• 肚子怀9个月,让你慢慢长大,一分都不

    For the nine months I carried you while you were growing inside me, No Charge.


  • 中学年鉴怀曼的照片

    I looked for Wyman's picture in my high-school annual.


  • 莎拉说明在是酒吧,队员开始办法清楚怀亚特的住处

    Sara explains that she was in a bar. They try to figure out where Wyatt is staying.


  • 然后怀第二个女儿的时候,朋友带到普通店,就是耐用的孕妇装部门,一个一些购物商场的折扣零售商

    Then when I became pregnant with my second daughter a friend turned me on to Target's plain but serviceable maternity department and Motherhood maternity a discount retailer found in some malls.


  • 尽管知道身体孩子的,怀双胞胎女儿时候感觉完全一样

    Although I knew that child inside her was mine, it wasn't the same feeling I had with the twins.


  • 拉波波特这些数字输入计算机个令怀印象深刻的答案跳了出来

    Rapoport plugs all of the Numbers into his computer and comes up with an answer that impresses Wyner.


  • 或者我们正朝悬崖那跑,或者已经过了悬崖只是没有觉察老掉牙的《跑者》卡通片的大笨怀尔那样呢?

    Or are we heading for a cliff, or already over the edge and simply unaware, like Wile E. Coyote in those old Road Runner cartoons?


  • 现在莱昂纳多·达芬奇所画只貂,主人轻松的怀安静地歇息着,虽然保持高度的警惕。

    And now look at Leonardo da Vinci's ermine, resting quietly, although still very much alert, in the loose grip of his mistress.


  • 头发剪得比较糟糕,看上去杰夫·德怀发廊出来的任何一个女人叛逆的摇滚歌星。

    It was a minor fiasco; she looked more like a punk rocker than someone who had just walked out of Jeff Dwire's beauty salon.


  • 一令人警戒发现,是以色列本-古大学的西蒙尼·莫兰宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院斯·e·怀研究成果。

    That's the cautionary finding of research by Simone Moran of Ben-Gurion University in Israel and Maurice E. Schweitzer of the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.


  • 怀组织者经常发生冲突;某一天小组筹款开设个支票账户时,两人甚至银行大声嚷嚷吵了起来

    Dwyer and a co-organizer clashed frequently; one day, while setting up achecking account for the group's fundraising, the two even got into a shoutingmatch in the middle of a bank.


  • 在那怀尔德一家买下一小土地劳拉给这块地取了绰号叫“罗基·”,然后这块土地上建造了一房子,就是以后木屋”系列故事的那幢小木屋。

    There, the Wilder family bought a plot of land dubbed Rocky Ridge by Laura, and built the home in which the "Little House" stories would later be written.


  • 怀斯曼项调查中,自称走运有百分之八十告诉直觉在他们的职业选择中起到关键作用,那百分之二十也“不走运”的人多。

    In one of Wiseman's surveys, 80 percent of self-described lucky people told him their intuition played a key role in their career choices-some 20 percent more than in the "unlucky" group.


  • 10Andrea历经了服用生育药物流产以及确诊怀双胞胎

    Andrea went through 10 years of fertility drugs, miscarriages and diagnostic procedures before she became pregnant with twins.


  • GOOGLE搜索结果就是怀的,我希望永远。”GOOGLE研究员AmitSinghal博客中这样写道

    "I am here to tell you that being bad is, and hopefully will always be, bad for business in Google's search results," wrote Amit Singhal, Google Fellow, in a blog post.


  • 发现怀上连恩的时候,我们本来是住只有间卧室公寓

    We lived in a one bedroom apartment when we found out we were expecting Lane.


  • 然后怀第二个女儿的时候,朋友带到普通店,就是耐用的孕妇装部门,一个一些购物商场的折扣零售商

    Then, when I became pregnant with my second daughter, a friend turned me on to Target's plain, but serviceable maternity department and Motherhood maternity, a discount retailer found in some malls.


  • 今天上班时,一直在节日没有人一起耿耿于怀

    Today, I felt fairly depressed about being single for the holidays during work.


  • B来看肚子两个胚芽儿,就是说怀是双胞胎!

    Come up to see from the super b, your is two small acrospire sons in belly, be say, what you keep in mind is twins!


  • 随着年龄增长长大母亲衰老容颜柴米油盐慢慢退色,她她的青春我交换,我得到了明媚灿烂怀把的只是苍白甘之如饴

    As the growth of the age, I grew up in, the mother in aging, her face slowly fade in daily necessities, with her youth and I exchange, I got a beautiful and brilliant, she was pale, but initiation.


  • 西边塞文河怀河,两条河流都流入斯托尔海峡默西河本河一样,比较适合航行

    In the west are the Severn and Wye, which empty into the Bristol Channel and are navigable, as are the Mersey and Ribble.


  • 一个讲究包装的社会我们禁不住羡慕别人光鲜华丽的外表自己欠缺耿耿于怀

    In a society which stresses on images so much, we often cannot help envying others' glorious appearance, and feel dissatisfied with ourselves.


  • 一旦带球开始跑,就会上演滑稽而惹人羡慕一幕,大多数试图追赶后卫戏弄的电影追赶跑路鸟的大笨怀尔。

    Has the comical and enviable habit of making most defenders look not unlike Wile E Coyote in pursuit of the roadrunner when he puts his foot down.


  • 显然现代文化中的一种奇特的反常现象因为哲学本贴近人们怀事业的物事,但现在倒反而远在之外

    This is certainly a strange anomaly of modern culture, for philosophy, which should lie closest to men's bosom and business, has become most remote from life.


  • 显然现代文化中的一种奇特的反常现象因为哲学本贴近人们怀事业的物事,但现在倒反而远在之外

    This is certainly a strange anomaly of modern culture, for philosophy, which should lie closest to men's bosom and business, has become most remote from life.


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