• 根据发表在《自然遗传学》的有关发现有些人生来携带好吃基因,这些基因控制着胃口、对食物的满足感以及卡路里燃烧

    The findings, published in Nature Genetics, suggest that some people are effectively hardwired to overeat, through genes that control appetite, satiety and how many calories they burn.


  • 子粒叶片利用效率遗传率相对较高

    The heritability of N content in grain and leaf and N utilization efficiency were high.


  • 系列离心机广泛应用生物学遗传医药学等科研生产单位生物细胞蛋白质激素病毒样品要求少粒子进行分离

    It widely applies to particle separation of samples like biologic cell, protein and hormone virus in organizations of R&D and production in fields of biology, genetics, pharmacology and etc.


  • 运用遗传算法基本原理时效作为基本影响因子建立石坝沉降遗传算法模型

    With the basic theory of genetic algorithms, we establish genetic algorithms model of earth-rock dam settlement in which we use aging amount as basic effect factor.


  • 影响需要因素很多其中遗传不同生理状况主要因素。

    Many factors may affect calcium requirement, among which genetic factors and different life-cycle groups are the major factors.


  • 针对目前图像处理模板匹配方法一般具有较大计算不足,提出使用遗传算法进行快速的搜索。

    Many template matching approaches in current image processing literatures are not practical because of their time consuming and complicated computation.


  • 本文提出模糊遗传算法的优化设计方法,能够迅速找到全局解,并加快收敛速度减少计算工作

    A new optimal design based on fuzzy genetic algorithms is proposed in this paper, which can help to find the optimal value overall situation and reduce the calculating work.


  • 遗传算法应用于高维反演问题时,这种编码方法不仅参数占用内存减少最低的限度,而且常规的二进制编码法相比,还能几倍地减少参数译码的计算工作

    Whenapplial to high-dimensional inverse problems, this coding method can not only reduce the memories occupied by parameters to the minimum, but also decrease the decoding work amount by a big margin.


  • 辽宁品系绒山羊我国禁止外流的特有遗传资源,以产绒、绒细度好闻名

    The Liaoning new breed of cashmere goats, a special genetic source, are forbidden to spillover and famous for their high cashmere yield and good cashmere fineness.


  • 结果主要影响样本大小参数易感基因频率环境因素暴露率基因遗传方式疾病的发生率样本影响很小。

    Results: The most influential parameters of sample size were susceptibility frequency of the genotype, environmental exposure factors in the population, and genetic modes.


  • 本文概述了特征,双肌性状的遗传机制,旨在提高家畜产肉以及为瘦肉型动物育种工作提供新的科学依据。

    This article reviewed bovine double muscular traits and its genetic mechanism and supplied some new thoughts for beef breeding and higher beef production.


  • 然而,涉及品种全部遗传关系RAPD分析ssr提供更多信息

    However, the RAPD analysis provides a more informative result in terms of the overall genetic relationships at the species level compared to the SSR analysis.


  • 广西杉木无性系胸径幅、冠高、树冠表面积进行遗传相关分析分析表明:总花与生长性状之间的遗传相关系数均为负值;

    The gross flowers and height, diameter, crown width, crown height, crown surface of Chinese fir clones in Guangxi area were investigated by genetic correlation analysis and path-coefficient analysis.


  • 蛋白质合一般配合力大于特殊配合力方差计算了蛋白质合量的广义狭义遗传

    The variance of general combining ability is larger than that of special combining ability. The heritability in broad and narrow sense were calculated.


  • 一定除草剂丁草胺对蟾蜍红细胞具有明显遗传毒性,除草剂水体污染不容忽视。

    The herbicide butachlor in certain de, sage has obvious hereditary toxicity to erythrocytes of Bufo gargarizans. The pollution of herbicide to water cant be ignored.


  • 遗传稳定分析方法个区域化试验点5个美洲黑杨无性系生长基因型环境交互作用进行了分析。

    The genotype-environment interaction of 4-year DBH growth was analyzed in 4 locations for 5 cottonwood clones by using 5 genetic stability analysis methods.


  • 本文在基础上考虑了每个零部件需求不同所带来的影响,提出了一种基于精英策略适应性的混合遗传算法

    The M-elite coevolutionary algorithm (MECA) is proposed for high-dimensional unconstrained numerical optimization problems based on the concept of coevolutionary algorithm and elitist strategy.


  • 本文在基础上考虑了每个零部件需求不同所带来的影响,提出了一种基于精英策略适应性的混合遗传算法

    The M-elite coevolutionary algorithm (MECA) is proposed for high-dimensional unconstrained numerical optimization problems based on the concept of coevolutionary algorithm and elitist strategy.


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