• 这次锦标赛中捞到的作为职业运动员整整3的还要

    He pocketed more money from this tournament than in his entire three years as a professional.


  • 什么意思啊足够?我一样一文不

    What do you mean, I've got enough money? I'm as broke as you are.


  • 男子强迫店员跑开,然后偷走现金出纳机里的

    Two men forced the clerks to flee before helping themselves to the cash register.


  • 为一毕业于北京大学的博士,他可以赚很多,只做他现在所做工作的一半,但他毕业时选择了从事更困难更重要的工作。

    As a doctor who graduated from Peking University, he could make lots of money and only do half the work he is doing now, but he chose to do more difficult and important work when he graduated.


  • 英国女子在被评为世界最佳教师后赢得了一百万美元的奖金,她将用这笔把励志人物带入英国校园。

    A British woman who won a $1 million prize after she was named the World's Best Teacher will use the cash to bring inspirational figures into UK schools.


  • 格雷厄姆说:“认为作为美国参议员,我应该能力所在的争取一些资金,只要这些透明的,支出是有道理的。”

    "I think I should have the ability as a United States Senator to direct money back to my state as long it is transparent and it makes sense," said Lindsey Graham.


  • 短暂停顿之后作家(她早些已经迎来了某种程度商业成功转向冰冷的语调,“认为必须写作。” 我惶恐极了,以至于僵硬地微笑着。

    After a brief pause, the other writer, who had enjoyed a degree of commercial success years earlier, turned to me and said in the chilliest of tones, “I didn't think you had to write for money.


  • 店员示意把东西装棕色袋子里,于是

    The clerk packs my purchases into a brown paper bag, and I pay.


  • 成长复杂多少有点晦涩关系中,母亲对于嫁给很多的人感到不安更是火上浇油。

    I grew up with a complicated and somewhat opaque relationship to money, fueled by my mother's unease about having married a man who made a lot of it.


  • 数千武装分子18生效的赦免上签了,在其中他们同意交出武器参加课程接受职业培训

    Thousands of these fighters have signed up to an amnesty that began 18 months ago, whereby they agreed to hand over their weapons, attend this course, and do vocational training.


  • 当地官员合谋承包一工程,伪造工作天数,以此来从不为人知的员工帐户获取额外的

    He conspired with a local official and contractor to fake the number of days worked under the scheme, withdrawing the extra money from oblivious workers' accounts.


  • 如果期望成为糕点厨师,将全国甜食爱好者的纳入私囊,那么,在一家烘焙学校甜点厨师学院获得坚实教育增大你求职的竞争力。

    If you're hoping to cash in on the country's collective sweet tooth by becoming a pastry chef, getting a solid education at a baking school or pastry chef college can help give you a competitive edge.


  • 先生否认了这些指控加州理工学院的同事辩护,校方也聘请了律师帮助

    Mr. Qian denied the charges, his Caltech colleagues came to his defense, and the university hired a lawyer to assist him.


  • 海盗行为索马里已经成为一种见怪不怪的现象,年轻人长大他们就渴望成为一海盗因为成为海盗可以赚

    Piracy in Somalia has become so common that when young boys grow up they wish to become pirates because that's where the money is.


  • 毒瘾年轻女孩家长仍然不间断地给买衣服”的

    The parents of a young daughter with drug addiction keep giving her "clothing" money.


  • 其他人认为莱格似乎并不知道伦敦出适当工资雇请清洁工需要花多少

    Other sources said Legg appeared to have no idea about the costs of paying a fair wage to a cleaner in London.


  • 稀有的“杏仁核”损伤病人赌博游戏中自己可能输掉多少毫不在意,此现象证明了研究结论的正确性。

    The evidence comes from two patients with rare amygdala injuries who displayed an unusual disregard for how much they stood to lose when taking part in a gambling game.


  • 为了或者为了至少囚犯获释

    For money and for at least two prisoners' release.


  • 说着翻开口袋,把全倒桌子上共有十几金洋,五六块艾居[法国银币。 ]些小零币。

    And he emptied his pockets on the table, the contents consisting of a dozen gold pieces, five or six five-franc pieces, and some smaller coin.


  • 猴子涂鸦画家表示“道德”。朋友爬上红绿灯,将旗帜挂在上面:旗帜上描绘了一手持大镰刀一手拿大把形象。

    "He's got good morals," conceded a graffiti artist called Monkey, while helping his friend scale a traffic light and drape a banner: it depicted a grim reaper clutching fistfuls of banknotes.


  • 这位英国律师随后指认了一那不勒斯船主,迭戈·阿塔纳西奥,称他这笔真正来源

    The British lawyer subsequently identified a Neapolitan ship owner, Diego Attanasio, as the true source of the funds.


  • 记者录下了医生的话:“相信如果面前乞丐,其中是个瘸子,你会这个瘸子的。”

    "Believe me if there are two beggars in front of you and one of them is lame, you will give the money to the lame beggar," the station recorded him as saying in Hindi.


  • 证人保存莫利纳党派成员往来短信,其人一辆汽车他保守秘密。

    The witness said that he had saved text messages that he had exchanged with a member of Pérez Molina's party, who had offered him a car and money to remain silent.


  • 弗兰克特隆是一经验老道科技银行家并不认为科技界将面临大范围泡沫不过有些私人公司挣到了太多的让他隐隐感到不安。

    Frank Quattrone, the veteran tech banker, demurs on the question of a broader bubble but says he frets about the premiums some private companies are commanding.


  • 弗兰克特隆是一经验老道科技银行家并不认为科技界将面临大范围泡沫不过有些私人公司挣到了太多的让他隐隐感到不安。

    Frank Quattrone, the veteran tech banker, demurs on the question of a broader bubble but says he frets about the premiums some private companies are commanding.


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