• 标识每个图标代表联合利业务一个方面

    Each icon within the logo represents an aspect of its business.


  • 加尔萨住在大约小时路程雷斯城中。

    Garza lived about an hour away from Uribe in the town of Juarez.


  • 每年这个时候,戈登•沃代尔都喜欢加利福尼亚山谷杏仁盛开的花丛中,聆听数百万只蜜蜂“低沉、温暖愉快鸣”。

    AT THIS time of year Gordon Wardell loves to stand amid the almond blossoms in California’s San Joaquin valley, listening to the “low-pitch, warm, happy humof millions of bees.


  • 这些广阔海水中,阳光提供能量各种洋流系统深海带来养分,最终形成绵延100至200(60至120)的

    In this open water, sunlight provides the fuel and various current systems provide nutrients from deeper waters to form blooms that can stretch 100 to 200 kilometers (60 to 120 miles).


  • 发生海洋中的水可以覆盖数百平方而且容易在卫星图像观测到

    Blooms in the ocean may cover hundreds of square kilometers and are easily visible in satellite images.


  • 陈水鸟者满怀热情地当地学校举行鸟类展览”,同时赞颂那些大多数中国人视为浪费空间湿地和被视为食物的野生动物。

    Mr Chen and fellow birdwatchers spread their passions in local schools, holding school "bird fairs" and celebrating wetlands and wildness that most Chinese people regard as a waste of space or food.


  • 普通农舍五谷杂粮,当地人保持淳朴关系,”程恩,“就是一种顺其自然生活方式。”

    "Live in a simple house, eat simple foods and keep simple relationships with local people, " Cheng says. "That's the very kind of lifestyle that goes well with nature.


  • 比如联合利如果没有购买本·杰冰淇淋不会发明丘比哈比”冰淇淋。

    Unilever, for example, would not have inventedChubby Hubbyice-cream if it had not bought Ben &Jerry’s.


  • 在上次投票支持共和党的“摇摆,奥巴马这次最有可能拿下的是科罗拉多爱荷

    Sen. Obama's best bet at winning over swing states that went to Republicans last time probably lies in Colorado, Nevada and Iowa.


  • 大利维多利亚勒比开放式动物园游客们正在观光,只突然狮子跳到辆汽车前面

    A lion jumps on the front of a car while guests watch at the Werribee Open Range Zoo, Werribee, Victoria, Australia.


  • 史泰龙是土生土长的纽波特纽斯人。小说中的虚构城市主人公分别被用来命名洛夫蒂斯大道使得《黑暗》在现实世界变得不朽

    His Lie Down in Darkness is immortalized by the Port Warwick development named after his fictional city, a square bearing his name and Loftis Boulevard, named after the novel's main character.


  • 非常令人担忧。”同样来自大学·威灵顿教授

    It is extremely worrying, " said Professor Liz Wellington, also of Warwick University.


  • 奥利历险记开场群可爱小猫放在街边盒子准备过路人

    In the opening of Oliver and Company, an adorable batch of kittens is placed in a box on the street and sold to passersby.


  • 试着将蓝燕麦一起烘焙,做出自己独创的燕麦蓝莓麦片或者将两者混合加入全麦煎饼夫饼干面糊

    Try baking blueberries into oatmeal to create your own oatmeal-blueberry granola bar, or mixing them into whole wheat pancake or waffle batter.


  • 年少之时,我诚美食而对父母心存感恩只需留意天堂娇艳花朵鲜美的果实

    When I was young, I thanked my parents for the beautiful clothes and delicious food, just paying attention to the grace of flowers and the yummy of fruits in this paradise.


  • 正在考虑明年参选。他选择谈论信仰

    Gingrich is exploring a presidential run next year, and chose to talk about his faith at the Iowa event.


  • 忽然起身,火柴,点上遍身油腻灯盏,茶馆屋子,便弥满青白的

    Old Chuan suddenly sat up in bed. He struck a match and lit the grease-covered oil lamp, which shed a ghostly light over the two rooms of the tea-house.


  • 受欢迎的男孩名(按降序排列):杰克托马斯、奥立约瑟查理丹尼尔威廉詹姆斯埃尔弗

    Boys' top namesin descending order: Jack, Thomas, Oliver, Joshua, Harry, Charlie, Daniel, William, James, Alfie.


  • 联合利告诉财富》,他们四季13个广告植入了6个不同品牌的广告。

    Unilever tells Fortune that it's paying to sponsor six different vignette placements in thirteen AD spots across the season.


  • 互银行希望此次注资帮助银行未来一年顺利渡过难关一季度该行贷款损失预计达到14亿美元。

    WaMu hopes the injection will help it through a horrendous year; loan losses for the first quarter alone will be $1.4 billion.


  • 讲述一个来自新泽西州纽无家可归者迈克尔•贝安(MichaelBerrian)的故事

    This is a story about Michael Berrian, a homeless man from Newark, New Jersey.


  • 上图所展现是1940年5月,位于美国加利福尼亚州河谷学校年级的学生们上课的情景。

    This photo shows seventh and eighth graders at a school in the San Joaquin Valley of California in May 1940.


  • 听说这位有着独特风格的电影导演他自己的电影演男主角的时候,我想像着一个奥森·威尔斯[3]那样伟大的导演加明星或者伦·比蒂[4]约翰·卡萨维提[5]这样的帅男。

    When I heard that this auteur sometimes took the lead in hisown pictures I envisioned a filmmaker-movie star as formidable as OrsonWelles and as handsome as Warren Beatty or John Cassavetes.


  • 大妈他排好立着了一通,化过锭;暗暗地想,“也是儿子了。”

    As Old Chuan's wife watched the other woman set Out four dishes of food and a bowl of rice, then stand up to wail and burn paper money, she thought: "It must be her son in that grave too."


  • 大妈他排好立着了一通,化过锭;暗暗地想,“也是儿子了。”

    As Old Chuan's wife watched the other woman set Out four dishes of food and a bowl of rice, then stand up to wail and burn paper money, she thought: "It must be her son in that grave too."


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