• 目的评估口服制剂临床应用情况

    Objective To evaluate the clinical application status of oral calcium preparations.


  • 目的倡导合理应用制剂防治骨质疏松症

    AIM: to propose rational use of calcium preparations to prevent osteoporosis.


  • 简速了现状制剂选择长期安全性

    Present situation of calcium supplementation, selection of calcium medications and safety of long-term use of them are reviewed.


  • 方法探讨骨质疏松症关系当前国内钙制剂进行再评价

    METHODS: to discuss the relation between calcium preparation and osteoporosis and to evaluate the domestic calcium preparations.


  • 不同种类、不同浓度制剂浸泡糙米发芽研究糙米影响

    Brown rice was steeped in different forms of calcium preparation solution and concentration for sprouting to study the effect of its calcium enrichment by permeation.


  • 目的寻找成本低廉来源丰富、服用方便、安全无毒营养效果好的制剂

    Objective To search for calcium preparation of low cost, rich resource, convenient administration, no toxicity and good nutrition.


  • 实验结果表明活性具有出色的离子化百分率活性远远高于其它制剂

    It was found that active calcium possesses outstanding ionized calcium percentage which is much higher than those of other calcium preparations.


  • 方法通过查阅文献制剂治疗骨质疏松症的疗效不良反应进行分析评价

    METHODS: the therapeutic effect and ADRs of calcium preparations in treatment of osteoporosis were analysed and evaluated by way of literature review.


  • 全人类普遍关注的问题,选择有效制剂预防治疗缺乏重要手段

    The most important preventive and treatment measure for it is how to choose correctly effective calcium supplements.


  • 方法回顾性分析我院2003 ~ 2005年制剂吸收促进应用情况。

    METHODS: The calcium products and calcium absorption enhancers used in our hospital from 2003 to 2005 were analyzed retrospectively.


  • 目前国内市场种类繁多剂中碳酸制剂的市场占有率具有良好发展前景

    Among kinds of the calcium preparations in market, the calcium carbonate product holds a big share and has a good promise.


  • 基于这个原因氨基糖甙类抗菌素制剂松药增强作用,可以通过制剂来逆转

    For this reason the enhancement of neuromuscular blockade associated with both aminoglycoside antibiotics and magnesium may be reversed through the administration of calcium.


  • 实验证明,经钙制剂处理番茄具有明显的保鲜效果,大幅度提高番茄贮藏,保持番茄的原有风味营养成分

    It proved that it had the freshness-keeping and could prolong the storage period of tomato, and reserve the original flavors and nutritive ingredients.


  • 目的调查10 ~12小学生发育一般生长发育状况,探讨两者联系以及钙制剂对牙列发育和生长发育的影响

    Objects To investigate the relationship between dentition development and general growth and the effect of calcium on dentition growth and general growth by survey on pupils of 10 12 years old.


  • 作者怀疑服用制剂水平突然改变不是服用的总量导致不利影响

    The authors suspect that the abrupt change in blood calcium levels after taking a supplement causes the adverse effect, rather than it being related to the total amount of calcium consumed.


  • 目的确定果胶为代表的多糖类结肠定位制剂结肠释放介质

    AIM the purpose is to determine the colon release medium of polysaccharide preparation.


  • 水合一种澄清时无色石灰水溶液用于治疗皮肤病其他制剂中,有时用作抗酸剂。

    A clear colorless alkaline aqueous solution of calcium hydroxide, used in calamine lotion and other skin preparations and sometimes as an antacid.


  • 例如,研究仅仅涉及补治疗并没有提到补充维生素D,实际上与维生素D复合制剂很常见的。

    The researchers only included patients who were taking calcium supplements but not vitamin D supplements, for instance.


  • 结果表明6生物制剂蚂蚁因子含量最高,钾含量则以转移因子、胸腺肽较丰富

    The result show that zinc, copper, iron, chromium, mangan, nickel, cadmium, calcium content in 6 biologicals are the most rich in ant factor injection liquid.


  • 如果查阅多数数据完成综合分析,会发现两种神经素制剂对HCV复发率影响,实际上没有差异

    If you look at the vast majority of the data and the meta-analyses that have been done, it really shows no difference in HCV recurrence rates between both calcineurin inhibitors.


  • 有人推测,神经末梢乙酰释放减少,使由于这些抗菌素制剂,都能竞争进入通道

    It is postulated that the decreased release of acetylcholine from the nerve terminal reflects a competition of the antibiotic or magnesium with calcium for entry into the terminal.


  • 结果ace制剂离子拮抗剂临床应用最多高血压药,两者抗高血压药物使用金额的78.3%。结论:卡托普利和尼群地平是抗高血压常用药。

    Our results showed that ACE inhibitors and calcium blockers were most commonly used antihypertensive agents, and the two agents accounted for 78.3% of all antihypertensives in terms of sales amount.


  • 结论抗药应用趋势二氢吡啶类药物前景看好,缓、控释制剂应用普遍

    Conclusions Dihydropyridine calcium antagonist is promising, and the sustained release preparation or controlled release preparation would be more and more frequently used.


  • 测定时,采用氯化作为释放剂,测定时,采用氯化电离制剂

    The sample was treated with releasing a-gent lanthanum chloride for the determination of Ca and Mg and treated with cesium chloride solution to suppress ionization for the determination of K and na.


  • CNP抑制电压依赖性电流这一作用P KG制剂kt5823明显阻断

    CNP significantly inhibited L-type calcium current, and the effect blocked by KT5823, a PKG inhibitor.


  • 通过加入特定的晶形,制得了适合造纸填料颜料使用菱形轻质碳酸

    Through adding a special crystal-growing controlling agent, a light rhombic shaped calcium carbonate is produced to be used for paper filling and colouring.


  • 介绍了国内外制备沉淀碳酸过程中,已经使用以及正在研究各种晶型控

    The various chemical additives being used or studied in the preparation of PCC at home and abroad are introduced.


  • 结果表明磷霉素TMP协同关系最好,协同指数0.281,制剂中磷霉素与TMP的含量分别为5%1%为最佳

    The results showed that the synergism of fosfomyces calcium and TMP is the best. The FIC is 0.281. The optimum compatible concentration of fosfomyces calcium and TMP are 5% and 1%.


  • 结果表明磷霉素TMP协同关系最好,协同指数0.281,制剂中磷霉素与TMP的含量分别为5%1%为最佳

    The results showed that the synergism of fosfomyces calcium and TMP is the best. The FIC is 0.281. The optimum compatible concentration of fosfomyces calcium and TMP are 5% and 1%.


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