• 监测网络包括人工采样激光雷达站

    The network includes manual sampling stations and laser radar stations.


  • 本文针对一般延迟复杂动力网络研究脉冲采样时存在时滞的脉冲同步问题。

    In this paper, we investigate the delayed impulsive synchronization of general complex delayed dynamical networks.


  • 首先基于脉冲采样时滞思想提出了具有时滞脉冲控制一般延迟复杂动力网络模型

    Firstly, based on the idea of delayed sampling impulses, a general complex delayed dynamical networks model with delayed impulses control is presented.


  • 精确高效的采样技术实现高速网络流量业务流监测分析重要技术。

    Accurate and efficient sampling technology is required by implementation of high-speed network traffic analysis based on flow.


  • 网络分析仪结合了频率合成技术采样技术宽带扫频技术计算机辅助测量技术。

    Network analyzer adopt these new technology such as frequency synthesis, sampling technique, broad-band sweeping and computer-assisted testing.


  • 网络诱导时延小于一个采样周期常数时,对系统稳定性进行了分析。

    The stability is studied when the network transmitting time-delay is smaller than a constant of a period of sampling time.


  • 提出事件-时间驱动方式,采样周期随着网络环境变化而变化。

    The event-time driven is proposed, in which the sampling period is variable with the change of Internet time delay.


  • 传输带宽限制网络视频采集系统采样采样噪声严重

    Signal sampling system of video communication over network usually has a low sampling rate suffering from the limited bandwidth, so aliasing noise is big problem.


  • 讨论贯序蒙特卡罗方法无线传感器网络节点定位算法中的实现,并针对采样阶段样本缺失现象,基本算法进行了改进。

    Discuss the Sequential Monte Carlo localization method for wireless sensor networks scheme and modify the basic algorithm to overcome the sample degeneracy problem in resampling stage.


  • 研究了一类采样数据非线性系统动态神经网络稳定自适应控制方法

    A stable adaptive control approach using dynamic neural networks has been developed for a class of multi input multi output MIMO sampled data nonlinear systems with unknown dynamic nonlinearities.


  • 其次在考虑系统噪声延时可以大于一个采样周期情况提出了单包传输和多包传输的网络控制系统的模型

    Secondly, the model of NCS with single-packet and multiple-packet transmission under considering system noise and network-induced delay longer than one sampling are proposed.


  • 网络训练样本一个沿地震时间历程滑动时间采样获取的。

    The samples for training the network are constructed by a sampling window moving through the time history of earthquake.


  • 传感器采样作为神经网络输入故障代码作为输出电控汽油机进行在线故障诊断

    The on-line fault diagnosis of engine was conducted using the sensor sampling data as the inputs of ANNs and the faults code as the output.


  • 采样跟踪相控雷达一种重要工作模式,是基于网络栅格多传感器异步融合跟踪的基础。

    Variable sampling rate tracking, which is based on nets or grids multi-sensor asynchronous fusion tracking, is an important operating modes in phased array radar.


  • 本文主要研究了基于模型网络输入多率采样控制系统建模分析控制问题。

    The modeling, analysis and control of the model-based networked control systems (NCSs) with multi-rate input sampling are studied in this dissertation.


  • 为了异步控制网络实现采样同步,可采用时钟同步方法。

    Using the clock synchronization, synchronous sampling could be realized on an asynchronous control network.


  • 讨论了系统采样周期网络控制系统影响

    The influence of sampling period to NCS is discussed.


  • 网络数据采样进行网络流量行为分析的过程中起着举足轻重作用

    Sampling the data in the network-flow plays the important role in the analysis of network characteristic.


  • 在考虑系统噪声网络诱导延时大于一个采样周期情况下,给出了多包传输网络控制系统模型

    The model of NCS with multiple-packet transmission is presented considering system noise and network-induced delay longer than one sampling period.


  • 数据包采样方法提升数据包处理能力好的方法网络流量监测分析中得到了广泛应用。

    Packet sampling which was widely used in network monitoring is a good method to upgrade data packet processing capacity.


  • 利用采样数字控制系统方法分析了一类混杂动态系统模型描述仿非线性网络控制系统的稳定性问题。

    A sampled-data control system approach is presented to a class of affine nonlinear networked control systems described by a hybrid dynamic system model.


  • DSPPC数据或者直接采样语音信号通过无线网络传输,实现数据通信。

    DSP data on the PC, or directly sampled voice signal transmission over wireless networks, data communication.


  • 研究传感器执行时钟驱动控制器为事件驱动,网络诱导时延大于一个采样周期网络(ncs)的稳定性问题。

    This paper discusses the stability of NCS with time-delay longer than one sampling period when both sensor and actuator are time-driven as well as controller is event-driven.


  • 方法通过人工神经网络采样焊接输入进行处理,从而判断焊接过程是否漏焊。

    The method preprocesses power input of manual weld through rough neural networks, and judges lack of weld in a welding process. The system′s hardware is simple, cost is low and judgement is accurate.


  • 本文分析了图像网络采样加权算法图像网络参数控制统计拟合分析方法编制盐水泥浆测井资料网络分析校正系统

    Through analyzing weighted method of image network sampling and statistic matching method of image network parameters, network analytical correction system of saline mud log has been compiled.


  • 设计采用BT 829bIME6400模拟视频进行采样编码然后S3C 4510b控制下发送到网络上,用户可以通过浏览器观看监控现场图像

    It USES BT829B and IME6400 to sample and encode the analog video, and then sends the video data to the network under the control of S3C4510B. Users can see the pictures by the browser.


  • 设计采用BT 829bIME6400模拟视频进行采样编码然后S3C 4510b控制下发送到网络上,用户可以通过浏览器观看监控现场图像

    It USES BT829B and IME6400 to sample and encode the analog video, and then sends the video data to the network under the control of S3C4510B. Users can see the images by the browser.


  • 采样数据进行分析处理形成网络样本数据库然后网络进行训练仿真最后再仿真结果进一步分析。

    The sample data are firstly analyzed and processed to form a sample database of the network. Then, the network is trained and emulated. Finally, the emulation result is further analyzed.


  • 针对不存在丢包和存在丢包情况通过由采样周期、被对象模型参数构造稳定性判别矩阵给出了使网络控制系统近稳定的充分条件。

    By constructing a test matrix in terms of the sampling period, the plant controlled and the model parameters, we give a sufficient condition to test the asymptotic stability for the system.


  • 切换系统现实生产有着广泛的应用背景通讯网络电力系统、机器人行走控制系统以及采样数字系统的控制等。

    Switched systems are widely used in many practical problems, such as communication networks, power systems, robotic walking control systems and sampled-data control systems and so on.


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