• 去除结更换制具。

    Remove "the gold objects or replace system to provide."


  • 适用于镀的仿金物

    A thin layer of gold or something simulating gold that is applied in gilding.


  • 耶和华的放在车上,将所赔罪匣子里,放在柜

    Take the ark of the LORD and put it on the cart, and in a chest beside it put the gold objects you are sending back to him as a guilt offering. Send it on its way.


  • 熟悉这栋建筑布局大步流星地走在走廊上

    Kim knew the geography of the building and strode along the corridor.


  • 食品行业受到阿特低碳水化合饮食目前流行刺激,开始作出回应。

    The industry, stung by the current popularity of the Atkins low-carbohydrate diet, has begun to respond.


  • 低碳化合饮食运动催生阿特斯饮食法、旧石器饮食法饮食法饮食方法,这些饮食方法建议面包意大利面和土豆等换成蔬菜和肉。

    The low-carbohydrate food movement gave birth to such diets as the Atkins, Paleo and Keto, which advised swapping foods like bread, pasta and potatoes for vegetables, fish and meat.


  • 一发现促使珀创办了一家公司,使用这种化学混合来制造紫色染料。

    This discovery led Perkin to start a company using this chemical mixture to make purple dye.


  • 先生两腔混凝土堆肥式厕所但是在读了《人类排泄手册》之后,他到了一种更好的方式

    He has a two-chamber concrete composting toilet, Mr. King said, but after reading "the Humanure Handbook," he has learned there is a better way to go.


  • 碳水化合饮食通过阻断接近水化合方式强迫身体开始燃烧脂肪

    The Atkins low carb diet forces your body to start burning fat by cutting way back on its access to carbs.


  • 2004年,这家公司第一次亏损归咎于越来越多人开始使用低碳水化合的阿特饮食法其实不止这些

    In 2004, the company's first loss was blamed on the rise of the low-carbohydrate Atkins diet, but it was much more than this.


  • 阿特斯饮食法两个星期严格,每天允许吃20水化合

    The first two weeks of the AtkinsDiet are strict, with only 20g of carbohydrates permitted per day.


  • 一个即将改造增添CCS设备的电站,与建设斯诺斯电站完全不同,因此的花费应当相对便宜,便于削减开支,而且不会增添排放

    This would be a retrofitadding CCS to an existing plant – not a new build like Kingsnorth, and as such it should be cheaper and would cut, not add to emissions.


  • 酒精产品,这类产品多含其他一些镇痛成分芦荟海藻提取

    Alcohol free products are available, and usually contain astringents like witch hazel mixed with soothing plant ingredients such as aloe and seaweed extracts.


  • 那位菲亚·格里夫妇律师那些发射塔本身表达类似的观点:“人们暴露各种各样的化学下,短期长期的。”

    McKinley, the Feagleys' lawyer, expressed a similar sentiment about the towers themselves: "People are exposed to all sorts of chemicals short-term and long-term."


  • 癌细胞扩散过程中,细胞表面会施放出化学质,研究发现包括纳米粒子在内的感应用于检测呼吸中的此类化学质。

    As a cancer grows, the surface of the cells emits chemicals. The research found that sensors - involving gold nanoparticles - could be used to detect these chemicals in the breath.


  • 《阿特减肥书》已经畅销好几了,阿特营养学家都逼了,他说所有你想吃脂肪只要吃大量碳水化合面包

    The Atkins Diet has been popular for year, Atkins make nutritionists mad by saying you can eat just about all the fat you want, as long as you don't eat many carbohydrates, sugar and bread.


  • 难道真的阿特斯所说的那样,典型的高水化合、低脂肪饮食法真的有害富含大量脂肪的低碳水化合饮食法真的有益吗?

    Couldit really be, as Atkins argues, that low-fat diets, which are typicallyhigh in carbohydrates, are bad and that low-carbohydrate diets, whichoften contain considerable fat, are good?


  • 阿特碳水化合侧重于剔除经过处理、精制以及含糖量高食品

    The low carb approach of Atkins also focuses on cutting out foods that are processed, refined and full of sugars.


  • 坚持原始版本还是寻找其它选项——碳水化合完全复制饮食法?

    Should I stick with the original or go for one of the other options that were low carb but not an exact copy of the Atkins diet?


  • 此后,阿饮食一直被不断调整以便摄取更多水化合

    It has since been revised to allow for more carbohydrates to be eaten.


  • 现存的障碍如果加州权退休基风险,人们很可能从新商讨慷慨的公共养老项目。

    The snag is that if CalPERS takes less risk, generous public-pension schemes will almost certainly have to be renegotiated.


  • 说:“阻止混合我们希望的。一年一度温水“险滩”,会10年天内会变很浅变的狭长。”

    "The warming of the lake is counteracting the mixing we would expect," says McKinley, as the annual period warm water "shoals," or remains shallow, grows longer by a few days every decade.


  • 想出制造各

    To make artistic designs for work in gold, silver and bronze.


  • 如果不准确碳水化合消费,您可能会认为饮食法,事实上,你不是。

    If you inaccurately guess your Net Carbs consumption, you might think that you are on the Atkins diet but, in fact, you are not.


  • 法拉布拉德利·威奥运健儿消耗大量蛋白质碳水化合特别是他们比赛准备一部分时间

    Olympic athletes like mo Farah and Bradley Wiggins consume huge amounts of protein and carbohydrates at particular times as part of their preparation for RACES.


  • 他们展示一种可以当做标记特殊的蛋白鉴别出使用新型肿瘤有效稀有类型霍奇淋巴瘤病人

    They show that a specific protein can be used as a 'biomarker' to identify which patients with a rare type of non-Hodgkin lymphoma would benefit from a new class of cancer drug.


  • 太尔指出一叙事背景下德性通过实践内在获得了界定

    MacIntyre points out that virtue is defined by practice and internal goods in the context provided by this narrative of pursuit.


  • 太尔指出一叙事背景下德性通过实践内在获得了界定

    MacIntyre points out that virtue is defined by practice and internal goods in the context provided by this narrative of pursuit.


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