• 宾利媒体采访-宾利汽车做了两天的媒体采访翻译

    I was the interpreter for Bentley's media interviews at the 9th Guangzhou Autoshow.


  • 这座大楼包括10个采访一个拥有100个座位新闻发布会议,用来满足媒体球员雇员们采访要求

    This building, where the players and staff fulfil their media requirements, consists of 10 interview rooms and a press conference room, seating up to 100 people.


  • 今天早上演播我们采访嘉宾彼得·威尔逊

    In the studio this morning, for our interview spot is Peter Wilson.


  • 一个电话来自地主政客办公,他承租人刚刚被我们采访

    The next phone call came from the office of the landlord-politician whose tenants we had interviewed.


  • 不停加州跑(甚至还拜访过Techcrunch办公接受采访)。

    He kept on going to California (where he made the rounds, even stopping by the TechCrunch offices for an interview).


  • 观看任何制作特辑幕后镜头纪录片工作成员采访——他们绝对喜爱在那里工作

    Watch any making-of, behind-the-scenes footage, documentary, or interviews with members of the studio - they absolutely love working there.


  • 来自国家气象局斯普林菲尔德办公气象学家比尔·戴维斯星期一的电话采访说:“输电线路都被破坏我们在那儿什么也看不见。”

    The power lines have gone downwe can’t reach anyone there, ” Bill Davis, a meteorologist at the Springfield, Mo., office of the National Weather Service, said in a telephone interview.


  • 然而帕蒂·史密斯采访显示了德普工作困惑不为所动

    However, the interview, conducted by Patti Smith, shows Depp was unfazed by the studio's bafflement.


  • 上海市金融服务办公主任方星海稍后接受英国《金融时报》采访表示,支持为42家两地上市的企业建立一种股票联动交易机制

    In a later interview with the FT, Fang Xinghai, deputy director of Shanghai's financial services office, endorsed a joint trading mechanism for shares in 42 groups traded on both exchanges.


  • 如此沙克斯博士文学科学领域偶像摆满书、充满快乐的西村办公采访,让十分激动

    I won't lie: Dr. Sacks is one of my literary and scientific idols, so it was no small thrill to interview him in his book-filled, pleasantly cluttered West Village office.


  • 最初打算采访斯,可惜阿费斯没在办公,她最终采访罗斯

    She had planned to interview Altfest, but he was out of the office, and she ended up talking to Ross.


  • 演播采访

    I want to interview him here at the studio.


  • 来到实验然后采访磁带采访可能代表学校参加一档智力竞争节目

    You're brought to the lab and you're listening to a tape recording of interviews with people who are described as possible representatives from your college to appear on a quiz show.


  • 希望采访执行委员会公开会议记者SS 1执行委员会会议左侧标记明显新闻席。

    For journalists wishing to cover the public meetings of the Executive Board, there is a clearly marked press gallery on level SS1 on the left-hand side of the Executive Board Room.


  • 只有我们才能举办这样世博会,”上海金融服务办公总干事方星海接受采访表示,“这里民族自豪感在内,我们希望世界各国人民来上海看到一届成功的盛会。”

    Only we can hold such an Expo, ” said Fang Xinghai, director general of the Shanghai Financial Services Office. “There’s a bit of national pride in it.


  • 未知的领域”,纽约办公接受采访Levine

    This is uncharted territory, ” said Levine during an interview from his New York office.


  • 通过网络聊天进行全国寻访,对60人做了采访,最后有6名志愿者参加制作但是其中只有3人同意去除遮挡进行拍摄

    After trawling online chat rooms for several months and conducting 60 interviews, he found six people willing to join the production. But only three agreed to their faces being shown.


  • 一个花钱找男人睡觉女人接受《时代周刊》采访时说:“知道丈夫在出差办公时候也会做这种……那为什么我不可以。”

    One woman who pays the men she sleeps with told Time, “I know my husband does the same thing when he’s traveling on business.”...so why can’t I.”


  • 宫崎骏最佳采访涩谷阳一通过宫崎骏铃木敏夫对话推测了吉卜力工作接下来的各种企划。

    Yoichi Shibuya, the best interviewer of Miyazaki, drew out the true intentions of various things about Studio Ghibli from Hayao Miyazaki and Toshio Suzuki. An abstract of interview follows.


  • 洛斯阿拉莫斯武器实验主任唐纳德M克尔最近就通用电气公司进展做了概略说明,他接受记者采访时说,看着经过几十年的夸大宣称取得的突破。 他,激光浓缩经历了从“强行推销,期望过高的套技术”到“成为接近真正的产业过程”。

    Donald M. Kerr, a former director of the Los Alamos weapons lab who was recently briefed on G.E.’s advance, said in an interview that it looked like a breakthrough after decades of exaggerated claims.


  • 来到OkCupid曼哈顿中区办公附近接受采访身披件淡紫色风衣,套绿色短的脚在一双平底便鞋里。

    He arrived at his interview near OkCupid's Midtown Manhattan offices wearing a lavender hoodie and turquoise socks stuffed inside loafers.


  • 提出见见Dahl意向监狱新闻办公为我安排采访

    The prison's press office had arranged an interview a day after I put in a request, after asking Dahl if he would like to receive a journalist.


  • InfoQ采访了Thought Works工作Chad Wathington,获取更多有关他们自动化测试工具最新版本细节

    InfoQ spoke with Chad Wathington of ThoughtWorks Studios team to get more details on the new release of their test automation tool.


  • InfoQ采访了Thought Works工作Chad Wathington,获取更多有关他们自动化测试工具最新版本细节

    InfoQ spoke with Chad Wathington of ThoughtWorks Studios team to get more details on the new release of their test automation tool.


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