• 尽管敏捷关注于(单个)项目产品SOA重点服务企业作为整体对待,但是条敏捷原则和SOA原则完全一致的。

    Although agile is more focused on a (single) project or product and SOA focuses on services and the enterprise as a whole, this agile principle, and the SOA principles are perfectly aligned.


  • 此处重点业务本文并不企业服务总线之类技术产品进行深入探讨。

    The focus here is on the business; the article doesn't get into technology products such as an Enterprise Service bus.


  • 有些企业注重生产利益它们管理重点是从原材料产品过程非将成品运送到客户的过程。

    Some firms are more concerned with producing the benefits: their management focus is on the flow of raw materials into the production process rather than on delivering the final goods to the user.


  • 现已跨行业,区域综合性经济实体国内推荐改造气动产品重点企业

    Bank is now a cross-sectoral and inter-regional integrated economic entity, is the recommendation of the transformation of key enterprises, pneumatic products.


  • 公司主要生产硅铁球化剂孕育剂脱氧剂碳化硅增碳产品重点企业

    The company mainly produces ferrosilicon, silicon particle, silica fume, nodulizer, inoculant, deoxidizer, silicon carbide, carbon agent, key enterprises and other products.


  • 企业竞争重点正在逐步产品中心客户为中心的方向转移

    Enterprise's competition emphasis is undergoing the shift from the product centrality to customer centrality.


  • 本厂技术力量雄厚生产设备先进全国生产泡塑机械系列产品重点企业

    Our strong technical force, advanced production equipment and machinery is the production of foam products in key enterprises.


  • 文章分析陶瓷企业决策面临挑战需求重点介绍了用于陶瓷企业产品开发的决策支持系统

    This article analyses the challenge and requirement that ceramic enterprise faces. It emphatically introduces the decision supporting system used in developing new products.


  • 如何控制工序生产模式产品质量网络化制造环境企业质量管理重点难点之一。

    How to control the quality of production under the multistage manufacturing mode in networked manufacturing environment is a difficult problem.


  • 开展前夕精心编制展前预览》,重点介绍参展企业产品重要买家手中

    Before the exhibition, "Expo Preview" will be well compiled to introduce the exhibitors and their products, and distributed to important buyers.


  • 具体分析了重点铝箔产品重要铝箔生产企业一般情况

    A general introduction about some important aluminium foil products and aluminium foil producers were given.


  • 产品畅销全国化工制药食品石油军工企业国家重点工程

    The products sell well in the whole country, every big chemical industry, pharmacy, food, petroleum, military enterprise and national key project.


  • 长期以来,产品营销决策一直我国林业企业经营管理工作面临重点难点

    For a long time, the forest product sale decision has been the focal point and difficult point in the management of forestry business in China.


  • 公司列为农业产业化国家重点龙头企业全国产品深加工示范基地

    The company is listed as agricultural industrialization national key leading enterprise, national processed agricultural demonstrative base.


  • 针对企业资金流失现象进行了一些探讨,重点列举分析了项目建设资金,生产资金和产品销售资金流失情况。

    Has a discussion to the phenomena and background of losses of funds of state-owned enterprises, put emphasis on losses of funds of project implementation, funds of production, funds of sales.


  • 北京卷烟厂制造卷烟产品国有重点骨干企业之一

    Beijing cigarette Factory is now one of the keynote state-owned cigarette manufacturing enterprises.


  • 此基础重点构建了产品制造阶段模型包括零件工艺信息模型、产品装配信息模型企业工艺资源模型。

    Based on the framework, a manufacturing information model is developed for the product, including the information on parts' processing, assembly and manufacturer's technology resource.


  • 企业角度来讲质量审核重点指向应该是供应商产品制造过程,从而不同第三机构,如认证咨询公司通行的质量管理体系的审核。

    From company side, the key of quality audit will focus on product and manufacturing process, it will be different from thrid party audit, focus on quality management system.


  • 企业竞争重点正在经历着产品中心客户为中心的转移,客户关系管理作为一种全新的管理、经营理念,越来越引起商家的重视

    The stress of corporation competition is transfering from with product as center to customer. As a bran-new concept of management, businessman gradually pays attention to CRM.


  • 从中科院诺贝尔实验室, 护拦螺栓到世界最先进生命科学研究中心,APS工业铝型材成为许多国家重点项目世界500强在华企业工厂指定选用的产品

    Today APS products have been widely applied in different industries home and overseas, and have been appreciated by many end users including those of Fortune 500 and major government projects.


  • 信用政策制定选择企业信用管理重点企业选择信用政策时产品特点相适应。

    The establishment and selection of credit policy plays an important role in credit management of enterprises. The selection of the credit policy should comply with the products characteristics.


  • 质量管理重点在于过程控制,过程控制重点在于控制产品的质量特性,而对质量特性中的关键特性重要特性控制企业整个质量管理的根本所在。

    The process control is the most important in quality management, and controlling the quality characteristics of the products is the emphases for process control.


  • 重点抓好处理、矿用防爆耐磨材料、米机等企业扩能改造,推进产品结构升级

    The emphasis is the disposure of the water, the improvement of the pump avoiding the explosion used in the mining, Wear-resistant materials and the escalation of the structure of the products.


  • 产品线扩展产品企业主要竞争手段之一,也是实证主义产业组织理论研究重点内容。

    The product line extension is one of important rivalry instruments for the multi-product firms, also a study focus of new empirical industrial organization.


  • 广泛适用于油田炼油厂油库船舶大型化工厂化纤厂、石化企业化工产品仓库溶剂重点防灾场所。

    It is widely used in oilfield, refinery, oil-depot, ships, large-scale chemical industry, chemical-fiber factory, petroleum-chemical plants, chemical products warehouse, solvent factory etc.


  • 新形式产品竞争策略转移,使产品保证成为企业关注的重点

    Nowadays, corporation's competitive strategy is being diverted to product warranty.


  • 新形式产品竞争策略转移,使产品保证成为企业关注的重点

    Nowadays, corporation's competitive strategy is being diverted to product warranty.


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