• 里德博士:“如果嚼得不够的话,成食物便会直接通过消化系统,从而不能身体完全吸收。”

    Dr Read said: 'If you don't, lumps of food will pass through your digestive system and not be completely absorbed. '


  • 压力专家全科医生罗杰·亨德森汉德博士:“我们生活时代里,许多来说,时间宝贵商品。”

    Dr Roger Henderson, a stress expert and GP said: "We live in an age where for many people time is the most valuable commodity of all."


  • 乔里博士目前处于非常困难境地因为针对IPCC最为激烈的指责认为个人应对委员会已知失误负责,”沃德说道

    "Dr Pachauri is in a very difficult position, because some of the most vociferous critics of the IPCC hold him personally responsible for the panel's perceived failings," said Mr Ward.


  • 曼德·里纳斯博士推测使用适当药物意味着最终可能成为一种对人体无害寄生菌。

    Appropriate drugs could, Dr Madrenas speculates, mean that s. aureus ultimately becomes a harmless inhabitant of people's bodies.


  • 博士评论说:“如果我们苏丹矿井处取得了又一次实验成功,就将计划前往地底深处(进行试验),可能会到加拿大安大略省的萨德伯里中微子观察实验室。”

    Dr Kos commented: "If we have another successful run at Soudan, we're planning to go even deeper, possibly - to the SNOLAB in Sudbury, Ontario, in Canada.


  • 2002年至2004年间,普劳德为了完成博士研究课题,跟踪查询了英格兰16000所学校里711岁、14岁、16岁的男女测试成绩

    Proud tracked boys' and girls' test results at the ages of seven, 11, 14 and 16 in 16,000 schools in England between 2002 and 2004 for his PhD.


  • 2002年至2004年间,普劳德为了完成博士研究课题,跟踪查询了英格兰16000所学校里7岁11岁14岁16的男女生测试成绩

    Proud tracked boys' andgirls' test results at the ages of seven, 11, 14 and 16 in 16,000schools in England between 2002 and 2004 for his PhD


  • 过去十年期间,亨希尔伍德博士的研究小组已经通过发现有说服力证据而动摇了传统智慧。 这些证据表明生活洞穴里的现代行为出了重要的步伐。

    Over the last decade, Dr. Henshilwood’s teams have shaken conventional wisdom by finding persuasive evidence that people living in the cave were taking important strides toward modern behavior.


  • 曼彻斯特卡里斯·布鲁克牙科诊所老板牙医里克·伊德·莱斯博士数百万以为自己每天习惯有益的,却不知不觉损害着牙齿

    Dr Tariq Idrees, dentist and owner of Carisbrook Dental Clinic in Manchester, said millions of people are unwittingly destroying their teeth with everyday habits, they think would be beneficial.


  • 过去十年里,斯利博士、里弗·赛德加州大学科克·维斯·奇尔其它人员一直研究各种蜂群(学名apis mellifera)的行为,观察它们如何选择一个新的蜂巢。

    During the past decade, Seeley, Kirk Visscher of the University of California, Riverside, and others have been studying colonies of honeybees (Apis mellifera) to see how they choose a new home.


  • 这项被称为地球生命(Lifeon Earth)”的浩大工程将会囊括来自德鲁·贝里的动画作品,麦克吉尔博士负责监督该项工程的研发进度,相信改变学生学习生物学方式

    Called "Life on Earth," the project will include visualizations from Mr.Berry and is being overseen by Dr.McGill, who believes it could change how students learn biology.


  • 安凯德博士1977年生于美国罗德安庄,后移居佛蒙特州,在幽暗树林里多雪山坡度过青少年时代。

    Kyle David Anderson was born in Peacedale, Rhode Island, in 1977. From there, he journeyed north to spend his teenage years among the shadowy woods and snowy slopes of Vermont.


  • 这项被称为地球生命(Lifeon Earth)”浩大工程将会囊括来自德鲁·贝里的动画作品,麦克吉尔博士负责监督该项工程的研发进度,相信改变学生学习生物学方式

    Called "Life on Earth," the project will include visualizations from Mr. Berry and is being overseen by Dr. McGill, who believes it could change how students learn biology.


  • 1955马蒂·麦克·弗莱布朗博士按照博士1885年寄出的信里的说明,找回修好损坏的德罗宁时光机(这辆跑车在矿井里保存了70年)。

    In 1955, Marty McFly and Doc Brown use the information in Doc's 1885 letter to retrieve and repair the damaged DeLorean (which has been waiting for him in a mineshaft for 70 years).


  • 1955马蒂·麦克·弗莱布朗博士按照博士1885年寄出的信里的说明,找回修好损坏的德罗宁时光机(这辆跑车在矿井里保存了70年)。

    In 1955, Marty McFly and Doc Brown use the information in Doc's 1885 letter to retrieve and repair the damaged DeLorean (which has been waiting for him in a mineshaft for 70 years).


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