• 有效佩服尼也出于因。

    He's so effective. I admire Ginny for pretty much the same reason.


  • 教授稍后将发表演讲,但请允许先介绍一下

    Professor King will be delivering his lecture in a moment, but let me introduce him first.


  • 可是情绪不仅没有一些芥蒂,甚至对小姐毫无成见

    But my feelings are not only cordial towards him; they are even impartial towards Miss King.


  • 讨厌。”说。

    "I hate him," says Jonkins.


  • 喜欢克拉所说关于动力的话,,“人们动力不会持续很长时间。”

    I like what Zig Ziglar said about motivation, he said, "People often say that motivation doesn't last."


  • 拉斯科博士斯坦福大学任教,这个名字也是本书的名字,强烈推荐这本书。

    Dr. Luskin teaches at Stanford and this is also the name of his book that I highly recommend to you.


  • 来说非常重要的一点是,描写博士不仅仅伟人还是一个受到召唤不平凡事平凡人

    It was important to me to write about Dr.King, not just as a great man, but as an ordinary human being called to do extraordinary things.


  • 告诉热爱自己工作,“孩子高中最后一年不能一个留在家里。”

    Erskine told me he loved his job, but my boy should not be at home alone in his last year in high school.


  • 希望有一天儿子们能够了解真实博士——不仅仅希望彼此相爱的善良,不仅仅是光芒几乎盖过这个一年一度的节日的浪漫化形象。

    Someday I also want my sons to know the real Dr.King — that he was not just a nice man who wanted us all to love one another, a romanticized vision that threatens to overtake this annual holiday.


  • 负责这个项目军官·霍尔姆斯上校说,之所以录取是因为作为军官,能够国家做出贡献要比新兵更多

    The officer in charge of the program, Colonel Eugene Holmes, told me he was taking me because I would be of greater service to the country as an officer than as a draftee.


  • 杰克出门旅行,告诉可以旅行社打听一下飞行计划

    Jake: he's traveling. Larkin told me I could ask the travel agent for his flight plans.


  • 糟糕的是,同意加入后备役军官训练计划.霍尔姆斯上校现在却说进行误导而逃避服兵役。

    Even worse, Colonel Eugene Holmes, who had agreed to let me join the program, now claimed that I had misled him to get out of the draft.


  • 不管哪里,马丁·路德·博士一定会在天上看着讲话,以及美国所经受的一切磨难最终带来了现在的这些变化。

    "Wherever he is, Doctor Martin Luther king is looking down on us and saying, the speech I made and with all the struggle in America, it has finally come to where there are some changes," she said.


  • 莫莱森晚年时候,科医生在看自己影像的时候些什么答道,“是个小男孩。”

    Once, in the later years, when she asked him what he was thinking as he gazed at his reflection, he replied, “I'm not a boy.


  • 大选之前里奇污蔑词汇的小手册中选出词语,称做“一般美国人的敌人”。

    Just before the election, he had taken a page from his pamphlet of smear words, calling me the enemy of normal Americans.


  • 听到一阵音乐伴奏房间传出来,紧接着传来马丁路德声音:‘山顶上……’你知道的,让人大吃一惊。

    You'd be hearing a music mix coming from his room and suddenly Martin Luther King, Jr.'s voice: 'I have been to the top of the mountain...' you know. Stunning.


  • 作为名领养老的人,立即得到了治疗,”

    "As a pensioner, I get seen immediately," he says.


  • 创作团队此前曾尝试了很多种类的“达人”类选秀节目此前因为2007年的“英雄节目而为大众所知

    Our production team had tried many kinds of "Idol"-style selection shows in the past," said Jin, who was previously best-known for his 2007 show "My Hero".


  • 迈克没有看到辆轿车开走了,没有看到现在哪儿了呢?

    Mike: no, I just saw the car drive away. I didn't see Larkin. Where's he going now?


  • 一部路德后人正式授权的大银幕作品,而且也给梦工厂个表现路德思想遗产的机会-包括的“一个梦想”的演讲

    Project marks the first bigscreen film to be authorized by King's estate and gives DreamWorks access to King's intellectual property -- including his "I Have a Dream" speech.


  • 听说史蒂文不管文思泉涌还是文思暂时枯竭,坐下每天写下大概2000,以求获得一些想法即使这些想法不好

    Iíve heard that whenever Steven King gets writers block and canít think of anything creative, he just sits down and writes around 2000 words a day to get some ideas out even if theyíre bad.


  • 跟纽特·里奇开玩笑说,终于发现一项反对减税措施了。

    I kidded Newt Gingrich that I had finally found a tax cut that he was against.


  • 办公厅副主任厄斯·鲍尔的密友高尔夫球友。一位极好的管理人员,是商界之间最好联络员返乡了。

    My deputy chief of staff, Erskine Bowles, who had become a close friend and golfing partner and who was a superb manager and our best liaison to the business community, was going home, too.


  • 有时辅导法语作业尽管只要稍不留神,不再配合,尽数分析熊队刚刚打完的赛事来。

    I help him sometimes with his French homework, though, if I let him, he will interrupt the conjugations to give me a play-by-play analysis of whatever game Cal has just played.


  • 很棒自己也没有预料到这么上场机会,但是发挥地好,总是虚心学习一点太重要了。

    He is doing very well,” said Walcott. “I don't think he thought he would be playing quite this much but Carl's got in there and he always wants to learn, which is great to see.


  • 确实关注英国石油公司,”在被问及这家能源公司可能面对的诉讼达尔顾左右而言

    "I do have concerns" about BP, Jindal said while sidestepping questions about potential lawsuits against the energy company.


  • 还是经常那个陆军-海军球场,总是会想念,不过离开时,至少给了能干的波德斯塔作顶替人。

    I kept up my trips to Army-Navy, but I always missed Erskine. At least he was leaving me in good hands with Podesta.


  • WBIG总裁朋友知道想要一些优秀的商业记者

    Larkin: The President of WBIG is a friend of mine. I know he wants some goo new business reporters.


  • 姨父艾伯特谈谈,”沃尔什探长说。脱下帽子外套坐在桌旁

    'I would like to talk first to your nucle, Albert King,' Inspector Walsh said.He took off his hat and coat and sat down behind the table.


  • 姨父艾伯特谈谈,”沃尔什探长说。脱下帽子外套坐在桌旁

    'I would like to talk first to your nucle, Albert King,' Inspector Walsh said.He took off his hat and coat and sat down behind the table.


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