• 想想看,二十就能当上船长薪水是一百路易[法国币名。],还可以分红

    Only imagine me a captain at twenty, with a hundred Louis pay, and a share in the profits!


  • 一个袋里各国钱币有:法国路易西班牙杜布龙每枚8个里亚尔的银币。

    There were all kinds of gold coins in the bag-big French gold coins, Spanish doubloons and pieces of eight.


  • 可敬马白夫先生,素来品行端正而饶有稚气,绝不接受份来自星星礼物绝不同意星星自己铸造路易

    M. Mabeuf, in his venerable, infantile austerity, had not accepted the gift of the stars; he had not admitted that a star could coin itself into louis d'or.


  • 只有这么高,她怀里抱着玩具娃娃,她把她的金路易放在围裙口袋里,她呀笑呀,他们搀着手向前,她世上只有他一个人。

    She was no taller than that, she had her big doll in her arms, she had put her louis d'or in the pocket of that apron, she had laughed, they walked hand in hand, she had no one in the world but him.


  • 看到了意外发现很有潜力,这印证著名科学家路易斯·巴斯的话机会青睐有准备的人”。

    Proving the truth of the famous scientist Louis Pasteur's words "chance favours only the prepared mind", Perkin saw the potential of his unexpected find.


  • “布洛可嫁给当然为了,”亚士多夫人的朋友路易•奥克洛斯作家说道,“不是因为这样不会尊敬。”

    "Of course she married Vincent for the money," Louis Auchincloss, a friend and writer, would say. "I wouldn't respect her if she hadn't."


  • 著名乐队指挥,奥利弗也是路易斯·阿姆斯特朗老师让阿姆斯特朗乐队中担当重任,开启了阿姆斯特朗的职业生涯

    Best known as a bandleader, King Oliver was also Louis Armstrong's teacher, and was responsible for launching Armstrong's career by featuring him in his band.


  • 1992年赢得更多选举人他们竞选中我出过力的七个参议员候选人中有四人获胜:汤姆·、蒂姆·约翰逊、约翰·克里路易斯安那州的玛丽·兰德里欧。

    I had won more electoral votes than in 1992, and four of the seven Senate candidates I had campaigned for won: Tom Harkin, Tim Johnson, John Kerry, and, in Louisiana, Mary Landrieu.


  • 哥尔内尔、路易斯·辛普森以及詹姆斯·怀特他们经常发送一些四五页打印好的书信,相互间评价或是争论我们每个诗作

    Galway Kinnell and Louis Simpson and Don and I and James Wright would often send five - and six-page typed letters commenting on and arguing with each others' poems.


  • 另一个让他们开心一些比方比作红衣主教黎赛留梅德韦杰夫则路易十三

    Another delightful comparison likened Putin to Cardinal Richelieu, with Medvedev cast in the role of Louis XIII.


  • 伽利略路易斯•巴斯爱德华这样科学家曾受到过人们的嘲笑,因为他们理论当时的人们所接受

    Scientists such as Galileo, Louis Pasteur, and Edward Jenner were laughed at because they held theories that were not accepted.


  • 美国路易斯安那州州长鲍比·达尔(Bobby Jindal)已经宣布本州进入紧急状态而且上级请求联邦,布置6000名国防部士兵帮助清理海面。

    Louisiana's governor, Bobby Jindal, has declared a state of emergency and asked for federal funds to deploy 6, 000 National Guard soldiers to help with the clean up.


  • 5年前,玛丽亚到银行支取丈夫养老时,银行职员告诉她,电脑显示帐户上女主人的姓名不是路易斯的太太另有其人。

    Mrs Rodrigues told Jornal Nacional: "They told me I wasn't my husband's wife and even showed me on the computer screen the name of another woman who would be his real wife."


  • 美国路易斯安那州州长鲍比·达尔(Bobby Jindal)已经宣布本州进入紧急状态而且上级请求联邦,布置6000名国防部士兵帮助清理海面。

    Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal has declared a state of emergency and asked for federal funds to deploy 6, 000 National Guard soldiers to help with the clean-up.


