• 目的使培养细胞在体外重建细胞极性

    Objective to reestablish cell polarity of hepatocytes cultured in vitro.


  • 重建细胞结构延长衰老细胞生命力,增强皮肤的弹性,永葆青春活力肌肤。

    Reconstruct cell structure, prolong the life of ageing cells, restore firmness, and keep skin young and vigorous.


  • 小组已经受伤的膝盖半月板上直接打印细胞重建组织而且AAAS会议上20分钟内用硅原子打印了一个耳朵。

    His group has printed cells directly into the meniscus of an injured knee to reconstruct it, and at the AAAS meeting, he printed an ear out of silicon in about 20 minutes.


  • 这种药物细胞增强重建受损心脏肌肉和血管,防止心脏病再次发作。

    It USES the cells to fortify and rebuild damaged heart muscles and blood vessels in an attempt to prevent further attacks.


  • 老鼠实验中使用人类细胞显示了用这种方式注视少突胶质细胞确实帮助修复重建神经细胞传递信号能力

    Tests in rats, using human cells, have shown that oligodendrocytes injected this way can indeed help repair myelin sheaths and restore the ability of nerve cells to carry signals.


  • 为了重建听力科学家们必须研究如何大量生产细胞,如何避免细胞形成肿瘤以及如何应用于人类细胞

    To restore hearing, researchers still have to figure out how to produce millions of hair cells, prevent stem cells from forming tumors, and translate the work to human cells.


  • 通过植入很多这种细胞进入脊髓更多神经细胞可能修复可能重建正确的联系

    By having more of these cells around the spinal cord, more nerves might be repaired and can then potentially re-establish proper connections.


  • 睡眠期间会补充身体本身细胞组织中,在恢复重建机构。

    During sleep the body replenishes itself and the cells restore and rebuild tissues in the body.


  • 这些细胞重建具有正常间距感受器腺体

    These cells reconstruct the receptors and glands with their normal spacing.


  • Reeve希望细胞放到受损区域然后它们重建所有

    Reeve hoped you could put some stem cells into the damaged area and they could reconstruct everything.


  • 重建眼部胶原纤维激活细胞提高眼部活力有效收紧眼袋改善眼圈油脂、鱼尾纹眼部衰老状况

    Regenerate eye collagen fiber, activate cells, improve eye vigor, effectively tighten eye pouch, improve the eye aging of black eyes, grease granular and fishtail lines etc.


  • 移植最终目的应该基于重建细胞维持甚至增进现有组织功能

    However, the ultimate goal of transplantation should reside in the ability to restore living cells to maintain or even enhance existing tissue function.


  • HCV感染动物模型中所进行研究显示阻断条途径可能重建T细胞功能

    Studies performed in the HCV infected animal model of virus infection showed initially that by blocking this pathway it is possible to reconstitute the T cell function.


  • 神经再生包括轴突发芽生长延伸细胞重建突触联系实现神经支配功能的恢复。

    Nerve regeneration involves axonal sprouting, growthing and extension, as well as reconstructing synaptic relate with target cell, which can be depended to realize the nerves re dominated function.


  • 结论细胞组织器官修复功能重建发挥重要作用具有广泛的应用前景

    Conclusion the stem cells can play an important role in repairing and reconstructing the injured tissues and organs and they have a promising prospect in clinical application.


  • 目的阐述细胞组织器官重建中的重要性

    Objective To investigate an important role of the stem cells in reconstructing the tissues and organs.


  • 本文主要讨论细胞移植组织重建影响因素可能的方法

    The influence factors and the possible approaches associated with cell transplantation and tissue re-establishment were discussed in this paper.


  • 细胞水平过载研究使人们进一步搞清应力形成重建生长影响骨内细胞响应机制

    The research of overloading on cellular level may elucidate the mechanical effect on the formation, regeneration and growth of bone and the mechanism of cell response in bone.


  • 脐血移植细胞重建时间与输入细胞以及疾病类型相关HLA相合程度相关

    The time of nuclear cell reconstitution after cord blood transplantation was statistically related with nucleated cells and the type of disease, not related with HLA matching.


  • 促使极端条件下皮肤细胞生长并增强皮肤防御功能它具有恢复皮肤功能、促进细胞再生重建屏障功能的作用。

    It can promote the growth of skin cells in extreme condition, enhance the defense function of skin, restore the function of skin, promote the regeneration of cells, and rebuild the barrier function.


  • 细胞重建功能恢复细胞移植疗法成为应用前景研究热点

    Stem cell transplantation for cell reestablishment and functional recovery can be a research hotspot with a good application perspective.


  • 这些生物刺激信号影响植入支架内的间充质细胞(msc)骨髓基质细胞(BMSC),从而形成面部重建所需组织

    These biologic cues should influence scaffold implanted mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) or bone marrow stromal cells (BMSC) to form the necessary tissue for site specific facial reconstruction.


  • 组织工程通过细胞生物材料的组合重建组织的,涉及细胞分化细胞增殖

    In tissue engineering tissue are reconstructed by combining cells and biomaterials, that involves both cell differentiation and proliferation.


  • 正是重建身体细胞结构之时,能量可以恢复重建

    Energy can be resurrected and reconstituted just as one resurrects the cellular structure of the form.


  • 回输CD34十细胞数量移植早期患者细胞免疫重建的快慢密切相关

    The number of infused CD34+ cells was closely correlate with T cells rapidly reconstitution in early post transplantation.


  • 目的了解外周血细胞移植PBSCT造血重建规律及其影响因素

    Objective To explore the rule of hematopoiesis reconstruction after peripheral blood stem cell transplantation(PBSCT) and analyze the correlative factors.


  • 目的了解NK细胞细胞T细胞缺乏或T细胞成功重建的情况下对异种移植物排斥作用。

    Objective To evaluate the roles of natural killer (NK) cells and macrophages in the rejection of discordant xenografts in nude mice and T cell-reconstitution nude mice.


  • 目的了解NK细胞细胞T细胞缺乏或T细胞成功重建的情况下对异种移植物排斥作用。

    Objective To evaluate the roles of natural killer (NK) cells and macrophages in the rejection of discordant xenografts in nude mice and T cell-reconstitution nude mice.


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