• 实验还发现实验组骨髓细胞造血重建能力明显优于对照组

    The capability of hematopoietic reconstruction of bone marrow cell from experimental group was better than that of control group.


  • 糟糕我们缺少他人那里感受积极能量能力用以重建我们精神世界

    And worst of all, we lack the ability to sense positive energy from others, to rebuild our psyche.


  • 因此银行必须重建金融实力(以及贷款能力),置于员工股东发放无根据巨额薪资之前

    So Banks must put rebuilding their financial strength - and lending capacity - ahead of large, unwarranted payouts to staff and shareholders.


  • 老鼠实验中使用人类细胞显示了用这种方式注视少突胶质细胞确实帮助修复重建神经细胞传递信号能力

    Tests in rats, using human cells, have shown that oligodendrocytes injected this way can indeed help repair myelin sheaths and restore the ability of nerve cells to carry signals.


  • 谢先生坚持认为,重建拉斯维加斯老城区不是出于企业社会责任的举动,而是增加公司长期盈利能力策略一个环节

    Reviving downtown Las Vegas is not an act of corporate social responsibility but part of a strategy to increase his firm’s long-term profitability, insists Mr Hsieh.


  • 这方面的调查研究表明环境长期衰退造成了这些环境移民极度贫困他们几乎没有能力别的地方重建家园(51)。

    Research has indicated that gradual environmental deterioration affects the very poor disproportionately; already bereft of resources, they have little capacity to re-establish themselves elsewhere.51


  • ,建设部希望伊拉克可以展示他们自己能力责任重建这个国家

    She said it wanted Iraqis to show that they have the power and responsibility to rebuild their country.


  • 但是,按照日本做事方式,灾重建委员会事故调查是否会带来深层次变革,很大程度上取决于首相领导能力

    But whether the reconstruction council and nuclear investigation promote deep changes in the way things are done in Japan rests largely on the prime minister's powers of leadership.


  • 期项目地区卫生服务提供能力应对导致死亡残疾首要原因——心血管疾病伤害

    The second phase will focus on building service delivery capacity to address cardiovascular disease and injuries, the leading causes of death and disability in the region.


  • 测试产品阶段迁移服务系统或者软件维护时,能够重建特定物理配置能力显得非常重要。

    The ability to recreate a specific physical configuration is critical when migrating a new service or system from testing to production, or when performing software maintenance.


  • 下面技巧帮助你重建控制能力

    The following techniques will help restore that control.


  • 大内忧要求实行“有限度的重组”,暂时延缓希腊偿还债务的期限,重建债务偿还能力相去甚远。

    These two concerns point to a modest “reprofiling”, which temporarily defers Greece’s debt payments but does not come close to restoring its solvency.


  • 多伦多协议指出重建资产负债表会对银行盈利能力产生永久性的影响不是暂时的。

    The Toronto agreement implies that this balance sheet rebuilding - and effective fall in bank profitability - will be permanent rather than an aberration.


  • 谢先生坚持认为,重建拉斯维加斯老城区不是出于企业社会责任的举动,而是增加公司长期盈利能力策略一个环节

    Reviving downtown Las Vegas is not an act of corporate social responsibility but part of a strategy to increase his firm's long-term profitability, insists Mr Hsieh.


  • 特别各国各个信仰年轻人——你们任何人都能力重建这个世界

    And I want to particularly say this to young people of every faith, in every country - you, more than anyone, have the ability to remake this world.


  • 结果副神经重建的术后肩部疼痛、肩臂活动能力及臂外展角度均明显优于单纯清扫术组。

    Results Accessory nerve reconstruction group experienced much better shoulder function recovery than that in single neck dissection group.


  • 本厂新市皮鞋厂基础重建起来,有一套完善管理体系开发能力

    The factory is in the original Xinshi Pixie Chang on the basis of rebuilding the plant, a sound management system and development capabilities.


  • 既有的资源能力海外经营环境相匹配,且契合双方在厂商海外营运的策略目标时重建的供应关系可能真正合作双方创造双赢。

    When resource ability and overseas environment agree with overseas tactics goal of operation, the rebuilt relation may really create win-win for the two sides concerned.


  • 提出一种基于FPGA计算机层析重建方法,即借助FPGA高速数据处理能力提高计算机层析重建的速度。

    An approach based on the high speed data handing ability of FPGA is proposed to accelerate the operation of computed tomography reconstruction algorithms.


  • 最后通过能力训练自信心训练提高儿童社交技巧加深儿童自我认知,重建自信

    Finally, we used ability training and self-confidence training to promote the social intercourse skills and self-cognition of the boy so as to reconstruct his self-confidence.


  • 老师康复帮助残疾人在自身条件允许范围内重建生理功能,恢复智力社交工作能力过程

    Teacher: Rehabilitation is the process whereby a disabled person is assisted to regain and use his physical, mental, social and vocational potential as far as the disability permits.


  • 支球队可以重建但是不想失去斯克独有一些能力

    The team can be rebuilt but you do not want to be losing someone of Cesc's ability.


  • 我们禁用苍蝇能力产生动蛋白- 2蛋白质,我们发现高速公路无法正确重建神经再生失败,”劳斯莱斯解释

    "When we disabled the flies' ability to produce the kinesin-2 protein, we found that the highways could not be rebuilt correctly, and nerve regeneration failed," Rolls explained.


  • 我们禁用苍蝇能力产生动蛋白- 2蛋白质,我们发现高速公路无法正确重建神经再生失败,”劳斯莱斯解释

    "When we disabled the flies' ability to produce the kinesin-2 protein, we found that the highways could not be rebuilt correctly, and nerve regeneration failed," Rolls explained.


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