• 选人诚信之本,是博鸿选人首要前提。

    Selecting one person by valuing moral character: sincerity is ultimate standing of one person and also precondition while BHK selects talented person.


  • 先生下一步或许就是寻找一位量级人物代替上任最新的职位

    One step for Mr Hurd might be to find a heavyweight to replace him in his newest job.


  • 瓦尔先生表示典型案例中,阿塞拜疆破坏了2009年土耳其亚美尼亚边境动议。

    In a typical case of tail wagging dog, says Mr DE Waal, Azerbaijan sabotaged moves to reopen the border between Turkey and Armenia in 2009.


  • 编程序员:基姆·哈泽尔伍技术允许计算机调整软件以便更好地运行硬件协作。

    The reprogrammer: Kim Hazelwood's technology allows computers to adjust software so it works better with the hardware it's running on.


  • 十几岁的时候弹奏瓦格纳歌剧“特里斯坦与伊索尔中的钢琴,甚至在他癫狂1889年1月都灵之时,仍然会弹奏曲。

    As a teenager he played Wagner's Tristan und Isolde in a piano duet; and he also played it when in a grip of madness in January 1889 in Turin.


  • 卡尔说:“这些结果真正表明植物二氧化碳作出何种反应对产生准确气候预测十分的。”

    "These results really show that how plants respond to carbon dioxide is very important for making good climate predictions," says Caldeira.


  • 情人他们爱情使用言语不是特里斯坦也不是伊索尔老人,在成为的结合中并不存在

    And the words the lovers' use in their love duet is no more Tristan no more Isolde, that old persons don't exist is this new merged unity they have become.


  • 这样将会给我们的揭幕战增添一些别样的趣味的,尤其是克诺维斯基勒布朗等人面前领取自己的总冠军戒指

    Such a rematch would add a little extra spice to opening night, especially if Dirk received his ring right in front of LeBron before tipoff.


  • 尔报业业主,已迈入耄耋之年•汀爵士,同样十分引人入胜的方式报道地方新闻

    The owner, Sir Ray Tindle, is an octogenarian who places greatemphasis on reporting local news in an engaging way.


  • 2006年,男的生活出现了奇幻转变当时已成年女儿截获的一封传真——这指导他如何在下部电影中表现的脚本。

    In 2006, Tokuda's life took a somewhat psychedelic plot twist when his grown daughter intercepted a fax describing an upcoming scene he'd been asked to perform.


  • 如果洛克希公司计划美国航天局批准的话,公司首先需要建立一个升降机如果真是那样,,L - 2赛猎户座飞船的火星之旅最早也就是在2016年左右。

    Should Lockheed’s plan be approved by NASA the company needs to first build a heavy lifter machine and, assuming that happens, an L2-Farside mission could take place as early as 2016.


  • 领域研究中,科学家2008年披毛猛犸象遗传密码今年早些时候建了早期智人特人的遗传密码。

    Research in the field saw scientists reconstruct the genetic code of the woolly mammoth in 2008, and our Neanderthal Cousins earlier this year.


  • 女儿抱怨是一份不怎么光彩的工作”,男回忆说,“妻子担心我的身体说以垂老之躯,这活儿肯定不轻松。”

    My wife worried about my health. She said I was getting old and that this work must be difficult on me physically.


  • 英国59岁的弱视妇女希拉·彭福尔西班牙巴塞罗那附近布罗河捕获一只达97公斤的巨型鲶鱼

    A partially-sighted Britain woman, Sheila Penfold, 59, caught a giant 97kg catfish in the River Ebro, near Barcelona, Spain.


  • 现在EADS已经不再战场了,更好机会故技施。

    Now that EADS is no longer a Franco-German war zone it has a better chance of pulling off the same trick.


  • 电视报道“拉萨卫星伊朗航空航天局研发15.3公斤每天160公里高空地球15

    The TV report said the Rasad satellite, developed by Iran's aerospace agency, weighs 15.3kg and has been designed to orbit the Earth 15 times a day at a height of 160 miles.


