• 已经安装插件一分脚本

    I have the plugin installed, but only use one script at the minute.


  • 起,立即召唤船长开始保持20雷达环扫海面回声测深52车,开启雾号。

    Fog sets in, call master at once. Began to keep on radar for detecting to the sea all round at an interval of every 20 minutes. Sounding by echo 52 fathoms. Standby Engine. Fog signal started.


  • 来了立即召唤船长开始保持20雷达环海面回声52拓,备车,开始雾号。

    Fog comes, call Captain at once. Began to keep on radar for detecting to the sea all round atr a interval of every 20 mins. Sounding by echo 52 fms. S/B. Fog sig started.


  • 习惯早起,七点就坐在桌前早餐。

    He was an early riser and he would be at the breakfast table at seven.


  • 们是的方法治疗的。

    They were treated by Zhong's method.


  • 爸爸过了10开始皮带抽打厄尔。

    Papa waited 10 minutes before he beat Howell with his belt buckle.


  • 阴天或晚上,无法太阳或日晷看出时间。

    On cloudy days or at night it was impossible to tell the time with a sun clock or a sundial.


  • 我们潜水员太平洋脚蹼游水一分在300英尺高空的一个救火水桶里蛙泳了。

    Last minute our diver was still swimming in the Pacific with flippers, and the next minute he was doing a breaststroke in a fire bucket 300 feet in the air.


  • 十分的观察所了解到的一个男孩的情况,比他带给我的那些准备充分的信件更有价值。

    What I can tell about a boy, by using my eye for ten minutes, is worth more than all the well-prepared letters he can bring me.


  • 放在盘子上,如果磅,蒸锅810。然后,它可以了。

    Put the whole fish on a plate and steam it in a steam pot for 8 to 10 minutes if it weighs about one pound.Then, it's ready to serve.


  • 因此时间时间相对性可以任何沙漏原子来测量,其中原子测量出十亿分之一

    Thus time and time's relativity are measurable by any hourglass, alarm clock, or atomic clock that can measure a billionth of a second.


  • 中心各“家庭每天早上例行事务各不相同一些“家庭”是淋浴(冷水)、一些衣服(在户外水桶,同样是冷水)、还有一些是锻炼(围着操场走)。

    Morning routines vary between families. Some shower (three minutes, cold water), others wash clothes (outside, in buckets, cold water), or exercise (walk round the yard).


  • 这种快速胶卷照片就会显影

    With this instant film the picture develops in only one minute.


  • 小组已经受伤的膝盖半月板上直接打印细胞重建组织而且AAAS会议上20硅原子打印了一个耳朵。

    His group has printed cells directly into the meniscus of an injured knee to reconstruct it, and at the AAAS meeting, he printed an ear out of silicon in about 20 minutes.


  • 这个竞赛的目的哪个学生有效机器人10之内方块建造所房子

    The contest is to see which student can most effectively programme a robot to build a house out of blocks in under 10 minutes.


  • 爸爸过了10开始皮带抽打厄尔:仅仅因为他给小女公爵苏打饼干

    Pa waited 10 minutes before he beat Howell with his belt buckle, just for offering a soda cracker to the little duchess.


  • 梅丽雅梦想不分黑夜白天充满关于绳吊死的叔叔回忆,也充满了她跟弟弟一道游泳咸涩日子的回忆。

    Meelya’s dreams, both by night and by day, are filled with memories of her uncle who hung himself from a bell rope and of salty days swimming with her brother.


  • 梅丽雅梦想不分黑夜白天充满关于绳吊死的叔叔回忆,也充满了她跟弟弟一道游泳咸涩日子的回忆。

    Meelya's dreams, both by night and by day, are filled with memories of her uncle who hung himself from a bell rope and of salty days swimming with her brother.


  • 我们受试者学习完这些假设对子20这些新奇结对方法测试受试者,发现他们没有发现其中暗藏关系

    But when we tested the subjects on these novel pairings 20 minutes after they learned the premise pairs, they had not yet discovered these hidden relations.


  • 加特林机枪三十不能击中教堂年轻人却可以百码开外,举起一把膛的火枪趟趟把祖母当靶子击倒。

    A youth who can't hit a cathedral at thirty yards with a Gatling gun in three quarters of an hour, can take up an old empty musket and bag his grandmother every time, at a hundred.


  • 30他人次机会

    For 30 seconds, give someone another chance.


  • 发脾气之前可以试放到1到2醋里煮上10接着肥皂彻底清洗,或许你会改变心意哦。

    Before you toss it, try boiling it in 1-2 cups vinegar for 10 minutes, followed by a thorough washing in soapy water.


  • 10的时间,床上身体充满知觉。

    Take 10 minutes out to lie on your bed and flood your body with consciousness.


  • 充分渗入保留10- 15冷水净,如常护理造型即可。

    Work it through and leave in for 10 to 15 minutes. Rinse with cool water, condition and style as usual.


  • ,下面条,如果新鲜的水面,就2,如果的是面条,则煮5

    Meanwhile, when the pot of water has come to boil, toss in noodles and cook for 2 minutes if they're fresh or 5 minutes if they're dry.


  • 帕塔43,(自行车跳跃)登上649级阶梯打破吉尼斯世界纪录

    Zapata rode up 649 steps with only 43 minutes, breaking the Guinness world record.


  • 继续大约30木质汤匙不停搅拌直到浆变浓,成为酱状,并且可以凝固

    Continue to cook for about 30 minutes, stirring frequently with a wooden spoon, until the puree has reduced and thickened considerably to the consistency of jam and reached setting point.


  • 我们10

    So, let's do 10 seconds on this problem here.


  • 现在要求12实验

    Right now, I'm going to ask you to take 12 seconds for an experiment.


  • 现在要求12实验

    Right now, I'm going to ask you to take 12 seconds for an experiment.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定