  • 杰克需要找到阿伯特·拉今天要飞到别处去了,或许t WA航班达拉斯圣•路易

    Jake: I need to find Abbot Larkin. He's flying somewhere today, maybe to Dallas or St.Louis on TWA.


  • 我们必须采取一切措施保护我们海岸线,我们的野生动物我们的人民,”路易斯安那州州长鲍比·达尔(Bobby Jindal)4月30日下午新闻发布会上表示

    "We need to take every measure we can to protect our coastlines, our wildlife and our people," said Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal in a press conference Friday afternoon.


  • 萨尔比萨的名粉丝“有点罗纳德•里根,有点路易格拉汉姆,有点马丁路德,还是个百分百的火箭明星”。

    One fan in Sal’s calls himpart Ronald Reagan, part Lewis Graham, part Martin Luther King and 100% rock star”.


  • 同时路易斯安那州长博比·戴尔其他官员鼓励所有沿海居民转移安全地带

    Meanwhile, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal and other state officials are encouraging all coastal residents to move to safety.


  • 首先,阿伯特·路易

    First, Abbott Larkin goes to St. Louis.


  • 杰克需要找到阿伯特·拉今天要飞到别处去了,或许t WA航班达拉斯·路易试试圣·路易斯吧。

    Jake: I need to find Abbot Larkin. He's flying somewhere today, maybe to Dallas or St. Louis on TWA. Try St. Louis.


  • 路易斯顿波特兰北部安德罗斯科河边一个城市位于缅因西南部。始建于1770年,19世纪早期成为纺织中心人口40,481。

    A city of southwest Maine on the Androscoggin River north of Portland. Settled in1770, it became a textile center in the early19th century. Population, 40, 481.


  • N235路易三辛基氧膦(TOPO)组成协同萃取体系碱性氰化贵液中I)协同萃取反萃进行了研究。

    This paper aims to extraction and stripping of gold(I) from alkaline cyanide leaching solution by the N235-TOPO co-extraction system.


  • 路易美国人中超过一半退休年纪的人,他们最近一项调查他们推迟退休,因为他们在经济衰退中失去了他们的储蓄

    Lewis joins more than half of Americans near retirement age who said in recent surveys that they would delay retirement because they lost savings in the economic downturn.


  • 杰克需要找到阿伯特·拉今天要飞到别处去了,或许t WA航班达拉斯路易

    Jake: I need to find Abbot Larkin. He's flying somewhere today, maybe to Dallas or St. Louis on TWA.


  • 路易交响乐团音乐指挥伦纳特·斯莱特伯恩斯坦不仅我们所有的人敞开了大门而且多年我国音乐方面是非感的体现者。”

    Bernstein, says Leonard Slatkin, music director of the Saint Louis Symphony Orchestra, "not only opened doors for all of us, but was the musical conscience of this country for years."


  • 家庭感情,家庭的期待…像盘旋瘴气一样渗透寸空气里(路易斯·克洛斯

    The family affection, the family expectations, seemed to permeate the atmosphere. like a coiling miasma(Louis Auchincloss)


  • 路易交响乐团音乐指挥伦纳德·斯莱特伯恩斯坦不仅我们所有的人敞开了音乐殿堂大门而是这些年来我们国家的音乐良心。”

    Bernstein, says Leonard Slatkin, music director of the Saint Louis Symphony Orchestra. "not only opened doors for all of us, but was the musical conscience of this country for years."


  • 路易交响乐团音乐指挥伦纳德·斯莱特伯恩斯坦不仅我们所有的人敞开了音乐殿堂大门而是这些年来我们国家的音乐良心。”

    Bernstein, says Leonard Slatkin, music director of the Saint Louis Symphony Orchestra. "not only opened doors for all of us, but was the musical conscience of this country for years."


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