• 下面例子显示按下字符代码

    The following example shows the character and key code values for the keys you press.


  • 从有效代码中指定一个。从很多信息中认出代码域。

    Specifies one of virtual-key codes. For more information see Key codes section.


  • 代码之间映射依赖设备操作系统ASCII一方面,在AS文档可用的。

    The mappings between keys and key codes are device and operating system dependent. ASCII values, on the other hand, are available in the ActionScript documentation.


  • 确实对于长度一些限制可以代码轻松地调整那些限制。

    It does have some limitations on value and key lengths, but those are easily adjustable in the code.


  • 如果按照这个方式调用不安全的函数那么粘合代码将能够识别具体情况,帮助您对其进行相应处理

    If you call out this way to key-unsafe functions, the glue code recognizes the situation and takes care of it for you.


  • 直到用户交互代码明确地设置了焦点所有权特殊组件,才丢弃所有事件

    All key events are discarded until user interaction or code explicitly sets focus ownership to a particular component.


  • 这种情况下通常最好代码重构一个用户定义的函数映射随后可以调用函数。

    In such cases, it's usually a good idea to refactor the code out into a user-defined function, which the key-mapping can then call.


  • 因此,不能使用粘合代码-q inlglue内联选项编译可识别内核扩展

    Hence, a key-aware kernel extension must be compiled with the -q noinlglue option for glue code.


  • 然后enter接下来在下面的输入以下代码

    Then, press the Enter key. Next, type this code on the following line.


  • 现在浏览器复制粘贴代码输出URL,并单击enter将会要求授权MyTtDesktopClient的请求(参见2)。

    Now copy and paste the URL printed by the code in your browser, and hit the Enter key, and you will be asked to authorize the request from MyTtDesktopClient (see Figure 2).


  • 下面代码将添加上图中的所有链接

    This next section of code adds all of the foreign key links seen in the previous diagram.


  • 几行代码之后,脚本简单产品目录定义数组数组SKUs对应存放产品信息

    Following this code, the script defines a simple product catalog as an array, with the array keys as SKUs and the corresponding values holding product information.


  • 清单15.key - up事件处理程序中处理upArrowDown arrow代码片段

    Listing 15. Code fragment of the key-up event handler for handling the up Arrow and Down Arrow keys.


  • 生成使用Google足以提供运行良好代码片段

    When you generate a key, Google is nice enough to provide you with a snippet of code that can get you up and running.


  • 以下Eclipse的使用技巧代码选择errno然后f3(单击errno,然后上下文菜单中选择“OpenDeclaration”)。

    Here's an Eclipse tip: Select errno in your code, then press the F3 key (or right-click on errno, then choose Open Declaration from the context menu).


  • 代码获取需要图像描述符,然后将添加图像注册表,并使用每个图像描述符建立索引

    The idea is that your code obtains the image descriptors it needs and adds them to the image registry, indexing each one with a key.


  • 如果入口点处(或者附近)没有这样的,那么代码使用调用者当时持有任何运行

    Without a gate at (or near) an entry point, code would run with whichever keys the caller happened to hold.


  • 这个组合按下时,代码查看器仍然知道我们想要一个自动完成建议列表

    The source viewer still does not know that we want a list of completion proposals when this key combination is pressed.


  • 接下来两个代码清单处理当前释放时间查找现有签名匹配

    The next two code listings will process the current key-release times and look for a match with the existing signatures.


  • 可识别内核扩展中所有间接函数指针调用都将执行特殊的、常驻内核的粘合代码,该代码用于执行上述自动amr操作。

    All indirect function pointer calls in a key-aware kernel extension go through special kernel-resident glue code that performs the automatic AMR manipulations described above.


  • 可能希望查找代码打包指定模板,使代码更加清晰。

    You might try to clean up this code a bit by packaging the key lookup code in a named template.


  • 每行包含下订单客户、订单的总价值、下订单的日期描述订单优先次序代码

    Each row also contains the customer key that placed the order, the total value of the order, the date the order was placed, and a code describing its priority.


  • 通常调用规则代码需要确保会话存在对应于预期对象

    It is generally up to the code calling the rule to make sure that the object exists on the session at the expected key.


  • 决定使用 acmecorp.biz/geotweet 之类的URL得到的代码移动生产环境中时,我需要生成另一个

    When I decide to move the resulting code into production — with a URL like acmecorp.biz/geotweet — I'll need to generate another key.


  • 相对前一个示例,此代码地方进行了更改放在环境Hashtable对象provider_url中的

    The code only changed from the previous example in only one place: the values placed in the PROVIDER_URL key of the environment Hashtable object.


  • Ctrl +空格触发内容助理操作并且禁止这个组合事件以便代码查看器不会进一步处理

    Pressing Ctrl + spacebar would trigger the content assist operation and would veto the key event so that it is not processed any further by the source viewer.


  • 如果使用是MySQL而且定义,则需要数据库加载模式之后编写代码定义这些字段

    If you're using MySQL and want to define foreign keys for a table, you'll need to define those fields in code after loading the schema from the database.


  • 如果会话存在第7代码会话中获取会话否则为null

    Line 7 gets the session key from the session if it's already present, else it would be null.


  • 用户单击okenter用户密码输入时将执行上面所示逻辑代码

    When the user clicks OK or presses Enter to move from user name to password entry, the logic block shown above is executed.


  • 用户单击okenter用户密码输入时将执行上面所示逻辑代码

    When the user clicks OK or presses Enter to move from user name to password entry, the logic block shown above is executed.


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