• 爸爸妈妈吵架了。

    Today, mom and dad quarrel.


  • 公司营销总部坐落历史文化名城扬州市金天国际商务中心

    Marketing headquarters is located in the historical and cultural city of Yangzhou city, Heavenly city International Business Center.


  • 为期听证会周三结束,目的确定他们现在李先生及其儿子多少赔偿

    The three days of hearings, which ended Wednesday, were held to determine how much in damages they now owe to Mr. Lee and his son.


  • 马丁路德曾经形容人们前往教堂做礼拜的星期早晨是美国生活能体现种族隔离时候.可能句话现在来看还是会有道理,但是,这种”星期早晨”状况并没有多大改变,尤其是对于黑人以外的人种.

    Martin Luther King once described Sunday mornings, when people go to church, as the most segregated moment in American life. That is probably still true.


  • 终于找到马吕斯的住处。上午,马吕斯学校回来,发现大姨的一封信六十个皮斯托尔,就是说六百法郎封在一个匣子里。

    One morning, on his return from the law-school, Marius found a letter from his aunt, and the sixty pistoles, that is to say, six hundred francs in gold, in a sealed box.


  • 希望有一儿子们能够了解真实博士——不仅仅希望我们彼此相爱的善良,不仅仅是光芒几乎盖过这个一年一度的节日的浪漫化形象。

    Someday I also want my sons to know the real Dr.King — that he was not just a nice man who wanted us all to love one another, a romanticized vision that threatens to overtake this annual holiday.


  • 很久很久以前,可以跟很多约会直到有一某人许下了千一诺。

    In the old days, you could date multiple people until you decided to commit to one person.


  • 历时八的飞行任务阿姆斯壮进行指挥阿特灵一起走出登陆艇树起美国国旗敬礼。

    The eight-day mission was commanded by Armstrong, who, along with Aldrin, stepped out of their Eagle landing craft, planted an American flag and saluted it.


  • 说,假如这样需要但是如果你有便携式洗矿槽,淘洗同样数量矿砂只要就够了。

    Three to four days if you stuck with a pan, he reckoned, but with a portable sluice box you could process the same amount of gravel and material in a single day.


  • 的演讲。批评者认为5课时太少了,由150人左右组成班级了。

    Critics argue that the five-day course is too short and classes of around 150 students each are too large.


  • 西班牙圭莱娜国际猎鹰集市的开幕第一,人们得以见到只真正的

    A golden eagle is seen during the opening day of an international falconry fair in Guillena, Spain.


  • 米歇尔·奥巴马呼吁美国人马丁·路德·纪念日家人一道提供服务

    Michelle Obama has urged Americans to join her family in a day of service on the Martin Luther King Day holiday.


  • 晚上在乡村舞会上,为了保护一个叫洛的农村姑娘喝醉了士兵大打出手,当场一个士兵打死了两个受了重伤

    At a peasant dance one night he protected Lorchen, a farm girl, from a group of drunken soldiers. In the ensuing brawl, one soldier was killed and two were seriously injured.


  • 波兰希望先生苏联在1939年9月17日这一侵犯波兰这一事件至少表示轻微歉意

    Poland hopes that Mr Putin will at least express mild regret about the Soviet aggression against Poland on September 17th 1939.


  • 之后怀会议中心之前,在强力推荐下,我提名约翰·波德斯塔接替职务

    Four days later, just before I left again for Wye River, I named John Podesta to succeed Erskine, who had strongly recommended him for the job.


  • 海莉·奥经过紧张的学习筋疲力尽回到家中时,足够的理由发泄自己的牢骚不满。

    When Hayley Okines arrives home after a tiring day at school she would have more reason to grumble than most.


  • 这个些时候,我们花了时间拜访加利福尼亚州河谷,两时间走遍德克萨斯州以及俄亥俄州宾夕法尼亚州其中我们没有到过地方,最后纽约州西部

    Later in the month, we did a one-day tour of California's San Joaquin Valley, and two-day trips through Texas and what wed missed of Ohio and Pennsylvania, ending up in western New York.


  • 遇刺的前一夜里博士梅森坦普尔教堂得满满屋子的人做了个带点迷信的预言性布道

    The night before he was killed, Dr. King gave an eerily prophetic sermon to a packed house at Mason Temple Church.


  • 这些政策部分为了防止保守党抨击无法无不列颠”,这是保守党皮尔事件发生时保守党郑重抛出的用词。

    These policies are intended partly to head off the Tories' attacks on "broken Britain", a phrase they solemnly wheel out at Pilkington moments.


  • 里奇说上任第一就会废除39位白宫各个行政方面的总管。

    On his very first day Mr Gingrich would abolish 39 White House “tsars”.


  • 第二研究中,赫尔姆斯博士100名学生志愿者观看2001年由凯特·贝塞尔约翰·库萨克主演的影片《缘份注定》,同时让另外100人观看大卫·林奇导演的一部影片。

    In a second study, Dr Holmes asked around 100 student volunteers to watch Serendipity -the 2001 romantic comedy starring Kate Beckinsale and John Cusack, while 100 watched a David Lynch drama.


  • 在对进行的4的审判中,坚持认为只是改进他的祖国接收他的国家的关系。

    Throughout his four-day trial, Chin insisted that he had only intended to improve relations between his homeland and his adopted country.


  • 交了50美元保证后,客户通过email得到有效期30可用域名列表

    After 50 dollars are deposited, clients start getting a list of available domain names via E-mail for a period of 30 days.


  • 每周都有小队小型车柏林南部玛琳道夫(Mariendorf)【1】慈善中心(the Diakonie-Zentrum)【2】出发这个地区养老的人们去热腾腾但又非常便宜饭菜

    SIX days a week a small fleet of compact cars sets off from the Diakonie-Zentrum in Mariendorf in southern Berlin to deliver cheap hot meals to pensioners in the district.


  • 每周都有小队小型车柏林南部玛琳道夫(Mariendorf)【1】慈善中心(the Diakonie-Zentrum)【2】出发这个地区养老的人们去热腾腾但又非常便宜饭菜

    SIX days a week a small fleet of compact cars sets off from the Diakonie-Zentrum in Mariendorf in southern Berlin to deliver cheap hot meals to pensioners in the district.


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