• 据说这些症状都是生孩子那个场景不停闪烁造成

    The symptoms are said to have been experienced during the birth scene which contains flashes of red, black and white.


  • 最好时候农民面临着爱丽丝穿过魔镜“故事皇后诅咒一些国家!”

    At the best of times, farmers face the curse of the Red Queen in "Alice Through the Looking-Glass" " a slow sort of country!"


  • 永乐夏德雍正朝所制的带有三鱼、三果莲织装饰的白瓷通常称为

    Yongle, Xuande and Yongzhen Whitewares decorated with three-red-fish, three-red-fruit or lotus designs have usually been called underglaze red.


  • 一定大学欢迎的男生联谊会的人。

    He must have been the most popular guy at the most popular fraternity in college.


  • EAT报告认为,印度这样的国家传统饮食很少这些可能特殊场合食用或者作为混合菜肴中的少量配料

    The EAT report presumes that "traditional diets" in countries like India include little red meat, which might be consumed only on special occasions or as minor ingredients in mixed dishes.


  • 现在终于明白为何毯子会对的救命恩人这么占有欲

    I now understand why the little elephant under the red blanket was so possessive of the man who had rescued her.


  • 园子许多一些的,一些是的,另一些蓝的

    There are many flowers in the garden. Some are red; some are yellow; others are blue.


  • 澳大利亚悉尼塔瑞野生动物园中,只五个月大颈小袋鼠妈妈的育儿袋探出头来。

    A five-month-old red-necked wallaby joey pokes her head out of her mother's pouch at Taronga zoo, Sydney, Australia


  • 西番茄素能帮助预防结肠癌前列腺癌以及膀胱癌橄榄油能帮助身体吸收番茄素,富含纤维的意大利面减少你的结肠癌风险

    The lycopene in the tomatoes protects against colon, prostate, and bladder cancers; the olive oil helps your body absorb the lycopene; and the fiber-filled pasta reduces your risk of colon cancer.


  • 北卡罗来纳州东北部领地是不断变化的,但是大部分3887平方之间

    Red Wolf territories in northeastern north Carolina vary in size, but most are estimated to range between 38 to 87 square miles.


  • 鸟儿身体放在一个漂亮盒子他们华丽的礼仪埋葬

    The bird's body was placed in a pretty red box; they wished to bury it with royal honours.


  • 紫外线伤害能够导致皮肤过早老化甚至导致皮肤癌,科学家表示番茄发现氧化剂——番茄素正好能提供防止上述的功效。

    Damage from UV rays can lead to premature ageing and even skin cancer and the scientists say it is the antioxidant lycopene found in tomatoes which provided the benefit.


  • 太阳驱散黎明薄雾田野金黄玉米云朵般的棉花绿豌豆辣椒

    When the dawn mist is scattered, the field is paved with golden corn, cloud-like cotton, green pea, and red pepper.


  • 现年72的克拉姆·,“女儿是‘海外夕阳’”。

    'My daughter calls it' senior year abroad, "said Mr." Kramlich, 72 years old.


  • 虽说别人这么说他可能生气但是飞机读物领域,格拉·菲尔德确实像丹布朗小说领域那么

    Gladwell might take offense, but in the airplane reading field at least, the New Yorker writer is the Dan Brown of nonfiction.


  • 斯科特惠特尼年前大学邂逅纽约巴德学院

    Scott and Whitney met on the campus of Bard College in Red Hook, NY two years ago this January.


  • 需要少许赤铁矿,就能将全部尘埃

    It only takes a little hematite, Merrison said, to stain all the dust a reddish hue.


  • 领头翅膀其他斑溪的.大LEONOPTERYX 一个直接地狱来恶魔 身上相间的条纹朝阳分外炫目.它的背上之神经相连并驾驭着它的是杰克.

    Leading the dive is one winged shape three times the size of the others. A GREAT LEONOPTERYX, a demon straight from Hell, blazing with scarlet, yellow and black stripes backlit by the morning sun.


  • 当地警察发现了准确线索受害者之间显然多多少少有关联;二,有人毗邻树林丢弃了一条缎带

    The local police uncover exactly two clues: the victims appear to be distantly related, and someone dropped a red ribbon in the adjoining woods.


  • 只有56英寸翼展的成年可以为了捕杀可以120时速俯冲

    With its 56-inch wingspan, a mature female red-tailed hawk can weigh up to four pounds and dive for the kill at 120mph.


  • 这些款式实际上重现了兰的全盛时期--这些单品混合了许多大胆色调、紫赭色,显得鲜明生动。

    And the looks indeed were a throwback to Ms. Vreeland's heyday-- the pieces came out in a vivid whirl of bold colors such as magenta, plum and rust.


  • 最近发现椭圆星系拥有银河系更多矮星说明宇宙所有恒星的数量可能原先预想

    The discovery that elliptical galaxies have many more red dwarf stars than the Milky Way means that the universe might have three times as many total stars as previously thought.


  • 魔队艰难挺进最终以2:0击败罗马尼亚冠军队奥特鲁加拉迪。 这场比赛地点是主办方主场100以外的地方。

    The Red Devils labored and lumbered their way to a 2-0 win over Otelul Galati, the Romanian champions, in a match played more than 100 miles away from the host's actual home stadium.


  • 通过一些腹滨鹬的捕捉标记称重生物学家已经能够美国特拉华州,拼凑出一幅令人担忧趋势图

    By trapping, marking, and weighing the knots, biologists have been able to piece together some alarming trends in Delaware Bay.


  • 音响播放几年俄罗斯带回来的,一位当下正的女歌手的作品集。

    The songs broadcasting in the sound device were getting back from Russia several years ago.


  • 也因有人对蛋白坚果过敏,所以蛋糕没有谷蛋白,胡萝卜蛋糕坚果

    To suit those with allergies, her red velvet cake can be gluten free and her carrot cake has no nuts in it, though the facility is not totally nut free.


  • 旅馆位于西雅图以南80草木苍翠尼尔山雨林中,建50英尺高处棵200香柏树上。

    Cedar Creek Treehouse is 80 miles south of Seattle and is set 50 feet up in a 200-year-old western red cedar tree, right in the canopy of a lush temperate rainforest on the base of Mount Rainier.


  • 音响播放出的几年俄罗斯带回来的,位当下正女歌手的作品集。

    The songs broadcasting in the sound device were getting back from Russia several years ago. It was an opus collection sung by a very famous Russian songstress at present.


  • 音响播放出的几年俄罗斯带回来的,位当下正女歌手的作品集。

    The songs broadcasting in the sound device were getting back from Russia several years ago. It was an opus collection sung by a very famous Russian songstress at present.


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