• 本次比赛中,10正式比赛时间内吞下59热狗,“”成平手,所以双方只能进入加时赛阶段,在最短时间内吃完热狗方将获胜。

    The two were tied at 59 hot dogs a piece at the end of the regulation 10 minutes, forcing a sudden death overtime to determine which man could eat five more hotdogs in the shortest time.


  • 健康姚明得分25(26.6分36),外加10篮板2个盖帽。

    When healthy, Ming averaged 25 points per game (26.6 per 36 minutes), averaged 10 rebounds, and 2 blocks per game.


  • 这些结果表明通过进一步了解生物节律身体生物我们得到自己想要事物的可能性就更大

    The findings suggest that by being more in touch with biorhythms, or the body's natural rhythms, we could get what we want more often。


  • 浸过蛋液的面包入锅5左右两面呈适中的棕色即可出锅。

    Cook until well-browned on both sides, about 5 minutes.


  • 获奖者拥有时间发表获奖感言,时间心直口快8女孩严格控制。

    The winners were given one minute to deliver their acceptance speech, with the time limit strictly policed by an outspoken eight-year-old girl.


  • 康复七个赛季里,他出场30,每赛季缺席超过4,而且不是因为脚伤

    In the first seven seasons after he returned, he played about 30 minutes a game and missed fewer than four games a season, none due to the foot injury.


  • 淘汰赛120互交白卷之后点球方式决出胜负;06年世界杯进球为2.36个,为1990年来最低

    Two elimination games have been decided on penalty kicks after zero goals in 120 minutes of play; the tournament has posted a 2.36 goals-per-game average, the lowest since 1990.


  • 可以注意数学各个部分词汇各个部分多出了

    You may have noticed that each math section is five minutes longer than the verbal section.


  • 詹姆斯出场时间科比

    James is averaging about a minute more per game than Bryant.


  • 即使科比上场时间不多于上个赛季38.9很难为阿里扎拉德沃顿挤出更多的上场时间

    Even if Bryant played less than 38.9 minutes a game (his average last season), it would be hard to squeeze enough time out of the position for Trevor Ariza, Vladimir Radmanovic and Luke Walton.


  • 研究结果表明水库大坝作为防渗复合土工膜应力变形方面满足要求

    The research results indicate that the stresses and deformation of the membrane in the anti-seepage system of the dam satisfy the requirement of standard.


  • 湖人攻击后卫前锋位置拥有猛将,麦蒂这个轮转阵容寻求22是最好的结果了。

    The starting lineup is filled with iron horses at the guard and small forward spots. He's looking at average 22 minutes a game max in that rotation.


  • 沃顿上赛季65比赛中场获得17.9的上场时间,其中34首发出场

    Walton averaged 17.9 minutes last season in 65 games, 34 as a starter.


  • 无论是训练15还是训练前30注射,东莨菪引起的记忆障碍起始于训练15-20分之间

    The amnesia induced by scopolamine in this task developed between 15-20 minutes after training whenever the drug was administered 15 or 30 minutes before training.


  • 红酒,妈麦芽胚胎胡椒粉白糖酱青倒排骨,涂上下两边,腌制至少15

    Rub the red wine, marmite malt sauce, black pepper, sugar and light soy sauce over the spare rib until well combined, marinate for 15 minutes.


  • 结果:86手术成功,手术时间1020术后无任何不良反应。

    Results:The surgical operations all 86 cases were performed successfully, and the operative time was 10 to 20 minutes.


  • 结果咀嚼510收缩期峰流速、舒张期末峰流速峰流速高于咀嚼前,有显著性差异(P<0.05)。

    Result: The mean glow velocity, velocity of flow during systole and diastole was shown to increase significantly 5, 10 minutes after mastication (P< 0.05).


  • 预热器采用同步“悬臂抽屉设计”,保养工时由原长达4小时,缩短为30

    It can reduce 30 minutes from 4 hours work time by applying underslung and drawer-lide design reducing on internal channel of the stove and preheater.


  • 接种试验田间观察结果表明,13个株系病毒抗性表现出较高水平,发病轻微,具有较强稳定的水平抗病性。

    Inoculation test and field observation showed that Zhongcun 1 has considerably high and stable horizontal resistance to 3 strains of the virus.


  • 获得14胜17败雄鹿队里,泰隆卢在过去19场比赛里场获得12.3的上场时间,拿下4.81.5次助攻

    Lue is averaging only 4.8 points and 1.5 assists in 12.3 minutes over 19 games for the Bucks (14-17).


  • 根据我们已经进行所有中心研究,所有数据显示目前的速效胰岛素需要20 - 30才能起效。

    From all the centre studies which we have done all the data shows that it takes between 20-30 minutes for the currently rapid acting insulin to have an effect.


  • 上赛季相比,本赛季上场时间7,场盖帽几乎上赛季增加一半(场盖帽上升2.09个),犯规次数却减少了,现在场犯规低于3次。

    Compared to last year, he's playing almost seven more minutes per game and getting almost a half a block more per game (up to 2.09), while his fouls are down to less than three per game.


  • 随后记者浏览几个同类网站后发现网站表示只要10至15可以看到艾滋病检测阴性还是阳性

    Subsequently, the reporter also visit a number of similar sites found that the Web site said that as long as 10-15 minutes, you can see that AIDS testing was negative or positive.


  • 网站信息表示只要10可以看到艾滋病检测阴性还是阳性

    Information on the Web site said that as long as 10 minutes, you can see that AIDS testing was negative or positive.


  • 红酒,妈麦芽胚胎胡椒粉白糖酱青倒排骨,涂上下两边,腌制至少15调味留着备用

    Rub the red wine, marmite malt sauce, black pepper, sugar and light soy sauce over the spare rib until well combined, marinate for 15 minutes. Reserve the seasoning juice.


  • 高锰酸钾浓度4%、加入为3%、氧化时间为20时.所制得改性淀粉粘合剂的各项性能较好。

    When content of KMnO4 4 % , adding amount 3 % , oxide time 20 mm, the properties of modified starch adhesive were super.


  • 据《休斯顿纪事报》报道火箭队中锋姚明即将到来的赛季时间将会限制24以下。

    Houston Rockets' center Yao Ming's playing time in the coming season will be limited to fewer than 24 minutes per game, the Houston Chronicle reported.


  • 这个方法奇数偶数倍适用

    This method is applicable both to odd and even multiple numbers of clock code frequency.


  • 这个方法奇数偶数倍适用

    This method is applicable both to odd and even multiple numbers of clock code frequency.


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