• 工具性能兼容性数据让HyperionBrio deskto p度量工具难以招架。

    Metrics tool performance and compatibility The volume of our data overwhelmed our Hyperion Brio desktop metrics tools.


  • 他们一个领导工具工作”:如果他们觉得没有他们希望那样努力工作,他们的要求越来越高,越来越苛刻

    Their one leadership tool is volume: if they think you aren't working as hard as they think you should, their demands become increasingly louder and harsher.


  • 于孩子们来说,自己种植果蔬是增加他们的食物摄入的一种有力的工具

    For children, growing their own food is a powerful tool to increase their intake of the food.


  • 这样应用程序可能拥有代码只有使用一个使用浏览器测试应用程序的工具才能测试这样巨大的代码

    Such an application can also have a lot of code that is really only testable using a tool that works with a browser to test the application.


  • 考虑初始设置配置的工作几天时间构建自己定制工具不是非理性选择。

    Given that it can take a while to setup and configure something, it is not unreasonable to spend a couple of days building your own custom tools.


  • JES现在知道,花费一点工作,你就能使用同样设计方法原材料工具制造任何类型摩托车

    JES: you may have then realised that, with a little extra work, you could create a whole family of bikes that were essentially similar using the same basic design and materials and tools.


  • Caterpillar画家,他现在家里作画,这样他就需要办公室,也不需要购买其他的东西只要一卡车,一些梯子工具

    Nieukirk, the ex-Caterpillar painter turned home builder, didn't need an office and had to purchase nothing more than a van, some ladders and a number of tools.


  • 本周早些时候,Venture Beat报道了个八年级使用类似工具创建了一个简单游戏,将《愤怒小鸟》踢下了苹果商店免费游戏下载排行的王座。

    Earlier this week, VentureBeat wrote about an eighth grader who used a similar tool to create a simple game and knock Angry Birds out of the top free spot in the App store.


  • w3 站点使用 SurfAid工具收集数据统计纪录URL

    The w3 site collects traffic statistics and logs URLs with a tool called SurfAid.


  • 使用工具(静态分析单元测试持续集成自动化可接受性测试)帮助团队发现减少他们的技术债务

    Use Tools (Static Analysis, Unit Test, Continuous Integration, Automated Acceptance Tests) to help the teams find, reduce and measure their debt load.


  • 获得最佳的端到端吞吐必须使用各种工具性能识别瓶颈消除它们或者使得它们影响最小化

    To get the best end-to-end throughput, you have to employ various tools to measure performance, identify bottlenecks, and eliminate them or minimize their impact.


  • 每种元素类型对于估计所需工作便利工具

    The quantities of each element type will be handy tools for estimating the total effort required.


  • 即使在内部许多较小团队采用工具,这些工具常常来自开源领域并且经常支持新的过程例如敏捷开发

    Even internally, many smaller teams are adopting lightweight tools, frequently from the open source domain and often to support new processes, such as agile development.


  • 工具没有表现出任何的不同并且对于测试者来说没有额外的工作

    The tool will not behave differently, and there will be no additional workflows for testers.


  • 通过重用脚本工具管理开发环境,和管理生产环境一样,可以节约很多工作

    Effort is saved by reusing scripts and tools to manage development and staging environments in the same way as production.


  • 本文展示如何使用这些工具根据企业需求近乎实时创建具有专业外观信息聚焦图表

    This article shows how to use these tools to create professional-looking, focused, and highly informative charts in near real time for your organizational needs.


  • 有时工具使得遵循一个进程变得更加困难,因此增加了消耗

    Sometimes tooling makes it harder to follow a process, and thus increases waste.


  • 然而工具变得越来越成熟并且每个网站访客采集来信息更大了。

    However, the tools are becoming increasingly sophisticated and the amount of information gathered about each individual web site visitor can be quite extensive.


  • 但是最终也许最有用的影响工具根本不是本身,但是来自于成功的项目结果的故事是令人兴奋的事情。

    But in the end, probably the most useful measure of impact is not really a measure at all, but it's the kind of inspirational stories that can come from successful outcomes and successful projects.


  • 这种方式排放贡献依旧很大占到将近总15- 17%,这全世界所有交通工具——轮船汽车火车飞机——所排出的碳还要多。

    And its contribution to emissions is still large: say 15-17% of the total, more than the share of all the world's ships, cars, trains and planes.


  • 代码覆盖工具报告测试覆盖率——覆盖分支覆盖形式表示——表示测试运行涉及代码

    A code coverage tool reports test coverage — either in the form of line or branch coverage — that represents the amount of code that is being touched when a test is run.


  • 可以节省手工输入元数据时间工作有助于工具之间保持业务术语一致性

    This obviously saves the manual time and labor of having to input this metadata by hand, and it also allows for consistency of business terms across tools.


  • 顶层工具可能提供嵌入式软件规模向导援助软件的规模,它是影响到开发成本工作进度重要因素

    Top-shelf tools may provide embedded software sizing "wizards" to assist in software sizing, the single most significant driver of development cost, effort, and schedule.


  • 闪烁的亮光旋转工具以及突然开始播放的视频会让销售泡汤;而清晰信息足的内容则可以促成交易。

    Flashing lights, spinning widgets, and videos that start unannounced don’t make the sale. Clear, informative content does.


  • 有很多像这样建议保持每天8杯水的规则不要把它当作不屈不挠目标只是把它当作一个提醒足够的弥补食物中的不足之工具

    So my advice is this: Keep the eight-glasses-a-day rulenot as a do-or-die goal, but simply as a tool to remind you to drink enough water to make up for any shortfall from your food.


  • 集成EclipseJUnit可以自动生成测试因此工具生成,从而减小工作

    Eclipse's JUnit integration can generate the test class automatically, so I can minimize my work by letting the tools do it for me.


  • 团队使用SilkPerformer工具驱动10 个并发用户每个用户都使用特定于该用户的惟一执行相同工作

    The team used the SilkPerformer tool to drive 10 concurrent users, each executing the same workload using unique tables for each user.


  • 这个纤细节省空间的小玩意儿最为畅销的小工具。它家庭销售网络,创下全国销售1亿的佳绩。

    The thin, space-saving implements are the most successful gadget ever sold on HSN, with 100 million hanging out there in closets across the country.


  • 这个纤细节省空间的小玩意儿最为畅销的小工具。它家庭销售网络,创下全国销售1亿的佳绩。

    The thin, space-saving implements are the most successful gadget ever sold on HSN, with 100 million hanging out there in closets across the country.


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