• 一天,我遇到了一个以前的同学,他做副业赚了很多

    One day I met a former classmate of mine who was making a lot of money running a sideline.


  • 她的同学们知道后,他们都开始卖掉旧玩具、衣服和书来筹

    When her classmates got to know this, they all began to sell their old toys, clothes and books to collect money too.


  • 很多同学尝试过写财务技术博客并真的赚到了

    Numerous students have taken up personal finance or tech blogging to earn some money for college.


  • 首先要臭死同学XXX因为了我的五毛一直上课本子

    I go to my classmates Chousi XXX, because he owes me the money has not also gave. I also take classes in the book is zoned chaos.


  • 大多数同学一样斯科特极少的些零工支付基本费用

    Like most of his classmates, Scott tries to get by on a shoestring and manages to earn enough in odd jobs to pay some expenses.


  • 波特一个渴望远离童年,远离父亲旁观者为了离家出走而存为挣一点点同学试卷

    Porter is an outsider who longs to be free of his childhood, particularly his father; he's funding his escape by writing papers for classmates at a tidy profit.


  • 同学了29了个账户

    It cost Wang 29 yuan to open an account.


  • 的朋友可以QQ或者邮箱联系,你们姓名报给我,然后我会通过邮箱把深大一个同学的平安卡账号他的名字发给, 到时你通过网上或者柜台转账过去就行了, 等把收齐以后我们统一给那位朋友!

    Anyone who wants to donate money can contact me through QQ or mailbox and meantime send your name to me. Then I will send you a bank account to which you can remit your money.


  • 想起去年那个圣诞节收到了许多礼物同学贺卡朋友一角等等,我拿到真的别提有多高兴了。

    Recall that Christmas last year, I received many gifts, with my classmates to send greeting CARDS, good friend sent a dime, and so on, when I get really don't mention how happy.


  • 智联招聘网职业顾问亮亮鼓励同学兼职,以便更好地利用学校里学到的知识

    Qian Liangliang, a career consultant at Zhaopin. com, encourages students to take part-time jobs which make good use of their campus knowledge.


  • 毕业之后,同学找到向我了一笔,相当于那时刚工作的两个月的工资虽说我的日子不好过但是出于同情心借给

    After graduation, one classmates borrowed much money which about my twice salary from me at that time, though my days was difficult, I still lent to him with sympathetic.


  • 同学终于想出了一种办法决定用摄像机记录大学生活最后日日夜夜。

    Qian Jing and her fellow students had a good idea. They decided to videotape the last days of their university life.


  • 校园里同学一袋食品款有一款的时髦又一桌的生日,得花多少啊!

    Campus, students, and it's a small bag has a bag of food, then one with a fashionable clothing, that table has a table of the birthday party, was how much Boyd!


  • 宿舍所有同学凑了玛丽了一件生日礼物

    All the students in the bedroom whipped round to give Mary a birthday present.


  • 除了一些袜子之外花费了橡皮大部分铅笔入盒-那时五彩缤纷的铅笔盒子在我的同学之中炫耀最好事物

    Apart from buying some socks, I spent most of my money on rubber, pencil boxes-at that time, colorful pencil boxes were the best thing to show off among my little classmates.


  • 如果许多,你干什么列表中添加更多想法然后其他同学分享答案

    What would you do if you had a lot of money? Add more ideas to the list and share your answers with other students.


  • 清华大学化学系副教授卫忠(音译)接受《人民日报》采访称赞同学是富有责任感公民

    Qian Weizhong, an associate professor of chemistry at Tsinghua University, praised the students for being responsible citizens when interviewed by People's Daily.


  • 同学被偷过?

    Has someone ever taken money from one of your classmates?


  • 华罗庚同学年轻时候勤奋努力他们相信天道酬勤

    Hua is the money and students, at all times by a young hard work, they believe work hard will give you achievement.


  • 小时侯学校因为同学掉了老师误认为小偷我站在门外,我知道是谁偷了但是没有站出来,让替死鬼

    A child in school, because students lost money, I was mistaken for a thief teachers, teachers stand to be outside, I know who stole the money, but she did not stand up, let me do a scapegoat!


  • 大卫和他同学怎么处理卖小甜饼赚来

    What did David's class do with the money from the cookie sale?


  • 因此为了得到这些卡片许多同学竭力甚至

    Therefore, to get these CARDS, many students try their best to get money, even steal money.


  • 老师一定同学

    I think the money will go to a student teacher of the sub-meal.


  • 玉树来回车费,也是你打工挣来甚至同学支付的。

    Even you go back and forth, the fare yushu work to earn the money you borrowed money even to pay.


  • 汤姆相信而挣”,许多同学认为他把自己给了营利主义

    Many of his former classmates thought that Tom, who believed in "money for money's sake", had sold out to commercialism.


  • 大多数同学回答差不多是:工作;赚更多房子和好等等

    Most of the students' answers were: Getting a better job, Making more money, Baying bigger house and nicer car, etc.


  • 作为密友同学责任让你对这种习惯引起注意,这种习惯对你的身体健康有害也可能会这种坏习惯花许多

    Since we've been close friends and classmates, I think it is my duty to call your attention to such a bad habit, which may be harmful to your health and for which you may spend much of your money.


  • 作为密友同学责任让你对这种习惯引起注意,这种习惯对你的身体健康有害也可能会这种坏习惯花许多

    Since we've been close friends and classmates, I think it is my duty to call your attention to such a bad habit, which may be harmful to your health and for which you may spend much of your money.


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