• “格巴维已经赢得了几个奖项包括柏林电影节熊奖。

    Grbavicahas already won several awards, including the Golden Bear at the Berlin film festival.


  • 丹尼尔.里伯斯的最有名的作品柏林犹太人纪念馆和现在正在建设纽约世界贸易中心

    Daniel Libeskind is best known for his Jewish Museum in Berlin as well as masterplanning the World Trade Center site, currently under construction in New York. See all our posts about Libeskind here.


  • 女士,现年32岁,从6开始练习小提琴,13就在柏林交响乐团首演,并多场担任首席。

    Ms.Kym, who is 32, began playing the violin at 6, made her international debut with the Berlin Symphony Orchestra when she was 13 and has performed with other leading orchestras.


  • 有五分之一柏林人靠着救济过活,失业率几近全国水平2倍因为劳动力扩增速度几乎与工作岗位数量增加速度一致。

    A fifth of Berliners live off social transfers. Unemployment is still close to double the national rate because the workforce has recently expanded almost as quickly as the number of jobs.


  • 每周天都有小队小型车柏林南部玛琳道夫(Mariendorf)【1】慈善中心(the Diakonie-Zentrum)【2】出发这个地区养老的人们去热腾腾但又非常便宜饭菜

    SIX days a week a small fleet of compact cars sets off from the Diakonie-Zentrum in Mariendorf in southern Berlin to deliver cheap hot meals to pensioners in the district.


  • 当地时间20日,第60柏林电影节落下帷幕,土耳其影片蜂蜜赢得最佳影片熊奖。

    The Turkish film "Bal," or "Honey," won the top Golden Bear for best picture Saturday at the 60th annual Berlin Film Festival.


  • “格巴维已经赢得了几个奖项包括柏林电影节熊奖。

    "Grbavica" has already won several awards, including the Golden Bear at the Berlin film festival.


  • 熊奖柏林国际电影节最高荣誉狮奖、棕榈奖称为电影节三大最高荣誉象征

    Golden Bear award is the highest honor in the Berlin International Film festival. the Golden Lion prize, the Palmed 'or and it were the symbol of three highest honor in movie festival.


  • 李安第二部电影喜宴荣获柏林熊奖获得奥斯卡最佳外语片提名。

    Lee's second film, The Wedding Banquet, won the Golden Bear in the Berlin Film Festival and was nominated for Best Foreign Language Film in the Golden Globe and the Academy Awards.


  • 成龙日志中高度赞扬培达创作歌词。音乐人培达在去年举行的柏林电影节中荣获最佳电影音乐银熊奖。

    He praised the lyrics of the Mandarin Chinese song composed by Peter Kam, who won a Silver Bear award for best film music at the Berlin Film Festival last year.


  • 挪威新秀约书亚。参加门兴2 - 1击败柏林赫塔的比赛。

    Norwegian youngster Joshua King wasn't involved in Borussia Monchengladbach's 2-1 triumph at Hertha Berlin.


  • 2001年,李安卧虎藏龙拿下了奥斯卡最佳外语片,而后柏林电影节凭借“婚礼宴会”一片摘得最佳大奖

    Ang Lee's film "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" won Oscar's Best Foreign film award in 2001 and his "Wedding Banquet" won Golden Bear award in Berlin International film Festival in 2001.


  • 于是爱柏林先生把家庭财产中的80%作为银行存款固定养老避免“被市场侵吞”。

    Eberlin, he now has almost 80% of his family's assets "protected from the market" in certificates of deposit and fixed annuities.


  • 柏林非常棒,很亲切喜欢这里可是,我对开著的奔驰轿车学校有点惭愧,因为老师们都是火车来的。

    Berlin is wonderful, people are nice and I really like it here, but Dad, I am bit ashamed to arrive to my college with my Gold Mercedes, when all my Teachers travel by train.


  • 柏林非常棒,很亲切喜欢这里可是,我对开著的宾士轿车来学校有点惭愧因为老师们都是火车的。

    Berlin is wonderful, people are nice and I really like it here, but Dad, I am a bit ashamed to arrive to my college with my Gold Mercedes, When all my Teachers travel by train.


  • 千与千寻获得柏林电影节熊奖,日本打破了《泰坦尼克号》的票房记录,也是历史一部北美放映之前就创造了2亿票房记录的电影。

    "Spirited Away, " which won the Berlin Film Festival, has passed "Titanic" at the Japanese box office and is the first film in history to gross $200 million before even opening in North America.


  • 千与千寻获得柏林电影节熊奖,日本打破了《泰坦尼克号》的票房记录,也是历史一部北美放映之前就创造了2亿票房记录的电影。

    "Spirited Away, " which won the Berlin Film Festival, has passed "Titanic" at the Japanese box office and is the first film in history to gross $200 million before even opening in North America.


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