• 2010年,53%事件报告钓鱼攻击

    Approximately 53 percent of reported incidents in 2010 were phishing attacks. The breakdown on reports to us-cert.


  • 不过我们目前看到典型情况是有色背景噪音网络钓鱼攻击

    The typical stuff we're seeing, though, right now: the colored background noise, phishing attacks.


  • eBay推断黑客是使用钓鱼攻击跟踪个人用户获取他们信息

    EBay eventually concluded that the attacker obtained the information via a phishing scheme, tricking individual members into disclosing the data.


  • 近几年中国屡次发生网络钓鱼攻击的案件,而且形势演愈烈。

    In recent years, phishing attacks have repeatedly occurred in China and the situation is intensifying.


  • 事实上,假如某个账户攻破,其原因很可能钓鱼攻击,而不是密码遭破解

    In fact, phishing is probably much, much more likely to result in one of your accounts being compromised than password cracking.


  • 我们同意这点但是我们指出许多钓鱼攻击恶意软件仍然通过邮件传播的。

    We would agree with this, but we would also point out that a lot of these scams and malware attacks still arrive by email.


  • 点击网站用户将会被鼓励登陆无意中把他们详细资料提交给钓鱼攻击

    Users who click onto the fake website are then encouraged to log in - unwittingly handing their details over to the perpetrator in the process.


  • 目前的很多黑客攻击手段钓鱼攻击SQL注入攻击等各种网络攻击方式都是身份认证开始的。

    Forever, many hackers attack means, such as phishing and SQL injection attacks, start from the identity authentication.


  • 微软承认针对使用流行电子邮件服务用户的钓鱼攻击已经导致泄露了数以千计Hotmail用户的密码

    Microsoft has confirmed that the publication of thousands of Hotmail passwords was the result of a phishing attack against users of the popular email service.


  • 安全的一改善目的减少钓鱼攻击其他密码软肋本身来说,只是让Google应用用户受惠

    This was a great improvement in security intended to reduce phishing attacks and other password weaknesses, but on its own, it benefits only Google Apps users.


  • 钓鱼攻击网上很常见常常是以收到看似合法电子邮件开始,邮件中含有逼真网站(常常银行电子邮件供应商)的链接

    Phishing attacks are common online, and usually begin with the arrival of a legitimate-looking email containing a link to a realistic-looking website - often a bank or email provider.


  • 有时受侵电脑会被进一步用于其他欺诈活动例如网络钓鱼攻击这种攻击往往会说服用户透露银行密码敏感信息

    Compromised computers are sometimes used to further other scams, such as "phishing" attacks that try to persuade users to reveal sensitive information such as bank passwords.


  • 网民来说,密码对于诸如钓鱼攻击键盘记录之类的密码盗窃手段毫无防御能力。 相反,强密码网民带来相当大负担

    Strong passwords do nothing to protect online users from password stealing attacks such as phishing and keylogging, and yet they place considerable burden on users.


  • 现实中,犯罪分子要入侵别人的银行账户时他们不必使用密码破解工具——其实,他们只需钓鱼攻击或者其他方法窃取所需信息即可。

    The fact is that when criminals want to gain access to peoples' bank accounts, they don't do it with password-cracking tools - they simply steal the data by phishing or other means.


  • 这样带有目标性攻击——叫做鱼叉式网路钓鱼——已经变得危险因为我们通常会因特网泄露大量的信息。

    This kind of targeted attack - known as spear-phishing - has become so dangerous because of the amount of information we divulge on the Internet.


  • 招聘网站频频受到黑客攻击,或遭受通过电子邮件网络钓鱼”的攻击因为它们那些身份盗窃兴趣的人提供丰富数据资源

    Job sites are regularly attacked by hackers and via email "phishing" attacks, as they provide a rich source of data for those interested in identity theft.


  • 同样道理,浏览器安全保障让远离恶意软件网络钓鱼以及其他网络攻击隐私保护功能保护个人计算机的浏览隐私

    In the same way, browser security helps protect you from malware, phishing, and other online attacks, while privacy features help keep your browsing private on your computer.


  • 本周谷歌披露说,来源于中国网络攻击通过使用一项“鱼叉式网络钓鱼”技术提取那些粗心大意的谷歌邮箱用户账号密码

    This week Google revealed that a cyber attack originating from China had used a technique known as "spear phishing" to extract Gmail passwords from unwary users.


  • 记录结果显示,去年约有五万一千个“网络钓鱼攻击较前年相比上升了16%。

    Some 51, 000 'phishing' attacks were recorded last year, up 16 per cent on the previous year.


  • 那么,网络钓鱼恶意软件攻击究竟什么?

    What exactly are phishing and malware attacks?


  • 安全专家演示这一幕:访问次有后门陷阱网站(国内常说的钓鱼网站-译者注),就可以攻击指引访问者的居住位置。

    One visit to a booby-trapped website could direct attackers to a person's home, a security expert has shown.


  • 博格斯相信很多简单方法可以减少鲨鱼攻击事件比如说不在鲨鱼聚集地方钓鱼,或者看到鲨鱼及时回到陆地。

    Burgess believes there are simple ways to reduce the possibility of a shark attack, such as avoiding fishing areas and inlets where sharks gather and leaving the water when a shark is sighted.


  • 可能意味着记录所有DNS查询-钓鱼攻击追捕可疑流量趋势也是有益的。

    This could mean logging down all DNS queries - which is also useful to track down suspicious traffic trends from phishing attacks.


  • 电脑安全专家称为鱼叉式网络钓鱼常常更深攻击提供指导。

    Computer security specialist says spear phishing often provides the means for even broader attacks.


  • 这个安全漏洞似乎影响到所有咨询网页可以使用个人发布恶意软件,进行钓鱼各种不同恶意攻击

    The flaw seems to affect all advisory pages and can be used by ill-intentioned individuals to distribute malware, launch phishing campaigns, or instrument various malicious attacks.


  • 去年,我国超九成网民碰到过网络钓鱼网站,遭遇网络安全事件的网民中77.5%在网络下载浏览遭遇病毒或木马攻击

    More than 90 percent of netizens have encountered a phishing Web site, while 77.5 percent responded that they have received a computer virus while surfing or downloading material online.


  • 入侵者并非通过Google安全漏洞进行攻击有可能是通过用户电脑内植入钓鱼网页或是恶意软件来达到目的。

    These accounts have not been accessed through any security breach at Google, but most likely via phishing scams or malware placed on the users computers.


  • 公用事业单位的员工极易受到技术含量相对较低的“网络钓鱼攻击这些攻击基于社会工程学”,能够诱骗人们泄露敏感信息。 。

    Utility employees are vulnerable to relatively low-tech "phishing" attacks that rely on "social engineering" to trick people into revealing sensitive information.


  • 公用事业单位的员工极易受到技术含量相对较低的“网络钓鱼攻击这些攻击基于社会工程学”,能够诱骗人们泄露敏感信息。 。

    Utility employees are vulnerable to relatively low-tech "phishing" attacks that rely on "social engineering" to trick people into revealing sensitive information.


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