• 许多国家无论是产量质量下降商品因为销售局废除

    In many countries, both yields and quality of commodities have fallen since the marketing boards were abolished.


  • 公司美国食品及药品管理局申请销售药物许可证

    The company has applied to the FDA for a licence to sell the drug.


  • 网络泡沫破灭使大多数预测变得不可信随后几年里随着人口普查局持续报告在线销售疲软的情况,传统零售商未来信心增强

    The dot.com bust discredited most predictions of that sort and in the years that followed, conventional retailers' confidence in the future increased as Census continued to report weak online sales.


  • 似乎普查局只是大部分网上销售错误分类了。

    It seems likely that Census simply misclassifies a large chunk of online sales.


  • 互联网商业开放20多年人口普查局告诉我们2016年一季度实体店销售零售额92.3%。

    More than 20 years after the internet was opened to commerce, the Census Bureau tells us that brick and mortar sales accounted for 92.3 percent of retail sales in the first quarter of 2016.


  • 网上隐形眼镜销售火爆,但是在美国这是违法的,因为该隐形眼镜没有经过食品药物管理局(FDA)的批准

    They are selling fast on the Internet but illegal in the United States and not FDA approved.


  • 食品药物监管已经加强许可销售药品监督

    The Food and drug Administration (FDA) has stepped up scrutiny of drugs that have already been approved for sale.


  • 出于同样想法,纽约市教育局4月12日一致投票同意创建一个学校互联网门户收益通过销售广告特许电子商务网站的方式获得。

    In the same spirit, the New York City board of education voted unanimously on April 12 to create a school Internet portal, which would make money by selling ads and licensing e-commerce sites.


  • 专卖局制定重量长度的度量标准,监管食盐樟脑鸦片火柴烟草以及其他一些产品生产销售

    The Monopoly Bureau regulated weights and measures and oversaw the production and marketing of salt, camphor, opium, matches, liquor, tobacco, and other products.


  • 一些销售的已经被没收大多数金德糖果私人商店或是邮件快递托运公司在没收“海关边境保护局这么说。”

    "While there are some commercial-sized seizures that occur, most Kinder Eggs are seized in personal baggage or at mail and express consignment facilities," Customs and Border Protection said.


  • 英国国家统计局公布数据显示服装鞋类销售上个月零售表现疲弱主要原因,这类销售下降了1.2%,食品支出上涨0.7%。

    The ONS figures showed sales of clothing and footwear were the main cause of the sluggish performance last month, falling 1.2%, while spending on food was 0.7% higher.


  • 英国食品标准管理局声称:最近被发现销售来自克隆牛后代牛肉~甚至可能牛奶非法的。

    The UK's Food Standards Agency says the recently revealed sale of beef and possibly milk from the offspring of cloned cattle is unlawful. So what is all the fuss about?


  • 商业改进地区列出经认证汽车销售商的名单。

    And the Better Business Bureau Web site lists accredited car dealers by region as well.


  • 2006年包括麦当劳汉堡在内一些业内主要公司加入一份自愿协议,该协议美国商业监督局发起,力图限制儿童销售不健康食品

    Harris says.In 2006, industry leaders including McDonald's and Burger King entered into a voluntary agreement initiated by the Better Business Bureau to limit the marketing of unhealthy food to kids.


  • 食品药品管理局能够提取这些审计报告,(目前)乔氏好事多这销售进口食品公司做出的私人审计报告并非如此

    The audit reports will be available to the FDA, which hasn't been true of private audits conducted by companies who sell imported food, such as Trader Joe's and Costco.


  • 日本销售经理拒绝承认早期浙江工商行政管理局发布的声明,声明中要求丰田补偿顾客们的损失

    The Japanese manager denied earlier information released by the Zhejiang Administration for Industry &Commerce, which had released a statement demanding Toyota compensate for consumer losses.


  • 美国环境保护局EPA规定美国销售汽油必须含有洗涤剂,保证污染物在排出尾气之前被分解掉。

    The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires that automotive fuels sold in the United States contain detergents to help scrub away pollution before it goes out the vehicle’s tailpipe.


  • 美国环境保护局EPA规定美国销售汽油必须含有洗涤剂,保证污染物在排出尾气之前被分解掉。

    The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires that automotive fuels sold in the United States contain detergents to help scrub away pollution before it goes out the vehicle's tailpipe.


  • 英国金融服务管理局今年7月起监管这些计划销售行为,赋予其监管权力,以确保它们房屋业主公平的。

    The FSA will regulate the sale of these schemes from July this year, which will give it the power to ensure they are fair to home owners.


  • 与此同时澳大利亚统计局(Australian Bureau ofStatistics)公布7月份零售销售营建许可双双回升,显示经济正在复苏。

    At the same time, the Australian Bureau of Statistics reported a rebound in both retail sales and building approvals in July, pointing to a recovery in activity.


  • 北美共有约1万家商业改进(BBB)认可的新车二手车销售商和约1万5千家维修保养店。

    There are roughly 10,000 new - and used-car dealers in North America accredited by the Better Business Bureau, and an additional 15,000 that provide repair and service.


  • 零售业销售上升百分之20.8月11日增速9月,国家统计局今天

    Retail sales rose 20.8 percent in November, the slowest pace in nine months, the National Bureau of Statistics also said today.


  • 安大略省属哥伦比亚引入合并销售税影响了价格新斯科舍省的合并销售税把当地价格推高2%,这是由加拿大统计局星期五提供的。

    Prices were affected by the introduction of the harmonized sales tax in Ontario and British Columbia, and a two-percentage-point increase in Nova Scotia's HST, Statistics Canada said Friday.


  • 通用汽车董事局意外取消汽车部件供应商麦格纳国际以及俄罗斯银行Sberbank销售欧洲子公司欧宝的计划

    The board of directors at General Motors made a surprise decision cancelling the planned sale of Opel, the carmaker's European arm, to Magna, a car-parts supplier, and Sberbank, a big Russian bank.


  • 购买房产销售协议递交国土注册局并开出收据。

    The sale agreements forthe purchase of properties are submitted to the Land Registry andreceipts are issued.


  • TripAdvisor欧洲地区销售总监MartinVerdon-Roe表示:“旅游者可以看到一个有意义目的地内容页面,它包含旅游局提供的活动信息,因为旅游局了解他们目的地。”

    Travellers will now be able to see valuable destination content including regularly updated events informationfrom tourist boards who know their destinations best.


  • 一个例子,美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)允许销售医疗设备只要能够保证这些设备带给患者益处大过风险

    For example, in the United States, the food and Drug Administration (FDA) to allow the sale of medical equipment, as long as these devices can ensure the benefits outweigh the risk to patients.


  • 一个例子,美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)允许销售医疗设备只要能够保证这些设备带给患者益处大过风险

    For example, in the United States, the food and Drug Administration (FDA) to allow the sale of medical equipment, as long as these devices can ensure the benefits outweigh the risk to patients.


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