• 特雷莱昂内尔赶紧水里跑了出来朱莉娅一起,围拢在安娜贝尔发现石上。

    “Look at this,” Trevor and Lionel rushed out of the water as Julia and Megan crowded around a boulder that Annabel had found.


  • 贝尔利用否决者们辩论使用关键技巧妮亚斯科特称之为“吉什辩论法”,以创造论大师反进化论者杜安吉什命名

    Bell uses the key technique that denialists use in debates, dubbed by Eugenie Scott the “Gish gallop”, named after a master of the style, anti-evolutionist Duane Gish.


  • 这样这个密码意思就是瀑布’,”安娜贝尔,“,该了,”正说着,梅便跑水边,一下就跳了进去,潜入水中搜索着水下的东西。

    "Then the code is WATERFALL," Annabel said. "Megan, your turn," she said as Megan ran to the river, jumped in, and searched underneath the water.


  • 马丁.贝尔身份证,脸也整得马丁一样,所以,特勤处放他进入了会场。

    With the face and identification of Martin Belkin he is admitted in by the Secret Service.


  • 也许贝尔先生考虑同样问题来访者介绍60岁的总裁吉姆·时总是称“掌舵高手”。

    Perhaps Mr Bell had the same thing on his mind: he usually introduced Jim Skinner, the 60-year-old vice-chairman, to visitors as the "steady hand at the wheel".


  • 盖恩斯沙漠小屋,因为盖恩斯索要更多换取贝尔身份证曼迪与布瑞吉特争论起来。布瑞吉特恳求曼迪为了她们的爱情支持,她们亲吻了起来

    At Gaines' desert house Mandy and Bridgit argue over asking Gaines for more money for Belkin's I.D. Bridgit appeals to Mandy's love for her and the two kiss.


  • 盖恩斯沙漠小屋,因为盖恩斯索要更多换取贝尔身份证曼迪布瑞吉特争论起来。布瑞吉特恳求曼迪为了她们的爱情支持,她们俩个亲吻了起来

    At Gaines' desert house, Mandy and Bridgit argue over asking Gaines for more money for Belkin's I.D. Bridgit appeals to Mandy's love for her, and the two kiss.


  • 来自基韦斯特市佛罗里达推广大学·贝尔(KimGabel)建议使用称为虫的红蚯蚓

    Kim Gabel from the University of Florida Extension service in Key West suggests using red worms known as red wigglers.


  • 然后还有贝尔先生,他是诸如IntuitGo著名倒闭手写式电脑制造商为麦托什机【注2】制作软件的Claris等公司董事长。

    Then there is Mr. Campbell, a former chief executive of companies like Intuit; Go, a renowned but failed maker of a pen computer; and Claris, which made software for Macintosh computers.


  • 盖恩斯曼迪发出指示,搞定布瑞吉特,后者要求添加100万美元作为送来马丁·贝尔身份证的酬劳。

    Gaines orders Mandy to handle Bridgit's request for an additional million dollars as payment for the delivery of Martin Belkin's I.D. card.


  • 1962年4月由于年前发现DNA结构三个男人——沃森(James Watson)、克里克(Francis Crick)威尔斯(Maurice Wilkins)——分享贝尔

    In April 1962, three menJames Watson, Francis Crick and Maurice WilkinsShared the Nobel Prize for their discovery a decade earlier of the structure of DNA.


  • 同时亚利桑那州立大学(Arizona State University)的古人类学家威廉·贝尔(William Kimbel)主张虽然sediba可能不是人类一个直系祖先,但还是应当为人属这一类,而非南方古猿

    Meanwhile, Arizona State University paleoanthropologist William Kimbel argued that A. sediba should have been classified as Homo, though it may not have been a direct human ancestor.


  • WiseWindow这家位于加州营销公司就是利用社交媒介的活跃程度预测产品需求客户包括拉蒙影业公司贝尔公司,一家消费电子公司。

    WiseWindow, a marketing firm based in Irvine, California, uses social-media activity to forecast demand for products. Its clients include Paramount Pictures and Belkin, a consumer-electronics firm.


  • 这家公司客户中就有拉蒙电影公司以及贝尔这样电子消费品公司。

    Its clients include Paramount Pictures and Belkin, a consumer-electronics firm.


  • 布鲁斯学院伊莎贝尔·希尔?哈斯解释到,家庭背景难以克服的。

    Family background is not insurmountable, explain Isabel Sawhill and Ron Haskins of the Brookings Institution.


  • 后来54岁卓别林曾经获得贝尔文学奖的著名戏剧大师尤金·奥尼尔女儿、年仅18的乌娜·奥尼尔结婚尽管这桩婚姻受到新娘父亲反对

    Later, the 54-year-old Chaplin and has won the Nobel Prize-known playwrights, Eugene ONeills daughter, Una ONeill, age 18, married, although marriage by the brides fathers objections.


  • 贝尔来说不是退休,获奖刚好发生写作生涯中间

    Nobel Prize was not a retirement pension for me. It just came in the middle of my career.


  • 杰克向特勤处示警,刺客是马丁。贝尔他们仍然相信杰克的话。

    He warns them about the assassin, Martin Belkin, but they still do not trust him.


  • 最优控制重要两种优化方法庞特里亚最小值(最大值原理贝尔动态规划法

    Of the problems of optimal control, the most important two optimization methods are Pontryagin minimum(or called maximum) principle and Bellman dynamic programming.


  • 贝尔表示如果公司聚会允许位同伴,可以邀请配偶或者与你约会至少个月恋人

    If the event allows for a plus-one, reserve the invitation for your spouse, or a significant other you've been dating for at least three to six months, Mr. Gimbel says.


  • 美国学者托马斯·克里斯多夫·西获得2011年贝尔经济

    US academics Thomas Sargent and Christopher Sims have won the 2011 Nobel economics prize.


  • 点击这里查看所有贝尔pf 30功能

    Click here to view all of the Belkin PF30's features.


  • 1962年贝尔将颁奖典礼上威尔提名致谢同事提及富兰克林时前面已有13人。

    In 1962 at the Nobel Prize awarding ceremony, Wilkins thanked 13 colleagues by name before he mentioned Franklin.


  • 他们莱德利乔纳森伍德盖特贝尔巴托夫甚至邦达,他们占有优势

    They have Ledley King, Jonathan Woodgate, Berbatov, even Chimbonda and they took advantage.


  • 贝尔艺术博物馆曾经这样过:“感觉幢建筑无关……竣工似乎他人之手。”

    Kahn once said this about the Kimbell Art Museum: "The building feels…that I had nothing to do with it…that some other hand did it."


  • 全球报告发表前夕伊莎贝尔·希尔顿 采访了该项目的CEO保罗·

    On the eve of the global report, Isabel Hilton talks to CDP's CEO Paul Dickinson.


  • 贝尔官员的会晤中特是这样描述自己共同获奖者西姆的:“我们只不过是纸上谈兵人物,我们靠观察数字努力搞清楚正在发生问题。”

    " In an interview with the Nobel Foundation, Sargent described himself and his co-winner thus: "We're just bookish types that look at numbers and try to figure out what's going on.


  • 1963年,最有劝化力的场演讲是《一个理想》,1964年,马丁·路德被给与贝尔安适

    In 1963 King delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech, his most famous speech. In 1964, King became the youngest person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize.


  • 1963年,最有劝化力的场演讲是《一个理想》,1964年,马丁·路德被给与贝尔安适

    In 1963 King delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech, his most famous speech. In 1964, King became the youngest person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize.


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