• 应用程序允许银行审计

    The application allows bank auditors to.


  • 因此充分发挥商业银行审计作用无疑迫切重要

    Therefore, it is urge nt and imperative to give full play to the role of commercial banks in auditing.


  • 萨拉·帕克斯是第一国民银行出纳员,她刚刚接受银行审计拉里·康纳来访。

    Sarah Parkes, a teller at the First National bank, has just been visited by one of the bank auditors.


  • 与此同时计算机错误舞弊甚至犯罪案件不断增加,这使商业银行审计面临严峻挑战。

    At the same time, the mistake of computer, malpractice, even misdeeds through computer have increased quickly. Therefore, audit of commercial bank is faced with...


  • 与此同时计算机错误舞弊甚至犯罪案件不断增加,这使商业银行审计面临严峻挑战。

    At the same time, the mistake of computer, malpractice, even misdeeds through computer have increased quickly. Therefore, audit of commercial bank is faced with an austere challen...


  • 目前我国商业银行审计正处于账项基础审计制度基础审计风险基础审计过渡混合阶段

    At present, auditing of our commercial Banks is in a mixed transitional period from transaction-based auditing to system-based auditing and risk-based auditing.


  • 计算机信息系统环境商业银行审计程序审计计划内部控制测试发生巨大的变化。

    In the circumstance of computer informational system, many changes have happened in commercial bank's operation, such as audit procedure, audit plan, the test of interior control, etc.


  • 国有商业银行审计推行风险导向内部审计可以达到加强内部管理、提高效益防范风险的作用。

    To promote risk-oriented internal audit in the state-owned commercial Banks can make it possible to strengthen the internal management, improve the efficiency and prevent the risk.


  • 按照《美国银行家》最近公布数据,美国排名50位的银行审计业务,普华永道、毕马威、安永一共享有80%的市场份额。

    PricewaterhouseCoopers , KPMG and Ernst & Young audit 80% of the Top 50 U. S. banks as ranked on U. S. Banker's recently released list.


  • 银行进行内部审计最先得知这个问题

    The bank first learned of the problem when it carried out an internal audit.


  • 不过只有日本新的严格审计体系投入使用后才有可能毕竟,他们自己银行危机才刚松了口气而已。

    It was only after Japan was able to put in place a new system of tough auditing, after all, that its own banking crisis abated.


  • 世界银行行长通过世行审计委员会磋商确定委员会的成员

    Members will be selected by the President of the World Bank in consultation with the Bank's Audit Committee.


  • 为了减弱虚假警报危险监管者保留审计宣布银行有清偿能力权力

    To counter the risk of a false alarm, the regulator would reserve the right to declare a bank solvent after an audit.


  • 不仅世界杯筹办工作,对私营公司银行金融市场审计标准南非自诩达到了世界一流水平。

    And not only in preparing for the World Cup. South Africa boasts private companies, Banks, financial markets and auditing standards that are as good as any, anywhere.


  • 为了监管审计,而迫使银行反复根据已经受损市场市值调整资本价值做法荒谬令人吃惊。

    For regulators and auditors to force Banks to repeatedly write down the value of their regulatory capital based on an impaired market is an astonishing absurdity.


  • 一些银行风险事项审计委员会全体董事完好操控

    At some Banks risk issues are handled perfectly well by the audit committee or the full board.


  • 德勤银行保险公司首席风险的调查发现,73%的人预计每年合规、风险、审计其它控制职能上的支出继续增加

    Deloitte surveyed chief risk officers at Banks and insurance companies and found that 73 per cent expected annual spending on compliance, risk, audit and other control functions to continue to rise.


  • 银行甚至重新分配员工专门审计这些按揭抵押获得更多的抵押贷款!

    The bank even reassigned the staff member dedicated to auditing the mortgages to producing more mortgages!


  • 银行偿债能力取决于监管者投资者各自判断而非审计人员签字的一报告所能解决。

    A bank's solvency is a matter of judgment for its regulators and for investors, not whatever a piece of paper signed by its auditors says it is.


  • 需要帐户转帐零售银行客户(用户)以及监督所有银行事务审计可以访问应用程序

    The application is accessed by retail bank customers (users) that need to transfer funds from their accounts to other accounts and by auditors that supervise all bank transactions.


  • 银行审计要求银行更多资产放在公允价值体系薄弱环节(流动性最差的资产)。

    Banks are also being asked by their auditors to put more assets into the fair-value regime's lowest bucket (for the most illiquid assets).


  • 财政监管——中央银行声称常规审计显示银行健康状况良好

    The financial regulator, the Central bank, insists that routine audits showed the bank was in rude health.


  • 昨天,中国生物科技的银行询证函大考也以失败告终公司审计BDO宣布辞职

    Yesterday China-Biotics failed its cash confirmation test when auditor BDO resigned.


  • 需要帐户转帐资金零售银行客户监督所有交易审计(称作用户)可以访问应用程序

    Both retail bank customers who need to transfer funds from their account and auditors who supervise all transactions (referred to as the users) can access the application.


  • 零售银行客户(用户)可以访问这个应用程序资金自己帐户转出来审计员可以监督所有银行事务

    The application can be accessed by retail bank customers (users) who need to transfer funds from their accounts and by auditors who supervise all banking transactions.


  • 委员会该局业务绩效世界银行集团其它机构之间合作等方面,为机构廉洁局、世界银行行长、以及世行的审计委员会提供建议。

    The board will advise int, the World Bank President, and the Bank's Audit Committee on the operations of the unit, its performance, and interactions with other parts of the World Bank Group.


  • 现金审计绝大部分审计工作银行对账单开始

    Most audit work on cash is done working from the bank statement.


  • 现在审计进行协商了,”接近会谈一个银行

    "Now the negotiations are with the auditors," says a banker who was close to the talks.


  • 而且他们财务审计名声赫赫的律师美国银行

    They had audited financials, big-name lawyers and Bank of America.


  • 如果一家公司有意舞弊,银行证函这一审计程序他们来说一项重要的威胁。

    If a company is intent on committing fraud, the bank confirmation process is a major threat to their activities.


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