• 头可爱的雌性小犀牛是该保护区今年出生的第二只黑犀牛,但要判断这些幼崽是否会成为返回野生保护区的好的候选者还为时过早。

    The adorable female calf is the second black rhino born this year at the reserve, but it is too early to tell if the calves will make good candidates to be returned to protected areas of the wild.


  • 野生保护区国内和国际上闻名遐迩,是主要观鸟胜地成千上万的水鸟鸟迁徙时在此停留

    The Wildlife refuge is nationally and internationally renowned as a prime birding spot where thousands of water, land and shorebirds stop during migration.


  • 世界遗产区占地10747,屋久岛野生保护区占地1219亩,森林生态区占地14600亩,其中96%国有土地,4%是私有土地。

    The World Heritage area takes up a area of 10747 mu, the wildlife area of the Yakushima is 1219 mu and the forest ecological reserve is 14600 mu, among which 96% is state-owned land, 4% is private.


  • 听说那里一片片野生兰花天坑的东侧,有一个巨大的国家野生兰花保护区

    I was told there were patches of wild orchids and to the eastern side of Dacao Tiankeng, there was a huge national wild orchid reserve.


  • 这些学生小时候大多没有机会野外野生动物保护区国家公园旅游

    These are mostly students who had no opportunity as children to travel to wilderness areas, wildlife refuges or national parks.


  • 击中奥克弗诺基国家野生动物保护区深处蜜糖大草原闪电可能会撂两三树而已。

    The bolt that struck Honey Prairie, deep inside the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, might have just knocked down a tree or two.


  • 一场全球性运动已经展开,目的是大片南极海域变成海洋保护区保护野生动物,不只禁止捕捞磷虾而是禁止所有捕捞活动。

    A global campaign has been launched to turn a huge tract of Antarctic seas into ocean sanctuaries, protecting wildlife and banning not just krill fishing, but all fishing.


  • 认为开采北极国家野生动物保护区石油有助于缓解加州电力危机国家能源独立提供重大推动力

    He has argued that tapping ANWR's oil would help ease California's electricity crisis and provide a major boost to the country's energy independence.


  • 美国国家资源保护委员遵照政府预估范围下限,国家野生动物保护区沿海平原上,经济上可采石油可能超过32亿

    Sticking to the low end of government estimates, the National Resources Defense Council says there may be no more than 3.2 billion barrels of economically recoverable oil in the coastal plain of ANWR.


  • 1美元的鸭票中约有98美分直接转入候鸟保护基金,用于购买湿地和野生动物栖息地,将其纳入国家野生动物保护区系统——这一做法使得土地受到长久的保护。

    About 98 cents of every duck stamp dollar goes directly into the Migratory Bird Conservation Fund to purchase wetlands and wildlife habitat for inclusion into the National Wildlife Refuge System—a fact that ensures this land will be protected and available for all generations to come.


  • 也经过可可西里国家级自然保护区,那是很多野生动物的家园。

    It also passes through the Hoh Xil National Nature Reserve, the home to many wild animals.


  • 保护区包括很大圈养地,一片栅栏包围着的野生饲养

    The reserve contains large captive enclosures and a large wild area protected by border fences.


  • 1960年,位没有接受过任何科学训练勇敢动物爱好者尼喀湖畔的贡贝野生动物保护区安营扎寨开始观察大猩猩

    In 1960 a spirited animal lover with no scientific training set up camp in Tanganyika's Gombe Stream Game Reserve to observe chimpanzees.


  • 另一种在自然环境保护动物的办法,就是创建野生动植物保护区野生动植物园设置禁止渔猎野生动物监督官看护这些动物。

    Another method is to protect the animals in their natural environment by creating wildlife reserves and parks and using game wardens to look after them.


  • 他们再三阻挠阿拉斯加州的国家野生动植物保护区勘探石油,尽管这种勘探从环保角度来看是安全的。

    They have repeatedly blocked environmentally safe exploration in ANWAR.


  • 圈起所有野生动物保护区

    I would also enclose all of the wildlife areas.


  • 这个周末为什么一起自己眼睛观察野生动物保护区呢?

    This weekend, why don't you come with me to see a wildlife area with your own eyes?


  • 英国野生动物导游马克·谢里登这个保护区游历捕捉了这个情节。

    British wildlife guide Mark Sheridan captured the action during a tour of the Selous Game Reserve in Tanzania.


  • 印度尼西亚野生动物保护区头狮子最佳时间发现了它的,使拍摄它的照片。

    This lion at a wildlife sanctuary in Indonesia found his light at the perfect moment for me to capture it.


  • 1971年世界野生动物联合会西班牙建立一个羚羊保护区之后将其种群分开希望能够提高其存活率

    The World Wildlife Federation set up a Mhorr gazelle reserve in Spain in 1971, but later split the herd in hopes of giving the species a better chance of survival.


  • 野生的栖息地减少了93%,尽管亚洲地区很多保护区但大多规模并且没有专门猫科动物设置远距离流动的通道

    Their habitats have been reduced 93%, and though there are reserves across Asia, most are small and have no corridors between them for the normally far-roaming felines.


  • 反恐组尼娜查到索格的那个地址实际上一个野生动植物保护区

    At ctu, Nina discovers that the address in Saugus is actually a wildlife preserve.


  • 反恐组尼娜查到索格的那个地址实际上一个野生动植物保护区

    At ctu Nina discovers that the address in Saugus is actually a wildlife preserve.


  • 特别批评国会反对授权阿拉斯加州一个国家野生动植物保护区勘探石油

    He was particularly critical of congressional resistance to authorizing oil exploration in a national wildlife refuge in Alaska, known as ANWAR.


  • 长期存在想法最终可能被用于沥青采掘地区建立大型野生动物保护区

    One long-standing idea is to create a large wildlife refuge in areas that will eventually be tapped for bitumen.


  • 对情侣肯尼亚山附近唐斯野生动物保护区订婚保护区的所有者是杰卡·克雷格的家族所有,巧合的是威廉王子与杰卡曾经约会过

    The pair got engaged at Lewa Downs Wildlife Conservancy near Mount Kenya—which happens to be owned the by the family of Jecca Craig, who William once dated.


  • 对情侣肯尼亚山附近唐斯野生动物保护区订婚保护区的所有者是杰卡·克雷格的家族所有,巧合的是威廉王子与杰卡曾经约会过

    The pair got engaged at Lewa Downs Wildlife Conservancy near Mount Kenya—which happens to be owned the by the family of Jecca Craig, who William once dated.


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