,则创建后没有分区,也就意味着这个表不能横跨一个以上分区

    If no columns satisfy the requirement for a default partitioning key, the table is created without one, which means the table cannot span more than one partition.


  • 满足筛选器条件每个中,数据库服务器将对应用函数探测哈希表查找匹配值。

    For each row that satisfies the filter condition, the database server applies hash function to the key and proves the hash table to find a match.


  • 没错,在理想化条件:面对有着许多选项对话框菜单启动页面时,方向

    And yes, under ideal conditions, touch is faster than a d-pad when there are lots of options available in a dialog or menu or launcher page.


  • 日常使用条件并不理想传统方向物理(无论是数字还是盘)大多数操作上更快捷舒适

    But conditions aren't usually ideal when using a phone day to day and for many operations a traditional d-pad and physical keys (whether numeric or qwerty) are faster and more satisfying.


  • 背离目前高性能材料制造方式,目前的方式中,化学昂贵的组成成分以及高耗能加工过程高温条件下)获得高性能材料所必需的。

    This would be a departure from the current approach, where strong bonds, expensive constituents, and energy intensive processing (at high temperatures) are used to obtain high-performance materials.


  • getCatalogKey用于选择条件转换为唯一

    GetCatalogKey : Used to convert the selection criteria to a set of unique keys.


  • Time维度满足过滤条件 time_id连接散列创建一个向量,用于过滤以上跳跃式扫描Orders

    The time_id join keys that meet the filter requirements on the Time dimension table are hashed to create a bit vector that filters rows of the Orders table from the skip scan above.


  • Location维度满足过滤条件 location_id连接下推至Orders 表的索引。

    The location_id join keys that meet the filter requirements on the Location dimension table are pushed down to the index on the Orders table.


  • 匹配用来识别设备条件,当规则所有对应设备的匹配都被匹配以后,规则会被执行,并且触发动作。

    Match keys are conditions used to identify the device which the rule is acting upon.


  • 借助条件下,完成的所有鼠标动作总结如下

    The complete set of mouse actions (that can be accomplished without using meta-keys) is summarized in the following list.


  • 方法:采用高效液相色谱法对该药中的黄苓苷含量测定色谱条件选用十八烷基合硅胶,以甲醇冰醋酸(40:60:1)。

    Method:Conducted baicalin assaying in this drug by HPLC. Chromatogram condition:Selecting octadecyl Chemically bonded phase silica gel, Methanol:water; glacial acetic acid (40:60:1)as mobile phase.


  • 特定相位条件,由此计算出离解实际相吻合

    Under the condition of phase difference given, the bond-length and dissociation energy calculated are quite consistent with the experimental values.


  • 分子几何构型振动计算条件敏感,能量能对计算结果敏感。

    The molecular geometry and the fundamental vibrational frequency are insensitive to the computation conditions, while the total energy and bond energy are pretty sensitive.


  • 登录启动条件可以用于搜寻必要的登录索引如果不到的话则显示错误讯息

    A registry launch condition can be used to search for a required registry key or value and display an error message if it is not found.


  • 条件特别反铁磁交换相互作用存在时,我们得到了一些有意义结果

    Under the random bond condition, in particular, when there exists antiferromagnetic interaction, we obtain many meaningful results.


  • 链剂存在不是合剂MAPO提高丁羟推进剂伸长率必要条件

    The existence of any extender is not necessary for increasing the elongation of HTPB propellants by bonding agent MAPO.


  • 因此电子配对不是共价形成原因不是先决条件,电子自旋配对只是双电子共价的一个特点。

    Therefore, the spin pairing is not cause of the formation of covalent bond, it is not also condition of first determining, the spin pairing is the only particularity of covalent bond of two electrons.


  • 试验研究了不同超声功率条件时间引线强度影响规律。

    The effect of bonding time on the bonding strength of thick aluminum wire wedge bonding was studied under different ultrasonic power conditions.


  • 低温陶瓷木材是以植物剩余物工业主要原料采用化学陶瓷为粘结剂,在接近常温的条件下制备而成的具有陶瓷和木材双重性能的新型人造木材。

    Ceramics timber of low temperature is a kind of material which uses plant remainder and the phosphorus dreg of industry abolishes as main raw materials, uses chemically bounded ceramic as its binder.


  • 强大的应力使材料发生塑性变形,产生塑性流动界面生成合强度提供良好条件

    The powerful stress is big enough to cause plastic strain and plastic flow on the interface which can provide good conditions for bonding.


  • 根据文献提供条件进行实验所得收率31-33%,分析原因断裂比较困难

    In accordance with the conditions provided by literature, the yield of the experiment done by us was only 31-33%. It's probably because of the difficulty of cleavage of ether bond.


  • [资料设计工具],可以方格按一下滑鼠存取可用建立修改资料表关联性条件约束索引索引对话方块

    From table Designer, you can also right-click in the grid section to access dialog boxes through which you can create and modify relationships, constraints, indexes, and keys for the table.


  • 可以更新指令码置放索引索引唯一的条件约束

    You can also drop primary keys, indexes, and unique constraints from the update script.


  • 外部索引强制使用参考完整性条件约束

    A foreign key is a constraint that enforces referential integrity.


  • 发现加热条件下该类化合物不能被分子过渡金属所活化

    The Si-Si bonds in the complexes were found to be stable towards the intramolecular transition metal atom.


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