• 鉴于美国经济懈怠这种危险看起来很遥远

    But given the amount of slack in America's economy, that danger seems distant.


  • 鉴于美国常常衰退复苏为何这次的前景如此惨淡

    Why, given that America usually rebounds from recession, are the prospects so bleak?


  • 鉴于美国的家庭节衣缩食,拥有更多资金

    Given that its households are saving again, it will have more capital to provide.


  • 但是鉴于美国欧洲的情况,分析人员正在考虑刺激计划结束后的问题。

    But as in America and Europe, analysts are pondering what will happen when the stimulus measures end.


  • 鉴于美国萧条以及欧洲单一缓慢步伐外贸销售势必再次下跌

    And foreign sales are bound to fall again as America stagnates and a two-speed Europe converges on a single, slower pace.


  • 鉴于美国第二次泡沫已经破裂一些美国担心美国开始步入“失去十年”。

    Now that the United States’ second bubble has popped, some Americans worry that this is the beginning of their own Lost Decade.


  • 鉴于美国时尚传播速度我们不久收到整形手术“亮相”会的请帖

    Given the speed with which American fashions travel, we should all soon be receiving invitations to plastic surgery "coming out" parties.


  • 鉴于美国过去40年之内增加了1亿人口预计日本欧盟增加了一千五百万。

    As America adds 100m people over the next four decades, Japan and the EU are expected to lose almost 15m.


  • 重要是,东盟鉴于美国处于有利的位置希望能够帮助维护中国南海海域的和平

    Above all, ASEAN hopes that America will be in a better position to help keep the peace in the South China Sea.


  • 鉴于美国金融危机重灾区本来预计美国百万富翁境况会英国一样糟,甚至更遭。

    And I would have expected America's millionaires to have done just as poorly as Britain's have - if not worse, given that the U.S. is the epicenter of the financial crisis.


  • 鉴于美国人口增长依然强劲,而潜在经济增长率仍然较高,因此偏差不是严重的问题。

    Given the still very strong population growth and the comparatively high potential growth, this deviation is not serious.


  • 鉴于美国不冷不热复苏欧洲持续的主权债务问题全球经济目前更加依赖于中国需求

    The global economy is now even more dependent on China for demand, given the tepid recovery in the U. S. and the continuing sovereign-debt problems in Europe.


  • 鉴于美国研究人员受来自现实生活中昆虫的灵感激发,发现计算机安全一种方法这种反应可能发生变化

    That might be about to change, now that US researchers have discovered a fresh approach to computer security that takes real-life bugs as its inspiration.


  • 鉴于美国对于国际体系特殊责任新的威胁促使美国重新审视国际法的相关约束坚持战略对话的作用。

    The new threats have impelled America, given its special responsibilities, to reexamine the requirements of international law and the strategic bargains by which it has been bound.


  • 鉴于美国扩张性财政政策理论典型的实验基地,第二部分探讨了美国实施扩张性财政政策的实践及其我国启示

    The fai lure leads to upsurge and expansion of other fiscal policy theories, which complement and perfect expanding fiscal policy theories from different points of view.


  • 但是鉴于美国航母弱点日渐暴露在中国导弹之下,这意味着采取军事行动的地点要比F-35 1000公里的作战半径要远得多。

    But the growing vulnerability of American aircraft carriers to Chinese missiles will mean operating from well beyond the F-35’s 600-mile (1, 000km) range.


  • 鉴于美国贸易赤字规模以及统控着欧洲日本糟糕透顶的人口 统计 数据,2006年的后续工作加倍困难

    The follow-through in 2006 will be doubly difficult given the size of the U. S. trade deficit and the abysmal demographics that rule Europe and Japan.


  • 鉴于美国房市问题如此之多)房市法拍为甚么早些时候没有演变成法拍门的丑闻,一直拖延今天才爆发, 那才是一个大的

    The bigger mystery may be why housing didn’t turn into a-gatesooner.


  • 觉得从抽象层面否定气候变化最不靠—但是鉴于美国文化中对宗教信仰虔诚,还有那些陈词滥调,这个说法还是常在电视上被提到。

    I suspect the metaphysical denial is quite rare-but given the comparative religiosity of American culture and the stereotypes thereof, it gets a lot of air time.


  • 然而鉴于美国筹集伊拉克阿富汗战争的经费中国上万亿美元国债,人民币的升值将会美国纳税者付出更多中国。

    However an increase in the Yuan value will cost the US tax payer a major increase in the $Trillions owed to China for financing the wars in Iraq & Afghanistan.


  • 人们肥胖超重女性服用避孕药效果进行了几研究——鉴于美国最近呈现出普遍肥胖的态势,这些研究的结果非常引人关注

    Several studies have called into question the effectiveness of birth control in obese and overweight women - results that are particularly concerning in light of the recent U.S. obesity epidemic.


  • 据《华尔街日报》网站报道鉴于美国国家足球队近期赛事中的不给力表现该国评论界开始反省:为什么美国不能培养出一个足球巨星呢?

    Disappointed by the us national soccer team's recent lousy play, critics are asking why the country can't produce a soccer star, the Wall Street Journal website reported.


  • 2008年诺贝尔经济学得主保罗·克鲁格曼Paul Krugman)写道鉴于美国政策相较租赁倾向于支持自有住宅,可以看到这样的事实:美国自有住房者泛滥。”

    Given the way US policy favours owning over renting,” writes Paul Krugman, 2008’s Nobel laureate in economics, “you can make a good case that America already has too many homeowners.”


  • 2008年诺贝尔经济学得主保罗·克鲁格曼Paul Krugman)写道鉴于美国政策相较租赁倾向于支持自有住宅,可以看到这样的事实:美国自有住房者泛滥。”

    Given the way US policy favours owning over renting,” writes Paul Krugman, 2008’s Nobel laureate in economics, “you can make a good case that America already has too many homeowners.”


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