• 几分钟之后看到表现——安打失误错误打法。

    After the minute, you will be shown how you did - your hits, misses and wrong hits.


  • 由于校准失误图表数目错误

    The amount was misstated in the table because of an error by regulators.


  • 磁盘错误管理员失误其他问题可能破坏关键的磁盘结构(比如分区表),从而影响一个磁盘所有

    Disk errors, administrator mistakes, and other problems can affect all the volumes on a disk by wiping out critical disk structures, such as the partition table.


  • 空间飞行器中安装有甚至计算机这样余性保证失误错误情况下一切照旧工作

    Thus when two, or even three, computers were used in space vehicles this redundancy ensure that everything would continue to work in the event of failure or errors.


  • 少年儿童前额皮层组织不成熟前额皮层组织受创伤病人一样,在记忆追踪失误会产生更多错误

    Young children, who have an immature PFC, and stroke patients with extensive PFC damage make more errors as a result of memory-monitoring failures.


  • 因为女人一些错误任何重大失误并不使被认为一无是处

    You aren't being determined to be soinsignificant to these women because there is something wrong with you or thatyou are making any kind of huge mistake.


  • if语句用作简单错误控制如果由于用户的小失误而导致找到文件,则退出脚本

    The if statement ACTS as simple error control, exiting our script if it does not find the file with a somewhat graceful error for our users.


  • 第二男人约会时所失误男人犯下的错误最糟糕一个

    The second slip-up some men make on a date is one of the worst mistakes a man can ever make.


  • 章节指出,导致英国石油公司油井爆炸大多数错误疏忽都可以归结一个主要的原因——管理失误

    The chapter stated that “most of the mistakes and oversights” leading to the explosion at BP’s well “can be traced back to a single overarching failure—a failure of management”.


  • 并非全新产品并且他们犯了一个错误不过并不认为灾难性失误

    It's not a fully fleshed out product and they made a mistake but I don't think it's sinister.


  • 有了合适的指导帮助排除未知风险潜在的失误以及错误途径可以成功CMMI实现中获得实在的商业价值

    With a proper guide to help navigate around unknown dangers, potential pitfalls, and false paths, you too, can realize substantial business value from a successful CMMI implementation.


  • 这本选举策略失误变装形象依然成了替罪羊:朱利安尼后来再上“周六现场时说当年最大错误就是主持这个节目的时候穿裙子。”

    But it was still the drag outfit that was blamed: Giuilani later reappeared on Saturday Night Live saying "one of my key mistakes, years ago, was when I hosted this show, I wore a dress."


  • 虽然这次失误相对来说并不,但是却出现出现错误时间第四季度正是无线通信行业传统强势增长的时候。

    The latest fault, though relatively small, comes at a bad time as the fourth quarter traditionally means strong growth in the wireless industry.


  • 金融市场全球化建立一个错误主张”——金融市场见过各国自己失误。他全球监管有必要

    He said that the globalization of financial markets was built on a "false pretense" that financial markets could be left to their own devices and said global regulation was needed.


  • 失误打出错别字时,在输入个单词,会停顿平常更长一点的时间,但是屏幕上出现错误单词的时候,他们不会停顿的。

    When the fingers slipped up, they paused a split second longer than usual before typing the next letter. But they didn't pause when fake typos appeared on-screen only.


  • 即使还没有意识错误发生,或者看来,自己的应对还算不上失误其他人都会言之凿凿地告诉又是你!”

    Even if he wasn't consciously aware of his slip-ups, or if a certain reaction didn't seem (in his eyes, anyway) to be an error of judgment, others would undoubtedly point out his blunders to him.


  • 实际上失误结果行政命令的变动被错误宣读然后又过于激动地被报道了出来。

    It was the result of a bungle: a bureaucratic rule-change misleadingly announced and over-excitedly reported.


  • 作者深入挖掘每个案例弄清错误背后还有什么原因,发现百分之五十六情况是病人问题简单误诊导致失误发生。

    The authors dug into each case to determine what had been behind the mistakes and found that 56% of the time simple misdiagnosis of the patient's problem had contributed to the error.


  • BP的报告得出结论认为,难以相信这项错误关键因素在于固井失败确实重大失误其他失误没有比这一失误显得更为重要

    The report concludes that this error is unlikely to have been key to the cement failure, but it is a pretty striking mistake and others will likely differ on its significance.


  • 如果缺乏布展经验那么可能布展时间内失误疲于奔命,为错误改变施工方案

    If the lack of exhibition experience, then it is possible for small mistakes constantly on the run in the exhibition time, change the construction scheme for a big mistake.


  • 但是他们表示沟通失误造成包括错误病人在内的病人混淆至少一个原因

    But they say errors in communication were at least one cause of all the patient mix-ups involving the wrong patient.


  • 透明的、真实的人,一种建设性的态度谈论自己失误错误

    Be transparent, authentic and willing to talk about your mistakes and faults in a constructive manner.


  • 此事的询问中,我们发现对于情报决策过程一些专业错误一些行动失误

    In this inquiry, we found that there were some professional mistakes regarding both the intelligence and the decision-making process and some of the operational mistakes.


  • 学着发觉错误失误的识别也是很关键的。

    Learning to detect false or misleading tells is also critical.


  • 失误运用外语进行交流时由于做出不正确语言行为违反了说话规则产生的错误,是语用层面上错误

    Pragmatic errors refers to the use of language to communicate, because of making inappropriate language behavior or violation of the speech rules, which is a pragmatic level error.


  • 失误运用外语进行交流时由于做出不正确语言行为违反了说话规则产生的错误,是语用层面上错误

    Pragmatic errors refers to the use of language to communicate, because of making inappropriate language behavior or violation of the speech rules, which is a pragmatic level error.


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