• 这样就能够释放更多存储空间,减缓设备购买频率此外不再需要这些数据进行备份复制从而避免存储问题导致乘数效应

    In addition to freeing up capacity and slowing the rate of equipment acquisition, this data would no longer need to be backed up or replicated, so the multiplier effect would be eliminated.


  • 永久冻土融化导致甲烷其他化合物释放大气层,增加温室效应

    Thawing permafrost leads to releases of methane and other carbon compounds that can reach the atmosphere and increase greenhouse warming.


  • 它的温室气体效应强度高出二氧化碳270运用化肥种植生物燃料作物过程中释放出来的。

    This is about 270 times more potent thancarbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas and is released through use offertilisers to grow biofuel crops.


  • 深色人造建筑材料吸收太阳辐射将获取能量热量的形式释放出来城市热岛效应”随即产生

    An urban heat island is created when dark colored man-made materials used in the construction of a city absorb the sun's rays and release that energy back out as heat.


  • 人们所知细菌群感效应过程中,细菌同样释放探测以及有机信号分子产生反应

    Bacteria also release, detect and respond to organic signaling molecules in a process known as quorum sensing.


  • 二氧化碳一旦释放出来,就会留在大气层中,在一个世纪左右都会持续产生温室效应工业设施使用寿命几十年。

    Carbon dioxide, once released, stays in the atmosphere and continues to have a warming effect for about a century, and industrial infrastructure is built to have a useful life of several decades.


  • 开矿分离产出原油整个过程其它石油生产方法释放更多导致温室效应气体

    The entire process, from mining and separating oil sands to producing crude oil, releases more greenhouse gases than other oil production methods.


  • 如果没有温室效应释放二氧化碳水蒸气起到保温作用地球凝结成固体

    Without the greenhouse gases carbon dioxide and water vapor to trap heat, for example, Earth would be frozen solid.


  • 认为与产生愉悦感奖赏效应有关多巴胺释放停止最终导致了对药物的渴望。

    This is believed to be involved in producing feelings of pleasure and reward, and eventually in cravings for the drug when it is withdrawn.


  • 平流层火山喷发自然结果,这种硫燃烧煤释放的硫能造成更强的冷却效应

    Sulphur in the stratosphere, a natural result of volcanic eruptions, provides a lot more cooling per tonne than the coal-emitted sort.


  • 话说,虽然最新卫星数据质疑了之前太阳能量释放电脑模式但它并未改变人类造成温室效应的现状。

    In other words, whereas the new satellite measurements call into question computer models of solar output, it does not change the fundamental physics of human-induced global warming.


  • 德国承诺不会提高有核邻国进口量也不会释放计划更多温室效应气体

    Germany promises neither to increase imports from nuclear neighbours nor to emit more greenhouse gases than planned.


  • 汇丰银行自身而言已经承诺根据以下原则行事:其所释放温室效应气体将会控制在通过其商业活动节省范围之内。同时帮助创建银行业的“应对气候变化规范”。

    HSBC, for its part, has pledged to work to emit no more greenhouse gases than it saves through its activities as well as helping create a set of "climate principles" for the banking industry.


  • 西伯利亚永久冻土融化释放大量甲烷,形成强效温室效应并进一步推动全球变暖一个转折点到了。

    Another tipping point sees massive amounts of methane - a potent greenhouse gas - released by melting Siberian permafrost, further boosting global warming.


  • 如果位首席执行官释放出一种信号,让下属相信他需要开诚布公诚实反馈,那么这会造成一种连锁效应,他会源源不断地得到来自企业各个方面的反馈。

    A CEO who signals their belief in the importance of open, honest feedback will create a cascade effect — a feedback fountain that flows down throughout the organization.


  • 一观点认为,针灸只是安慰剂效应给患者以内啡肽释放想象。

    The other holds that acupuncture works through a placebo effect, in which the patient's thinking releases endorphins.


  • 研究结论这些数据显示胃旁路手术早期高血糖素样肽- 1高血糖大量释放以及肠促胰岛素效应增加和体重减轻没有关系而是手术操作有关。

    Conclusions: These data suggest that early after GBP, the greater GLP-1 and GIP release and improvement of incretin effect are related not to weight loss but rather to the surgical procedure.


  • 一些气候变化计算机模型预测亚马逊范围的干旱将会释放更多碳化物,加快全球温室效应的速度。

    Some computer models of climate change predict a major drying-out of the Amazon, which would then act to speed up global warming by releasing more carbon.


  • 假如游戏玩家对手的车辆靠近游戏玩家你释放EMP驱车群,游戏玩家能够使用电脑对抗能力立刻触发它们效应,从而瘫痪敌方车辆。

    If your opponent gets a vehicle close to the EMPed Raider Buggies, you could use the Master Computer Countermeasures ability to cause their after effect to instantly trigger and EMP the enemy vehicle.


  • 所有这些效应加剧地幔蠕动地壳热量释放产生活化

    All these effects strengthen creep of the mantle and heat release toward the crust and result in platform activation.


  • 网络一个能量巨大的“”,诗歌这个“场”中具有释放“场效应魔力

    Network is a huge energy "field ", poetry in this "field " with the release of "field effect " of the magic .


  • 效应细胞杀伤活性细胞释放荧光强度呈正相关性。

    The cytotoxicity of effect or cells corresponded positively to the fluorescence released by target cells.


  • 得的压力曲线表明电能化学能释放速率互补的条件下,可以得到明显的压力平台效应

    The measured pressure time curves indicate the obvious pressure platform effect may be achieved when electrical energy and chemical energy release rate complemented.


  • 虽然我们不能确定IL - 6准确作用,但是研究支持释放入血浆il - 6充作激素样效应假说,介导运动过程中底物调节。

    Although we have not yet determined the precise role of IL-6, study supports the hypothesis that the role of IL-6 released from contracting muscle during exercise is to act in a hormone-like effect.


  • 原子吸收中子过程。原子受到激发释放俘获伽马射线测井用到这种效应

    The absorption of a neutron into an atom. The atom becomes energized and releases gamma rays of capture. The effect is used in well logging.


  • RGDS显著聚集效应相比,其血小板释放反应的影响比较

    The effects of RGDS on platelet release reaction were much less than those on platelet aggregation in same concentrations.


  • 温室效应气体大量释放导致全球变暖主要原因。

    Greenhouse gas emissions are widely considered to be one of the main causes of global warming.


  • 上市公司作为我国企业群体中的“精英”,释放的“标杆效应极为明显

    As the outstanding companies in the enterprises of China, the listed companies have very clear "marking pole effect".


  • 上市公司作为我国企业群体中的“精英”,释放的“标杆效应极为明显

    As the outstanding companies in the enterprises of China, the listed companies have very clear "marking pole effect".


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