• 一张今晚8餐桌。

    I'd like to book a table for two for 8 o'clock tonight.


  • 其他自行车运动员提前五分进入

    She went into the second round with a five-minute start on the rest of the cyclists.


  • 结束后休息20

    There will be an interval of 20 minutes after the second act.


  • 天早上坐公共汽车上班25分车程中宿醉未醒

    He was still hungover on the 25-minute bus ride to work the following morning.


  • 场赛跑中美国选手埃塞俄比亚选手不到1

    In the second race, the American competitor edged out the Ethiopian runner by less than a second.


  • 昨天晚上频道7节目了吗?

    Did you watch the 7 o'clock program on Channel 2 yesterday evening?


  • 天早上援助小组8开始工作

    The next morning, the aid team began work at eight o'clock.


  • 们有两个选择:要么吃,要么等15分,再吃第个(然后他们可以同时吃两个)。

    They were given two choices: they could either eat it or, if they waited fifteen minutes, they'd be given a second one (and then they could eat both) .


  • 天早晨六点服务员端来一杯普通甜饼干把叫醒

    The steward woke her at six the next morning with a cup of tea and a plate of plain sweet biscuits.


  • 心理学家发现三分之男性四分之一女性宁愿自己接受电击,也不愿独自思考15

    One team of psychologists discovered that two thirds of men and a quarter of women would rather self-administer electric shocks than sit alone with their thoughts for 15 minutes.


  • 70%的人在15分内吃掉了第一个棉花糖,但其余30%的人则表现出意志力——他们没有吃第一个棉花糖,而是静静等待第个棉花糖。

    70% ate the first marshmallow within fifteen minutes, but the other 30% showed willpower—they didn't eat the first one and waited for the second marshmallow quietly.


  • 醒来时候继续再项锻炼

    When you wake up the next day go do that exercise for another minute.


  • 应该观察不到时间内,台机器所有服务都启动起来

    You should see all the services come up on the second machine in less than a minute.


  • 这些心脏病发作使身体虚弱到了极点,那时每天下床45结束不久便去世

    These attacks weakened him to the point where he could only be out of bed for 45 minutes a day, and he died soon after the next year.


  • 假使做半程或者全程马拉松的训练,在你完成长跑的天散大约30

    If you're training for a half or full marathon, go for a 30-minute walk the day after a long run.


  • 朋友们可能收到凌晨34用电子邮件发来本书——《无畏希望》——几节草稿

    Friends would receive draft sections of his second book, The Audacity of Hope, that had been emailed over at 3 or 4am.


  • 上午大约8下了楼发现墙上有一铭牌,画年轻爱因斯坦

    I came down the next morning at about 8am to find a plaque on the wall showing a young Albert Einstein.


  • 哈维佩德罗进球主队上半时第18就取得了2:0的领先大卫·比利亚下半时12内的梅开度,则毫无疑问地证明了哪个球队更为优秀

    Goals by Xavi and Pedro gave the hosts a 2-0 lead in the first 18 minutes, and two goals by David Villa in the first 12 minutes of the second half erased any doubt about which was the better team.


  • 万一生命线断了只能活太空水下氧气一样没有生存希望。

    Should a lifeline break, a man might live a minute or twoas helpless as if he were out in space or under water without an oxygen supply.


  • 早上4清醒过来,再也不下了。

    She woke up 4 am the second day, and couldn't sleep at all.


  • 每天晚饭30每周计划出一个“家庭读书时间”。

    Schedule 30 minutes after dinner or every Thursday evening as “Family Reading Time”.


  • 第一人员每周条跑道每次持续40的时间;组人员从事一系列锻炼包括瑜伽阻力训练

    One group walked around a track three times a week, building up to 40 minutes at a stretch; the other did a variety of less aerobic exercises, including yoga and resistance training with bands.


  • 于是进行了注射,但直到34宣告死亡

    A second dose was administered; only after 34 minutes was he declared dead.


  • 但是,他们已熬过了穿日子

    But the days of eating at Taco Bell and wearing second-hand clothes are over.


  • 首先40内讲论文,,也是重要的,长达20分视频

    Firstly the paper that I should get through in 40 minutes and secondly and, more importantly, the video that will last 20 minutes.


  • 下半场替补出场舍普琴科上场16因领到本场张黄牌下。

    Substitute Andriy Shevchenko was sent off just 16 minutes after coming on as a half-time substitute when he collected his second booking.


  • 星期的时候,北京晚上10左右就开始下起暴雨早些时候雨就停阳光明媚。

    Heavy rain pelted Beijing from around 10 PM on Tuesday, ending what had earlier been a sunny day.


  • 增加每次25 - 30

    Increase to 25-30 minutes the second week.


  • 有一个密苏里堪萨斯妇女找到一家开车行程在20左右手货商店。

    One woman in Kansas City, Missouri located such a store about 20 minutes from her home.


  • 有一个密苏里堪萨斯妇女找到一家开车行程在20左右手货商店。

    One woman in Kansas City, Missouri located such a store about 20 minutes from her home.


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