• 为了维护安全交易环境销售限制有时帐户设置

    In order to maintain a safe trading environment, selling limits are occasionally placed on accounts.


  • 烟草公司一如既往地被威胁将增收税款增加销售限制,于是长年累月榜上有名。

    Tobacco companies are routinely threatened with every tax and sales restriction going, and are perennial fixtures on the list.


  • 销售限制运用不当,产生效果相反风险导致收益损失无法开拓提前预订。

    The risk if the application of salesrestrictions are not done properly is to get the opposite effect which is losing revenue and not exploiting advancebookings.


  • 一位工程师愉快的指出美敦力合资公司作为当地企业可以低价购买所需原材料,而不用顾及中国该种原材料的销售限制

    An engineer gleefully points out that as a local entity the Medtronic joint venture can buy essential rare-earth metals cheaply, despite Chinese restrictions on their sale (see article).


  • 核查所有活动/需求日期相关预订情况,如果该段时间内既有预计满的日期,又预计不满房的日期,则使用销售限制

    Verify all the Event/High Day Type andrelative portfolio's and use the sales restrictions if the periods are mixed with constraints/non constraineddays.


  • 做出努力限制销售

    Efforts were made to limit the sale of alcohol.


  • 美国国会正在考虑一项法案法案严格限制烟草广告继续儿童销售香烟的烟草公司处以罚款

    The US Congress is considering a bill which would place tight restrictions on tobacco advertising and impose penalties on tobacco companies if they continue to sell cigarettes to children.


  • 房地产价值过热时,他们改变规定限制贷款与价值比率提高房屋销售税率,他们近期昂贵的房地产采取了这些措施。

    When property prices heat up, they change the rules: restricting loan-to-value ratios or raising the tax on home sales as they recently did with more expensive properties.


  • 2006年包括麦当劳汉堡在内一些业内主要公司加入一份自愿协议,该协议美国商业监督局发起,力图限制儿童销售不健康食品

    Harris says.In 2006, industry leaders including McDonald's and Burger King entered into a voluntary agreement initiated by the Better Business Bureau to limit the marketing of unhealthy food to kids.


  • 可惜是,医疗销售国际条约限制替代实验的开展。

    Sadly, international agreements on the sale of medical treatments limit the use of alternatives.


  • 最大缺点就是这种方法销售的产品有些限制

    The big disadvantage is that there are often limits on what you can sell with this approach.


  • 最近突然出现涨价反映出可供销售数量极为有限,特别是考虑到几个关键主要出口国广泛采取了限制措施。

    Recent sudden price rises reflect the very limited supplies available for sale, especially given the wide range of restrictions imposed by key major exporting countries.


  • 结果各国央行达成协议,协调限制今后销售

    The result was an agreement between central banks to co-ordinate and limit future sales.


  • 类似的限制阻碍国外书籍杂志销售

    Similar restrictions hamper the distribution of foreign books and magazines.


  • 销售增进使汽车交易商高兴鼓励银行放宽汽车交易商供应商贷款限制

    A boost in sales would please dealers, too, and encourage Banks to relax their tight credit terms for dealers and suppliers.


  • 当然苹果一个强大的商店最好媒体播放销售众多其他增长计划,但是提高了对乔布斯限制

    Sure, Apple had a strong store, best-selling media players and plenty of other opportunities for growth. But it was also bumping up against the limitations of Steve Jobs.


  • 新法使郊区建立大型超市更为容易并且撤消了零售商不得以低于成本价销售商品的限制

    It would make it easier to build out-of-town hypermarkets, and would scrap a rule stopping retailers from selling below cost.


  • 业界宣称相反美国,对销售个人护理产品甲醛1,4 -二恶烷其他大多数有毒化学物质的含量限制没有监管标准

    Contrary to industry statements, there are no regulatory standards that limit formaldehyde, 1, 4-dioxane or most other toxic chemicals in personal care products sold in the United States.


  • 由于诸多限制措施的实施以及房地产市场的供应开始大于需求,住房销售开始降温

    With these restraints in place, and with supply starting to catch up with demand, housing sales have slowed.


  • 今年销售增长率预计30%下降10%左右因为该国其它地区紧跟北京举动限制城市汽车数量

    Annual sales growth is forecast to fall from 30% to around 10% from this year as other parts of the country follow Beijing's move to restrict the number of cars in the city.


  • 比如说不是仅仅因为10销售就意味着你一定要将职业限制销售上。

    For example, just because you have been in sales for the past 10 years doesn't mean you are limited to sales as a career.


  • 限制销售法规20世纪前半叶证明全国公共卫生上的一成功

    The regulation of raw milk sales in the first half of the 20th century proved to be a major public health success in this country.


  • 使用维度安全可以销售经理能够访问Retailers维度成员限制他们所管理国家的零售商。

    With dimension security, you can limit the members of the Retailers dimension that sales managers can access to only those in the countries that they manage.


  • 可以保证隐私但是限制Google通过销售广告客户正在查看的内容取得利润并且使这些服务用处变小

    That would assure privacy, but it would limit Google's profits from selling to advertisers information about what you are doing, and make those services less useful.


  • 我们认为苹果DRM限制最大的事情,看看销售数字,其实是成立的。

    We here on the blog-space seem to think that the distain for Apple's DRM is a majority ideal, but when you look at the sales figures that doesn't hold up.


  • 我们认为苹果DRM限制最大的事情,看看销售数字,其实是成立的。

    We here on the blog-space seem to think that the distain for Apple's DRM is a majority ideal, but when you look at the sales figures that doesn't hold up.


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