• 劲敌乔纳·福特完成漫长的赛程。

    He completed the lengthy course some three seconds faster than his nearest rival, Jonathon Ford.


  • 假使做半程或者全程马拉训练,在你完成长跑的第二天散大约30

    If you're training for a half or full marathon, go for a 30-minute walk the day after a long run.


  • 针对半程全程马拉训练跑步者应该强度训练之外增加一次45

    Runners training for a half or full marathon should add an easy 45-minute run into the week, along with the intensity run.


  • 看来,完全水化合物存储情况下,马拉能力2小时44分,”

    "It seems that you're capable at full carbohydrate loading of running a 2:44 marathon, " he says.


  • 倘若伦敦马拉冠军保拉拉克利夫在跑完艰苦比赛洗上一个冰块也能忍受将袋子豌豆敷在酸胀膝盖15

    If London Marathon winner Paula Radcliffe can take ice baths after a hard race, you can stand a bag of frozen peas against your sore knees for 15 minutes.


  • 20马拉全程,两者是一回事儿么?

    I guess I can say I ran a marathon in 20 minutes, but isn't that pretty much the same thing?


  • 比方说,朋友纽约马拉赛中用时低于合格时间 标准赛事在 2011年波士顿马拉报名截止正常进行

    For example, I have a friend who BQ'd by one minute in the 2010 New York City marathon, which was run well after the 2011 Boston Marathon registration had closed.


  • 去年二月Strand把个人马拉纪录提高42小时16分52秒跑完了在伯明翰举行国内马拉冠军赛

    Last February, Strand improved his marathon personal record by more than 4 minutes with a 2:16:52 in the National Championship marathon right there in downtown Birmingham.


  • 成为跑步者只有3小时55分3小时53完了次的马拉,不过这个记录后来称为波士顿臭虫”的人打破。

    A runner for just 3 years, Underwood completed his first two marathons in 3:55 and 3:53, and then was bitten by what he calls the "Boston bug."


  • Pena11月参加了纽约马拉5小时8完成比赛纽约的时间快乐半个小时

    Pena, who ran the New York marathon in November, finished the race in five hours eight minutes, half an hour faster than his Big Apple time.


  • 马拉一样如果落后了英里,你根本可能比赛最后赶上来

    It's like the marathon: if you're five miles behind, you can't make that up in the last 10 minutes of the race,” said David H.


  • 又有多少5千米25分可以马拉4小时呢?

    How many 25:00 5k runners do you know who can run a 4:00 marathon?


  • Unerwood完成目标比赛3小时30分54秒完成了巴鲁日海滩马拉,这个成绩已经足够去参加波士顿的比赛了。

    Underwood finished his goal race, the Baton Rouge Beach Marathon, in 3:30:54, good enough for a race entry to Boston.


  • 比方如果的目标是马拉,你可以写上:“找到一个合适训练计划”、“买一双跑鞋”、“每天坚持慢跑15”等等,明年实现马拉的目标而努力。

    These might be steps like "find a good training plan" or "buy new trainers" or "go for a 15-minute jog today" if you want to run a marathon next year.


  • 最初几周训练中,一周,在长距离时,加入一二一二马拉速跑。

    In the early weeks of training, scatter a few marathon target pace segments lasting a few minutes apiece into one long run every other week.


  • 开始时,10- 30然后提速马拉附近

    Start with 10 to 30 minutes of easy running, then pick up the pace to around your marathon pace.


  • 参加马拉中国田协注册运动员、申请等级达标的运动员赛前40到专门检录进行检录。

    Registered athletes of CAA and athletes for rating shall check in at the certain area 40 minutes before the competition.


  • 走路也是锻炼走路用劲

    Walk and exercise, walking to hard. Sit like a clock, standing like pine, line is like the wind.


  • ,给人感觉是自信满满干劲十足。老板不会看到员工电脑没精打采

    Standing and sitting straight makes you look confident and full of energy. No boss likes to see his employees slumped before the computers downheartedly.


  • 对于剧烈的长距离运动比如半程马拉隔20 - 45个能量棒,吃的时候可以一点水或者运动饮料

    For intense, long-distance events such as the half marathon, consume one PowerBar Gel every 20-45 minutes with a few sips of water or sports drink.


  • 研究发现每天锻炼60分至90(相当于每周次马拉)至少可以减掉英石(相当于28磅)体重而且不会反弹。

    A study found that those who exercised for 60 to 90 minutes a day - walking the equivalent of a marathon each week - tended to shed at least two stones and kept the weight off for six years.


  • 非常怀疑能否6周之后举行的Chicago马拉上,当时最好5K英里1速完成一个全程马拉

    With just six weeks left before Chicago, it was very doubtful that he would be able to run a full marathon at a tempo one minute per mile faster than his best, current 5k!


  • 出家人严守行住四大威仪,所谓「如风。」

    Left-home people should carry themselves well whether they are walking, standing, sitting, or reclining. Walk like a breeze, sit like a bell, stand like a pine, and recline like a bow.


  • 如果半程马拉2小时这个训练几乎正好是30

    If you can run a half-marathon in two hours, this workout will take you almost exactly 30 minutes.


  • 内用头颠319,创下吉尼斯世界纪录。他甚至一次马拉比赛着球跑完42公里赛程,用时7小时17分。

    He already holds a Guinness World record for heading the ball 319 times in just one minute and he even kicked a ball to the finish line in a marathon, completing the 42 kilometres in 7hr 17min.


  • 临近威尔斯纪念步行5语言中心3洗衣店,2到布里斯托国际留学生中心!

    Adjacent to Wills Memorial Building, only 5 mins walk to Language center, 3 mins to Hathorn Laundry, and 2 mins to BISC!


  • 虽然到达长城第二座烽火台感到膝盖非常疼痛,但享受这次马拉

    I enjoyed every single minute of it, although I did experience excruciating pain in my left knee when I came to 2nd tower on the Great Wall.


  • 虽然到达长城第二座烽火台感到膝盖非常疼痛,但享受这次马拉

    I enjoyed every single minute of it, although I did experience excruciating pain in my left knee when I came to 2nd tower on the Great Wall.


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