• 原来你说的是那个金国

    Oh, that State of Jin.


  • 知道金国吗?

    Do you know the State of Jin?


  • “牠们身体精神状态良好,”动物园园长金国(音译)

    "They are in good shape both physically and psychologically," said Zhang Jinguo, vice head of the zoo.


  • 随后的南宋王朝1127年放弃整个北国领土,而垂手让与女真人金国山西也包括在内

    The Southern Song Dynasty that came after abandoned all of North China to the Jurchen Jin Dynasty in 1127, including Shanxi.


  • 秘鲁南美增长最快经济体,位居智利之后世界第二国,同时还是一个重要金国

    Peru, South America's fastest-growing economy, is the world's second-largest producer of copper after Chile, and is also an important gold producer.


  • 胶州号称“海表名邦”,明清以来胶州”多拉多”(德语理想金国”的意思)的美誉

    Jiaozhou, known by reputation as "Renowned Land", has been reputed as "Golden Jiaozhou" and also "El Dorado" (which means "an idealized gold country" in German) since Ming and Qing Dynasties.


  • 中国现时为全球第一金国全球继印度第二黄金消费国即使全球市场例如美国市场需求正退减,中国市场依然强大

    China, the world's largest gold producer and the world's second biggest gold consumer after India, is still a strong market, while the demand in markets such as the U. S. is waning.


  • 机构资料数据2008年的初步数据显示南非黄金产量达到一个世纪以来的最低点,成为世界第三金国落后美国

    The consultancy's archive data and provisional 2008 figures show that South Africa's output reached its lowest point in a century, demoting the country to world number three, behind the US.


  • 大卫·卡梅伦这个和普金莫斯科会面是两国首脑年来首次联系

    David Cameron did manage to meet Putin in Moscow this month, the first contact for four years.


  • 一国另外一国黄金作为准备金想法确实存在并且也确实能够发挥作用,前提是该国能够清楚地意识到这种做法的争议性。

    But the idea of a country's using another's gold as a reserve does exist and does work, if only with the din of controversy in its metaphorical ears.


  • 最终韩国T - 50金鹰飞机遭到第二次失败去年阿拉伯联合酋长国(uae)的喷气教练机竞争失败后的再次失败。

    As a result, South Korea's T-50 Golden Eagle aircraft suffered a second defeat, following a loss last year in a trainer jet competition in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).


  • 辽阔国家分散着这么住户,他们生存正是依赖于广阔的格陵兰格陵兰国则依赖于远方的丹麦分发的挪威币救济金。

    The survival of so many small settlements across the vast country is made possible by the largesse of the Greenland state, which in turn relies on billions of kroner doled out by distant Denmark.


  • 佐立克先生使这些捐助国相信世行最好就是低姿态去弥补那些热衷于夸耀自己如何慷慨捐助国留下的捐助金缺口

    Mr Zoellick will have to convince donors that the bank's best work is often its least showy, filling in the gaps left by other aid-givers keen to boast about their own generosity.


  • 黄金投资者受两个因素支配,一是货币波动二是含金首饰需求量后者目前仍然很低特别是印度——这个世界上最大黄金消费国

    Investors are at the mercy of currency fluctuations and jewellery demand - which remains low, particularly in India, the world's largest consumer of gold.


  • 世界银行刚果(金)刚果共和国首席代表MarieFrancoise Marie - Kelly“对世界银行和其它伙伴来说这个混乱时期帮助刚果(金)重要”。

    "It's important for the World Bank and the other partners to support the DRC in this period of turmoil," says Marie Francoise Marie-Kelly, country manager for DRC and Congo-Brazzaville.


  • 罕见披风袋鼠2005年底美国澳大利亚印度尼西亚3国科学家印尼座孤岛发现的。

    The golden-mantled tree kangaroo is just one of dozens of species discovered in late 2005 by a team of Indonesian, Australian, and U.S. scientists on the island of New Guinea.


  • 首尔大学教授金容铉(Kim Yong - hyun)认为克林顿这次访问目的:使女记者获释以及改善两国关系

    Kim Yong-hyun, a professor at Seoul's Dongguk University, said Bill Clinton's visit could serve two purposes: securing the women's release and improving ties between the two countries.


  • 粉碎帐汉国以后帖木儿席卷波斯,占领巴格达,强行穿过开伯尔山口进入印度突袭木尔坦密拉特,劫掠德里

    After crushing the golden horde tamerlane swept down into Persia capturing Baghdad and pressing on through the khyber pass into india. there he stormed multan and meerut and sacked Delhi.


  • 莫斯科国立国际关系学院亚力山大·鲁金关系现在处于历史最好时期。

    Now, says Alexander Lukin, of the Moscow state Institute of International relations, relations between the two states are at an all-time high.


  • 本文发现坏账、坏账准备金率、资本充足率贷款资产率这些指标在影响两国银行特许权价值,作用方式一定差异

    The paper also shows that there exist some differences when NPL rate, NPL reserve, capital adequacy ratio and loan asset rate affecting the franchise value.


  • 随着国金中心(IFC)刚刚开业汇丰(HSBC)大楼等摩天大厦点缀上海天际或许情况看起来的确如此

    It might appear so as towering skyscrapers like the just-opened HSBC towers in the IFC dot the Shanghai skyline.


  • 后来拔都回到欧洲在伏尔加下游建立统治了一个新的蒙古国——帐汉国。

    Batu later went back to Europe where he founded and ruled a new Mongol state on the lower volga known as the golden horde.


  • 后来拔都回到欧洲在伏尔加下游建立统治了一个新的蒙古国——帐汉国。

    Batu later went back to Europe where he founded and ruled a new Mongol state on the lower volga known as the golden horde.


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