• So结果水平差异主要协调世界时水平差异反映

    The level difference of these results at SO is a main reflection of the level difference of UTC master clock.


  • 似地,根据研究人员的说法,每天只听30分的轻音乐可能有助于降低压力和焦虑,从而保持健康的血糖水平

    Similarly, according to researchers, listening to just 30 minutes of soft music every day may help with healthy blood sugar levels, through the lowering of stress and anxiety.


  • 人类褪黑激素水平夜晚上升,以响应黑暗昼夜节律发出的信号。

    In humans melatonin levels rise at night, in response to darkness and cues from the circadian clock.


  • 如果最大音量水平那么你每天最多只能5

    At maximum volume, you should listen for only about 5 minutes a day.


  • 垂直水平面上白色黄金表面上的机械原理能准确找出时间而不用把手下。

    Vertical dial and mechanism in the horizontal white gold case allow to find out what time it is, without taking your hands off the wheel.


  • 驯鹿呢,虽然它们没有昼夜节律其褪黑激素水平仍然会在黑暗时候上升,光亮的时候下降,从而使它们昼夜分点达到理想状态,进而与生物同步

    In reindeer, even if they're missing a circadian clock, melatonin levels still spike when it's dark and drop when it's light, making the equinoxes an ideal time to synchronize their annual clocks.


  • 运动时候,要努力保持至少20持续运动时间让心率高于基本水平

    And when you do exercise, work to keep your heart rate above its baseline level for a minimum of 20 continuous minutes.


  • 以上看,每个星期三20的锻炼提升活力水平

    So getting out for just 20 minutes three times a week can really raise your energy level.


  • 总体而言无论平台理解水平几乎相同四个阅读格式每个用户平均花费1720阅读故事

    Overall, it took each user an average of 17 minutes and 20 seconds to read a story regardless of the platform and comprehension levels were virtually identical on all four reading formats.


  • 90零食使血糖能量水平稳定方法

    Eating some kind of snack or small meal every 90 minutes is a great way to keep your glucose and energy levels steady.


  • 如果水平是9分英里,会发现一部分参赛者和速度相当并且你们不在队伍的前端。

    If you run a nine-minute mile find the part of the pack that runs your pace, and that won't be at the front.


  • 2010年5月6日道琼斯平均工业指数跌了几百并且很快又回到了之前的水平

    On May 6, 2010, the Dow Jones industrial average dropped hundreds of points in a matter of minutes - and then recovered moments later.


  • 尽管功能回路如此复杂,但从某种意义上说,我们、一秒种大脑大规模水平接受配置的过程;

    The functional circuit, even though it is so complex, is in a sense being configured every second, every minute that we live, and on a massive scale within the brain.


  • 老鼠吸入硫化物后,它们氧气消耗产生二氧化碳下降并且一直保持水平只要这种气体一直在控制中。

    The mice's consumption of oxygen and production of carbon dioxide dropped ten minutes after they began inhaling hydrogen sulphide and remained extremely low as long as the gas was administered.


  • 在经历2540WIT灌注期间出现明显的血浆羧基水平升高

    A significant increase in plasma carbonyl levels during perfusion was seen after 25 and 40 min WIT only.


  • 午休30分有助于缓解压力使激素蛋白质恢复正常水平从而增强免疫力

    Having a 30-minute snooze can help relieve stress and bolster the immune systems by restoring hormones and proteins to normal levels.


  • 对于增加HDL - C水平而言每周最少训练量通过每周消耗900千卡每周120训练量。

    Minimal weekly exercise volume for increasing HDL-C level was estimated to be 900 kcal of energy expenditure per week or 120 minutes of exercise per week.


  • 相反生物细胞激活水平比较弱时,感觉细胞能够更容易地指示分泌细胞释放抗利尿激素,以保证身体睡眠时保持足够的蓄水量

    Then, when clock cells are less active, sensory cells can easily instruct secretory cells to release vasopressin, ensuring that the body holds on to its water reserves.


  • 20血压正常水平

    In 20 minutes your blood pressure will drop back down to normal.


  • 这些提议基于对昼夜节律(也就是我们内部生物)深层的认识,因为昼夜节律决定了我们的注意力清醒状态劳动能力何时能达到最佳水平

    The recommendations arise from a deeper understanding of circadian rhythms - our internal body clock, which determines optimum levels of concentration, wakefulness and work ability.


  • 获得1间隔监测服务水平其他大部分正常运行时间检查服务要求用户支付订阅费

    To get 1 minute interval of monitoring service level, most other uptime check service will require users to pay for a subscription fee.


  • 语法讲解时间缩短10以内特别是水平学生他们注意力维持时间有限的。

    Limit the time you devote to grammar explanations to 10 minutes, especially for lower level students whose ability to sustain attention can be limited.


  • 通过比较唾液标本激素水平发现受试者生物45

    By comparing saliva samples and hormone tests he found participants' body clocks had been delayed by 45 minutes.


  • 目的:研究中药生津合剂结合60游泳运动高脂饲料导致肥胖大鼠血清抵抗水平及脂质的影响。

    Objective: To assess the effect of TCM compound recipe Yangyin Shenjin and 60 minutes' swimming on the resistin level in serum of rats feed on the high-fat-forage .


  • 有时候我们需要不断监测水平噪音水平使子长测量测量持续时间较短的划分,5151小时

    Sometimes we need to monitor noise levels on an ongoing level and make longer measurements sub-divided by shorter measurement durations such as 5 minutes, 15 minutes or 1 hour.


  • 这项研究发表实验生物学杂志上,30走步之后笼子中),参与者内源性大麻素水平没有升高

    The researchers report in the Journal of Experimental Biology that, after 30 minutes of walking (or sitting in a cage), participants' endocannabinoid levels did not rise.


  • 完成这项初步任务后,研究人员要求他们一个水平移动物体30

    After this initial task researchers asked subjects to move their eyes to follow a target as it moved horizontally left to right for 30 seconds.


  • 渐入佳境,再把时长恢复正常水平延长40

    As you get more comfortable, bring the main workout back to its original level and extend the first run to 40 minutes.


  • 渐入佳境,再把时长恢复正常水平延长40

    As you get more comfortable, bring the main workout back to its original level and extend the first run to 40 minutes.


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