• 建立高端细分市场金融品牌

    The second is the establishment of high-end market segments of the financial brand.


  • 金融品牌同样如此。

    Financial brand, also the same.


  • 因此一时期提出当下金融品牌传播策略研究具有积极的现实意义研究价值

    Therefore, to conduct research into communication strategies of financial brands is meaningful and valuable at the time.


  • 然而,同众多美国金融品牌一样哈佛耶鲁名字如今亚洲地似乎已失去了往日的光芒。

    But these days, the names of Harvard and Yale - like so many American financial brands - are looking somewhat tarnished in places such as Asia.


  • 招商银行马蔚华行长作了“不确定性背景下金融品牌营销”的主题演讲引起与会代表热烈反响

    China Merchants Bank governor ma Weihua made "uncertainty in the context of financial brand marketing" of the keynote speeches, the delegates aroused enthusiastic response.


  • 大家知道工商注册一说,从来没有听说新闻方式注册企业品牌没有听说新闻可以注册金融品牌

    We only know of industrial and commercial registration, said it had never heard of the brand to register with the news, but have not heard the financial news can register the brand.


  • 金融品牌虽然不能注册商标那样进行注册,如果利用新闻方式不仅可以媒介载体进行注册重要的公众心里进行注册。

    Although not as financial brand to register as trademarks, but if you use news means, not only can be registered on the media carrier, more importantly, to be registered in the public mind.


  • 攻击可以安装一个特洛伊木马程序不请自来的电子邮件发送软件目的是金融活动造成损害品牌名称修改公司资源

    Or an attacker might be able to install a Trojan horse program or unsolicited E-mail sending software, aim at financial enrichment or cause brand name damage by modifying company resources.


  • 恢复我们良好声誉重振我们品牌号召力不同的角度讲稳定金融领域同样具有挑战性

    Restoring our good name and reviving the appeal of our brand is in many ways as great a challenge as stabilizing the financial sector.


  • 代表团包括城市基础设施建设城市规划矿业能源法律金融建筑水力动力教育品牌营销部门公司主管

    The delegation will include chiefs of companies from urban infrastructure, town planning, mining, energy, legal, financial, construction, water, power, education and brand marketing sectors.


  • 我们期望品牌企业公民企业社会责任方面成为金融服务行业全球领先者

    We also aspire to be a global leader in the financial-services industry—with a strong brand name and a solid record for corporate citizenship and social responsibility.


  • 现在,摆在这些公司面前的,主要条路:一是收购其他公司(百事公司前不久收购了两大饮料品牌);二是把交给股东们——想象他们欣喜若狂,就不会再把钱攒起来了。 ---》they指代firms,公司现在有钱了,很high,不像金融危机那样紧巴巴不敢花钱了。assume假定

    They have two main options: acquisitions (Pepsi has just bought its two main bottlers) or payouts to shareholdersassuming they are cheery enough to stop hoarding cash.


  • :“许多公司选择遵循金融战略’,他们通过收购合并的战略措施,尽可能品牌纳入他们旗下。”

    Some companies have chosen to follow a "financial strategy," growing through acquisitions and putting together as many good brands as they can under a single roof, he said.


  • 媒体购买者亚洲金融服务公司也正在搁置品牌营销计划

    Financial-services companies in Asia are already shelving plans for branding campaigns, say media buyers.


  • 金融时报》报道,由于市场疲软,日本开设分店已有30意大利品牌范思哲公司决定撤出日本市场。

    The Italian fashion house Gianni Versace is pulling out of Japan after nearly 30 years amid flagging sales, the Financial Times reported.


  • 品牌忠诚计画市场,其中之一成长最快的就是金融服务业

    One of the fastest-growing brand loyalty markets is financial services.


  • 金融危机爆发今天,各大奢侈品牌感到岌岌可危

    Nowadays, most luxury brands feel precarious during the financial crisis.


  • 攻击可以安装一个特洛伊木马程序不请自来的电子邮件发送软件目的是金融活动造成损害品牌名称修改公司资源

    Or an attacker might be able to install a Trojan horse program or unsolicited email sending software, aim at financial enrichment or cause brand name damage by modifying company resources.


  • 当前金融危机背景下许多汽车品牌4s开始实施服务营销战略

    In the current environment of financial crisis, many auto brand 4s stores start to implement services marketing strategy.


  • 处在这样一个特殊历史时期心雨饰品临危不惧,从容应对,顺利度过了这场金融风暴让心雨欣这个品牌变得更加坚强

    In such a special period of history, courage and Xinyuxin Jewelry, calmly and smoothly through this financial turmoil, but also for Xinyuxin the brand has become stronger!


  • 说:“许多公司选择遵循金融战略’,他们通过收购合并的战略措施,尽可能品牌纳入他们的旗下。

    Some companies have chosen to follow a "financial strategy, " growing through acquisitions and putting together as many good brands as they can under a single roof, he said.


  • 凭借强大的色彩渐变人生十字路口的设备这个品牌代表一个保守金融机构

    With powerful colour gradients and device based on life's intersections, this brand stands out in a sea of conservative financial institutions.


  • 我们办事处上海管理中心销售营销品牌金融组成。

    Our offices and management centre in Shanghai consisting of Sales, Marketing, Branding and Finance.


  • 决定公布之前,英国《金融时报》报道称,监管者要求可口可乐收购完成放弃汇源品牌,但这一要求遭到拒绝。

    Publication of the decision followed a report in the Financial Times that the regulator had demanded Coke relinquish the Huiyuan brand after the acquisition , a request that was refused .


  • 公司金融战略正在深刻地影响企业竞争力价值金融资源作为品牌载体品牌价值的扩张铺路。

    Corporate financial strategy is a profound impact on the competitiveness of enterprises and their values. Financial resources as a brand carrier, pave the way for the expansion of brand value.


  • 子公司协作下,通过不同业务领域的产品组合设计营销打造金融控股公司的品牌形象,从而提升自身绩效

    FHC set up it's famous brand by way of diversified product and the cross-selling. It is also an important tool to enhance FHC's operation performance.


  • 本文力求金融服务业行业特点进行提炼前人品牌管理理念相互融合形成基于服务业的品牌建设体系

    This paper seeks to refine the characteristics of the financial services industry, and integration with the previous brand management concept. Brand building services system based on the form.


  • 本文力求金融服务业行业特点进行提炼前人品牌管理理念相互融合形成基于服务业的品牌建设体系

    This paper seeks to refine the characteristics of the financial services industry, and integration with the previous brand management concept. Brand building services system based on the form.


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