• 海事大学土耳其图兹拉市专门提供高等海事教育大学。

    Piri Reis Maritime University provides higher maritime education and applied training in Tuzla district of Istanbul, Turkey.


  • PM K的海蒂·阿曼达·西尔弗曼守护天使贝思·科诺,我的制片合作人马根-里雷-格兰特,如果忘记了哪位该感谢的,不要杀了

    Heidi Schaeffer and Amanda Silverman from PMK. My guardian angel Beth Kono. My producing partner Meagan Riley-Grant and if I'm forgetting anybody, please don't kill me.


  • 为什么这么胆小

    Why are you so chicken, Gregory?


  • 分钟走廊撞见了克特勒。

    He ran into Krettner in the corridor a few minutes later.


  • 又倒了一杯葡萄酒卧室去了

    Gregory poured another glass of white wine and went back to his bedroom.


  • 泽·利古座位于热那亚东部山区小镇

    Varese Ligure is a small town in mountainous country east of Genoa.


  • 连绵10已经到达安克东面海岸上。

    Oil has come ashore on a ten mile stretch to the east of Anchorage.


  • 阿瑟·C.克拉克喜欢引用朋友同事科幻作家·布拉德伯的话。

    Arthur C. Clarke likes to quote his friend and fellow SF writer Ray Bradbury.


  • 姊妹勒妮住得彼此25

    Ray and sister Renee lived just 25 miles apart from each other.


  • 没有照片中认出厄姆后来警察安排指认队列了出来

    He failed to identify Graham from photographs, but later picked him out of a police identity parade.


  • 出版商·科尔曼预计重新设计广告提高广告销售量

    Publisher Gregory Coleman said he expected the redesign to boost advertising sales.


  • 农场主爱丽丝·说,普克尔逃跑只是只小羊

    According to farmer Alice Gray, Prickles was only a lamb when she ran away.


  • 布朗大学校长·格安说:“人们心目中校园等同于美国的大学。”

    "The campus and the American university have become identical in people's minds," says Brown University president Vartan Gregorian.


  • ·罗德格斯国家移民论坛撰写的文章中报告说,当今移民没有达到前所未有的水平,也不抵制同化

    Writing for the National Immigration Forum, Gregory Rodriguez reports that today's immigration is neither at unprecedented levels nor resistant to assimilation.


  • 坦桑尼亚大裂谷座山脚下,纳特龙湖呈现出火焰燃烧般的亮红色周围不幸落入咸水的动物遗体

    At the base of a mountain in Tanzania's Gregory Rift, Lake Natron burns bright red, surrounded by the remains of animals that were unfortunate enough to fall into the salty water.


  • 短暂安静乐队指挥亲切地变换节奏,当吉尔达·在《愚蠢替补演员的错误消息传开时,大家议论纷纷。

    A momentary hush; the orchestra leader varies his rhythm obligingly for her, and there is a burst of chatter as the erroneous news goes around that she is Gilda Gray's understudy from the Follies.


  • 快点让人把这些银币放在最小面包并且

    Be quick, Gretchen! I had the silver pieces put into the smallest loaf to give you.


  • 太太先令梅德洛克太太先生那儿给了我一些

    Mrs. Morrison gave me five shillings and Mrs. Medlock gave me some money from Mr. Craven.


  • 认为这些照片的,因为它们是从相机拿出来的。

    Slater argues that the pictures belong to him as they were taken from his camera.


  • 去年春天寒冷日子几十基于手机平板电脑儿童应用程序开发者相聚加利福尼亚州蒙特(Monterey,California)的古老海滩度假胜地展示他们的游戏

    On a chilly day last spring, a few dozen developers of children's apps for phones and tablets gathered at an old beach resort in Monterey, California, to show off their games.


  • 阿库位于冰岛

    Akureyri is located in Iceland.


  • 蝙蝠侠之后,21世纪被认可的福尔摩斯替身脾气暴躁但又才华横溢的·斯医生

    Next to Batman, the 21st century's most recognizable Sherlock Holmes replicant is the irascibly brilliant Dr. Gregory House.


  • 西亚的第二受害者飞行军官

    Fresia's second victim was Flying Officer Allison.


  • 或者,当目光穿过桌子南希·罗斯和哈·凝神对视之时,是不是恍然觉察到自己分呢?

    Or had he looked across the table into the eyes of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid and realized that he was not among friends?


  • 20082009年庞大赤字则来自南希·洛西·德操控国会所通过的预算

    And the mammoth deficits of 2008 and 2009 came from budgets approved by a Congress run by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.


  • 最近的一研究合作者研究了空军学院学生健身习惯传播

    In a recent study, Carrell and collaborators examined the spread of fitness habits in students at the Air Force Academy.


  • 上周·表示法案经过精简后,要求英国石油公司对墨西哥湾石油泄漏事故负责尽力确保类似灾难不再发生

    The slimmed-down bill would hold BP (BP) accountable for the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and try to ensure similar disasters don't occur, Reid said last week.


  • 温格同意租借为了获得更多线作战的经验,哈·德克纳普很高兴能够竞争胜利保证利益

    Wenger agreed to let him go on loan to gain first team experience, and Pompey boss Harry Redknapp is delighted to have beat off competition to secure his services.


  • 英国老龄化研究学家奥布·宣称找到了抵抗生理衰老的方法。

    Aubrey DE Grey, British researcher on aging, claims he has drawn a roadmap to defeat biological aging.


  • 英国老龄化研究学家奥布·宣称找到了抵抗生理衰老的方法。

    Aubrey DE Grey, British researcher on aging, claims he has drawn a roadmap to defeat biological aging.


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