• 穿越里纳山口汽车旅行令人十分愉快。

    The bus trip through the Brenner was lovely.


  • 他们完成后,墨萨里纳使中毒。

    When they have finished, Messalina poisons her.


  • 随着广吉的袭击人群开始逃离亚·里纳混乱

    The crowd begins to flee as Gwangi attacks, and Tia Zorina is trampled to death in the chaos.


  • 乞求里纳尔多不要抛弃甚至提议一同上战场作战。

    She begs Rinaldo not to desert her and even offers to go into battle with him.


  • 里纳尔多惊奇的是,阿米达随后似乎森林变成一个巨大宫殿

    To Rinaldo's amazement, Armida then seems to turn the forest into a vast palace.


  • 里纳尔多臣服女巫,人独处时,瓦尔多卡罗出来见

    Rinaldo is still captivated by the sorceress, but once he is alone, Ubaldo and Carlo confront him.


  • 主演杰克·吉伦希尔,杰玛·阿特登,-金斯利阿尔弗雷德·莫里纳

    Starring: Jake Gyllenhaal, Gemma Arterton, Ben Kingsley and Alfred Molina


  • 1969年,列侬创作了首歌词送给了当年16岁盖尔·德。

    Lennon wrote the lyrics in 1969, and gave it to then 16-year-old Gail Renard, now a British-based TV writer and presenter. see.


  • 曼德·里纳博士推测使用适当药物意味着最终可能成为一种对人体无害寄生菌。

    Appropriate drugs could, Dr Madrenas speculates, mean that s. aureus ultimately becomes a harmless inhabitant of people's bodies.


  • 其中一蜜蜂对手凯西·里纳尔蒂胳膊上蜇了一下,史莱弗十分有风度的走了过去凯西拔掉

    One stung her opponent, Kathy Rinaldi, on the arm and Shriver gallantly went over to remove the sting.


  • 根神奇帮助下他们抵制住了少女们的诱惑,接著里纳尔多阿米出现时,他们便藏了起来

    With the help of a magical golden staff, they ward off the nymphs that try to seduce them, then hide when Rinaldo and Armida appear.


  • 仅这点就已经我们兴奋了,更不用说其他演员了——包括拉塞尔·布兰德阿尔弗雷德·莫里纳艾伦·卡明。

    That alone has us all a-tingle, let alone the rest of the castwhich includes Russell Brand, Alfred Molina and Alan Cumming.


  • 多年来一位名叫托尼·里纳乌多(Tony Rinaudo)农业顾问帮助萨赫勒地区人们了解树木价值养护

    Over the years, an agricultural adviser named Tony Rinaudo has helped people in the Sahel learn about the value and care of trees.


  • 里纳神经科学生物技术公司(Rinat Neuroscience)研制过一种实验性药物,可以急剧降低啮齿类动物的食欲

    Rinat Neuroscience had an experimental drug that sharply reduced appetite in rodents.


  • 联邦航空署芝加哥发言人托尼·里纳空管人员于8:14飞机重新联络上时,飞机已经威斯康辛州的欧克莱尔上空。

    Controllers were able to re-established audio communication with the flight crew at 8.14 PM, when the plane was over Eau Claire, Wisconsin, said Tony Molinaro, an FAA spokesman in Chicago.


  • 虽然方吉奥厄尔尼诺更加受人尊敬年代获得冠军,但是舒马赫去拥有天赋经验狡猾或者说卑劣,这些东西获得了成功

    Juan Manuel Fangio and Nino Farina won titles at even more venerable ages and he has the talent, experience and artfulness, some call it low cunning, to make it a success.


  • 事件:166692日,伦敦布丁托马斯·法里纳(ThomasFarriner)烘焙坊起火,随着火势蔓延,这场3的大火整座城市灰烬。

    What happened: the small fire that started in the bakery of Thomas Farriner on Pudding Lane in London September 2, 1666 (in the year '66) turned into a three day blaze that consumed the city.


  • 这个令人惊讶的发现促使辉瑞(Pfizer)公司(收购了里纳特公司)开始研究反其道而行之,将这种药物用来帮助癌症患者其他体重减轻困扰的人士增加体重。

    The surprising result prompted Pfizer, which acquired Rinat, to explore whether the drug instead could promote weight gain, perhaps for cancer patients or others suffering from wasting.


  • 美国队最好成绩奥林匹克新星HeatherRichardson创造的第六名,她来自卡若里纳州,2007年完成从内线一直冰上的完美转换希望2014年索契奥运会上有重大突破。

    The top American was Olympic rookie Heather Richardson, a North Carolina native who made the inline-to-ice transition in 2007 and expects to make a bigger splash at the Sochi Games in 2014.


  • 上车,原路返回。

    Leonard jumped in his car and started backtracking.


  • 我们监视害怕就是什蒂科索沃其他城市气氛

    We are scared because we are being watchedsuch is the atmosphere in Pristina and other cities in Kosovo.


  • 帕萨迪位于加布埃尔丘陵地带

    Pasadena lies in the foothills of the San Gabriel mountains.


  • 第二我们驱车33到了锡耶那儿,阿尔切诺别墅是个很不错落脚之处)。

    The next day we drove 33 miles to Siena (the Villa Arceno is a great place to stay while you are there).


  • 莫迪亚尼1909年宣布要搬帕尔斯去。

    Modigliani announced his move to Montparnasse in 1909.


  • 弗兰,这可以肯定的。

    Here's what's certain, Flannery says.


  • 事实证明弗兰具争议

    Flannery's book proved highly controversial.


  • 弗兰论文基本问题没有直接证据表明它们杀死了任何澳大利亚巨型动物

    The more basic problem with Flannery's thesis is that there is no direct evidence that they killed any Australian megafauna.


  • ,维库的酒店容了成千上万名游客,他们从世界各地来这看只在书上看过的夜空。

    During the year, Vicuna's hotels accommodate thousands of tourists who come from all over the world to see the night sky as they have only seen it in books.


  • ,维库的酒店容了成千上万名游客,他们从世界各地来这看只在书上看过的夜空。

    During the year, Vicuna's hotels accommodate thousands of tourists who come from all over the world to see the night sky as they have only seen it in books.


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