  • 因此2010年的议会席位分配时,克·斯争取到了额外四个坐席。

    As a result, the 2010 reapportionment gives Texas four additional House seats.


  • 参赛选手自己喜爱投掷手机品牌,“人们根据大小颜色握在手中的舒适度选择手机……有的人觉得的手机扔得更远,有的人则喜欢扔轻的”。

    Lund says competitors all have their favourite throwing brand. "People choose by size, by colour or by how it fits in the hand."..


  • 此外,诺丁汉大学理查·迪斯尼虽然人们二、三十岁时候在身,但到了四、五十岁时,这些债务终将成为过去

    And although people in their 20s and 30s tend to be heavily indebted this passes when they sink into their 40s and 50s, says Richard Disney of Nottingham University.


  • 至尊魔法师披风在静候其主,灵怪博士最强大敌人多玛暮“江湖”,成为保护人。

    The mantleof Sorcerer Supreme is up for grabs, and one of his mostformidable34) foes, Dormammu, has reappeared as the benefactor ofthe Hood.


  • 如果这些间接好处十分那么能解释为什么3年前普拉萨先生其同事没能证明资本迁移和经济增长之间关系了。

    If these indirect benefits do matter, it may explain why Mr Prasad and company failed three years ago to prove a link between the migration of capital and growth.


  • 别人摩斯梯尼(古希腊雄辩家,译者注),在演讲中什么要时,回答,“动作”;当别人问到,什么第二要的呢? 他复道,“动作”。

    When Demosthenes was asked what was the first part of oratory he answered, "'action"; and which was the second, he replied, "action"; and which was third he still answered, "action."


  • 2005年,美国西雅图华盛顿大学·卡奇哈佛大学丽莎兰·尔提出了一个机械论观点神秘性(The stateof being three)的解释

    In 2005, Andreas Karch of the University of Washington, Seattle, and Lisa Randall of Harvard University came up with a more mechanistic explanation of the mystery of threeness.


  • 欧洲中央银行行长让•克劳·特里谢(Jean - Claude Trichet)警告计划可能债国借贷成本

    Jean-Claude Trichet, the President of the European Central Bank, warned that the plan would push up borrowing costs for the heavily indebted nations.


  • 即使他们同时代人也他们十分尊丘吉尔在1945年英国大选与克莱门特•(Clement Attlee)展开角逐时,大约有一半英国人收听了其中人的竞选广播

    Even their contemporaries took them seriously: when Churchill stood against Clement Attlee in Britain's elections of 1945, about half the population heard one or both of their campaign broadcasts.


  • 拉斯韦特舱完成安装后次日鲍恩再执行太空行走任务,开始空间站左侧太阳能电池板端的6个电池(每个375)更换任务。

    The day after the Rassvet installation, Captain Bowen and Mr. Good will stage a spacewalk to begin replacing six 375-pound batteries in the station’s far left set of solar arrays.


  • 而不示弱洛克希·马丁公司也推出了机械下肢强化式的HULC模型,它能让穿戴者毫不费力随身携带达90公斤轻松应对任务

    Not to be outdone, Lockheed Martin's HULC model USES robotic leg braces that allow wearers to carry 200-pound loads and expend less energy on grueling tasks.


  • 43当中,艾伯特·伍福克斯除了2008年宿舍了六个月之外,其他时间都是被单独监禁的。

    With the exception of a six-month period in a secure dormitory in 2008, Albert Woodfox hasspent all of the past 43 years incarcerated on his own.


  • 43当中,艾伯特·伍福克斯除了2008年宿舍了六个月之外,其他时间都是被单独监禁的。

    With the exception of a six-month period in a secure dormitory in 2008, Albert Woodfox hasspent all of the past 43 years incarcerated on his own.


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