• 现今世界一旦非洲昆虫引入亚洲,把非洲的大象迁入美洲可以想得出,那里野生动物世界发生怎样战争

    In the modern world, as soon as you introduce African insects to Asia, and African elephants to America, you can imagine what kind of conflicts will erupt in the wilds of these areas.


  • 世界自然基金会官方网站上野生老虎列为2010年十大最需要保护物种之一,并指出这种野生动物世界可能剩下3200只。

    The WWF says on its website that the tiger is one of the top 10 species to watch in 2010, pointing out that there may be just 3, 200 of the animals left globally in the wild.


  • 家庭宠物野生动物玩具毛绒动物媒体图片动物每个孩子世界主要部分

    From family pets and wild animals to toys, stuffed animals, and media images, animals are a central part of every child's world.


  • 利用多少资源保护世界野生动物问题当今热点

    The questions about the amount of resources utilized to protect the world's wildlife are contemporary hot spots.


  • 英国世界少数几个没有大型食肉野生动物国家之一

    The United Kingdom is one of the few countries in the world that does not have a large wild animal that eats meat.


  • 随着世界人口增加许多野生动物被迫离开它们自然家园

    As the world's population grows, a lot of wild animals are forced to leave their natural home.


  • 动物一些世界美丽稀有动物,为提供参观野生动物的好机会

    The Zoo has some of the most beautiful and rare creatures in the world and offers you a great chance to visit wild animals.


  • 慈善机构帮助他人组织例如联合国儿童基金会世界野生动物基金会可以通过付出时间金钱捐赠拥有的东西来帮助慈善机构。

    Charities are organizations that help others, for example, UNICEF or the World Wildlife Fund, you can help charities by giving your time, giving money or giving things that you own.


  • 根据世界野生动物基金会的一份报告,到1970年,世界4500只老虎——其中一半印度

    By 1970, according to a World Wildlife Fund report, only about 4,500 tigers survived throughout the worldhalf of them in India.


  • 根据世界野生动物基金会的一份报告,到1970年,世界4500只老虎——其中一半印度

    By 1970, according to a World Wildlife Fund report, only about 4,500 tigers survived throughout the world-half of them in India.


  • 地人已经学会了与世界上的野生动物瑰宝之一——大象和平共处。

    The local people have learned to live peacefully with the elephants, one of the wildlife treasures in the world.


  • 可以在一个3D世界中飞行,了解那里不同的组成部分和环境,一路上会见遇见别的人和野生动物

    You can fly all around a 3D world and find out about its different parts and environments, meeting people and wildlife along the way.


  • 或者通过世界野生动物基金领养濒临灭绝物种,这样得到可爱宠物收养证书

    Or adopt an endangered species through the World Wildlife Fund, and you’ll get a lovable stuffed pet and adoption certificate.


  • 或者通过世界野生动物基金领养濒临灭绝物种,这样得到可爱宠物收养证书

    Or adopt an endangered species through the World Wildlife Fund, and you'll get a lovable stuffed pet and adoption certificate.


  • 作为世界第三热门沙漠戈壁拥有数个地球最大沙丘以及独一无二的野生动物濒临灭绝的戈壁

    The world's third largest "hot" desert, the Gobi is home to some of Earth's largest dunes, as well as unique wildlife like the endangered Gobi bear.


  • 报告中提到世界野生动物基金会发起很受欢迎的活动“地球一小时”,还盛赞另一个私人组织能源基金会所作的贡献。

    The report mentions favorably "Earth Hour," a project by the World Wildlife Fund, and praises the work of another private organization, the Energy Foundation.


  • 报告中提到世界野生动物基金会发起很受欢迎的活动“地球一小时”,还盛赞另一个私人组织能源基金会所作的贡献。

    The report mentions favorably “Earth Hour,” a project by the World Wildlife Fund, and praises the work of another private organization, the Energy Foundation.


  • 话说,世界野生动物的行为堕落不堪的。

    The world's wildlife, in other words, is depraved.


  • 2011是关掉电源一小时活动第5年,它最初世界野生动物基金发起

    2011 marks the fifth year of cutting power for the hour in the initiative organized by the World Wildlife Fund.


  • 时机重要,”世界野生动物基金会CEOCarterRoberts,“现在国会正在考虑气候相关立法能源法案的建立。”

    "The timing is important," said World Wildlife Fund CEO Carter Roberts. "Right now, Congress is considering climate legislation and energy legislation."


  • 这次展览世界野生动物基金会举办,对熊猫数量估计来自他们最近调查

    The display was put together by the World Wildlife Fund and the population estimate is based on their most recent survey.


  • 世界野生动物保护基金会提出一个折中的方案未能受到肯定。

    A compromise put forward by the World Wide Fund for Nature has failed to find favour.


  • 澳洲珊瑚大堡礁附近,还残存世界仅剩的热带野生动物活动区域之一

    Australia's Coral Sea, near the Great Barrier Reef, is one of the last remaining tropical wilderness areas in the world.


  • 1971年世界野生动物联合会西班牙建立一个羚羊保护区之后将其种群分开希望能够提高其存活率

    The World Wildlife Federation set up a Mhorr gazelle reserve in Spain in 1971, but later split the herd in hopes of giving the species a better chance of survival.


  • 俄罗斯瑞典世界自然基金和野生动物狩猎管理协会正在努力增加野生猎物

    WWF in Russia and the Swedish Association for Hunting and Wildlife Management are working to increase wild prey communities.


  • 根据世界野生动物基金会(WWF) 2007年世界10大处境危险河流报道河水已经污水工业废水严重污染

    The river is also heavily polluted by sewage and industrial runoff according to the World Wildlife Fund's (WWF) 2007 report World's Top 10 Rivers at Risk.


  • 根据世界野生动物基金会(WWF) 2007年世界10大处境危险河流报道河水已经污水工业废水严重污染

    The river is also heavily polluted by sewage and industrial runoff according to the World Wildlife Fund's (WWF) 2007 report World's Top 10 Rivers at Risk.


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