• 本文多层目录网页链接路径选择提供方法网页制作网站维护提供参考

    The paper offers the method to the choice of chaining the route of the webpage under the multi-layer catalogue, and offers reference to webpage making, website managing.


  • 蜘蛛一般都是按照链接路径爬行页面只有经过爬行可能收录的可能,爬行越多收录的机会越大

    The spider crawls according to link method commonly, and the likelihood that the page passes creeping ability to be collected likely only, crawls so that collect more more opportunity is greater also.


  • 链接可能使用一个相对绝对路径因此可能希望名称前面有星号标记,找到所有匹配

    Links may use a relative or absolute path, so you probably want a leading asterisk in the name to find all matches.


  • 每个链接都代表通信路径组件之间关联

    Each link represents a communication path or an association between components.


  • 本地任务应该提供一个默认任务链接条目相同路径

    Every set of local tasks should also provide a default task that links to the same path as its parent when clicked.


  • 需要文件(目录)别名时,您使用链接目的可能是提供方便简短路径

    You use links when you need an alias for a file (or directory), possibly to provide a more convenient or shorter path.


  • 使用超级链接文件路径文件夹名称链接内容

    A hyperlink, file path, or folder name is used to link to the content.


  • API设计是以资源中心的,APIURL路径主机右边保留资源数据引用使用链接相关资源联系在一起

    Designed to be resource centric, the API keeps the data references for resources in the URL path, to the right of the host name, and USES links to tie together related resources.


  • 绝对路径尤其适用样式创建链接

    The absolute paths are particularly useful for links created by the style sheet.


  • 如果路径链接那么它链接真实路径应该满足这个长度限制

    If the path is a link, the real path it links to should also follow this length limit.


  • 可以快速跳到另外一只需单击浏览路径记录中的链接

    You can quickly hop up to another level simply by clicking on one of the links in the breadcrumb trail.


  • 这个最佳解决方案设计网站之初就建立信息返回路径链接

    The best solution is to offer a link for changing back to the default site layout.


  • 我们创建链接,当我们工作目录不是我们希望建立链接目录时,我们使用相对路径创建一个链接

    While we're creating links, let's create a link using relative paths when our working directory is not the directory where we want the link.


  • 虚拟网络中的节点可以认为虚拟或逻辑链接连接起来每个对应一个路径可能底层网络通过多个逻辑链接

    Nodes in the virtual network can be thought of as being connected by virtual or logical links, each of which corresponds to a path, perhaps through many physical links, in the underlying network.


  • 一些特定缺省路径符号链接因此在将文件复制位置一定要所有符号链接进行重设

    There are symbolic links specific to the default path, so after copying the files to a new location, you need to make sure to reset any symbolic links.


  • 特别地,绝对相对路径选择可能受到链接期内链接对象预期设想影响。

    In particular, your choice of absolute or relative paths is likely to be influenced by what you expect to happen to the objects you are linking over the life of the link.


  • 如果遇到向您通知路径链接问题警告则单击yes

    If you see a warning notifying you of path link problems, click Yes.


  • doWork方法提供错误代码表示这些故障发生路径问题原因作为链接异常提供。

    An error code is provided to indicate which of these failure paths occurred, and the cause of the problem is provided as a linked exception.


  • 使用相对路径允许通过目录链接一个需要文件例如

    The use of relative paths allows you to link to a file by walking up and down the tree of directories as needed, for instance.


  • 数据库链接联合系统Oracle中描述个数据库另一个数据库的路径对象

    Database link Federated system in Oracle, this is an object that describes a path from one database to another.


  • 另外建议使用符号链接设备创建更简单路径

    It is also recommended that you create simpler paths for the devices by using symbolic links. For example.


  • 可以创建interfaces文件链接或者CREATEserver语句中使用IFILE服务器选项指定文件路径

    You can also create a link to the interfaces file or use the IFILE server option in the create server statement to specify the full path to the file.


  • 这个组件路径穿过他们的视图然后变成用来参考链接Utility JARLinkedPathVariable物理定义如图11所示。

    The path to this component through their view then becomes the physical definition of the Linked Path Variable used to reference the linked Utility JARs, as shown in Figure 11.


  • 测试诸如单击链接这样的用户动作可以通过使用WicketTesterclickLink()方法实现,只需为之传递链接组件ID路径然后验证呈现的组件即可,如清单23

    Testing a user action such as clicking a link can be done using WicketTester's clickLink() method, passing it the link component ID path, and then verifying the rendered page, as shown in Listing 23.


  • 通过 /etc/ld.so.conf控制动态链接器,文件包含默认搜索路径列表

    The dynamic linker is controlled through /etc/ld.so.conf, which contains a list of directories to search by default.


  • 我们知道,人发育学习期间大脑里面发生一种形式选择——那些运转正常的突触链接路径得到加强,弱者恶化

    We know that a form of selection occurs within our brains as we develop and learn - synaptic connections and pathways that work well are reinforced, whereas weak ones deteriorate.


  • 可以通过配置将目的地彼此链接一起,从而有效地创建消息遵循路由路径

    Destinations can be linked to each other by means of configuration, effectively creating a routing path that messages follow.


  • 浏览路径记录位于功能画布顶部一系列灰色链接,指向图表中的每一

    Located at the top of the capability map canvas in grey, the breadcrumb trail is a series of hyperlinks to each level in the diagram.


  • 如果导航到站点路径是完全通过链接的,说明信息交互设计做好

    If there are paths by which your site can be navigated purely through hyperlinks, you've probably not done a good job of information and interaction design.


  • 修改动态链接搜索路径

    Modifying the dynamic linker search path.


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