• 方法采用医院为基础监测方法收集资料

    Methods: Data were collected with the method of hospital-based cluster sampling.


  • 合作医院基础建立WTAA基地提供肿瘤消融进修平台

    Establish WTAA bases based on cooperative hospitals, and provide tumor ablation learning platform.


  • 采用以医院为基础配比病例对照研究方法,探讨了吸烟饮酒及高血压脑出血关系

    A matched case-control study on the relationships between cigarette smoking, alcohol drinking, hypertension and cerebral hemorrhage was conducted.


  • 社区依托医院基础、以生活方式指导三个方面,探讨了生活方式教育工作模式

    The thesis will inquire into the working model of life style education , which relies on the community districts; takes hospitals as a base; gui de by way of life.


  • 评价年龄生育胰腺癌发生可能存在关系作者做了医院为基础病例对照研究

    In order to evaluate a possible association between age of first parturition and the number of births and pancreatic cancer, we conducted a case control study with a hospital background.


  • 见习集中重要的部分,病人、以医院为基础的药学,然而越来越以门诊病人出发点,”PsychiatricNews说。

    "Clerkships still focus for the most part on inpatient, hospital-based medicine, whereas medicine is increasingly outpatient oriented," he told Psychiatric News.


  • 很多高龄老人来说,他们还难以割舍医院为基础现代医疗然而却饱受药物困扰客观来说,高技术对身体造成的损害远甚于带来的帮助

    For the very elderly, however, most agree the usual tough love of modern medicine in all its hospital-based, medication-obsessed, high-tech impersonality may hurt more than it helps.


  • Tang他的同事进行医院为基础病例对照研究调查了1982年至1998年期间的948原发性肺癌,1743例健康对照

    Tang and colleagues conducted a hospital-based case-control study that examined 948 patients diagnosed with primary lung cancer between 1982 and 1998, and 1743 healthy controls.


  • 恢复卫生基础设施加强社会福利,利比里亚制定了医院医疗中心诊所建筑标准

    To restore health infrastructure and strengthen social welfare programs, architectural standards for hospitals, health centers and clinics were developed.


  • 在以服务费为基础提供医院治疗国家中国可能转至国家结核病规划进行治疗造成重大障碍

    In countries where hospital treatment is offered on a fee-for-service basis, such in China, this can create a major barrier to referral for treatment under the national tuberculosis programmes.


  • 通过研究地区主要当地医院通告人群为基础癌症登记相关的资料估计癌症发病率

    Cancer incidence was assessed by notification from major local hospitals in the study area and data linkage with population-based cancer registries.


  • 记录生命体征目的病人医院诊所、诊室其他健康保健部门就诊其建立一个基础数据。

    The purpose of recording vital signs is to establish a baseline on admission to a hospital, clinic, professional office, or other encounter with a health care provider.


  • 提高系统应用水平医院信息系统平稳运行基础上,对其进行拓展应用。

    On the basis of the stable running of hospital information system, we carried out a series of development to improve the application level of HIS.


  • 第二章以人们外部空间中的心理基础,推导出医院建筑外部空间环境具备特性确定设计原则

    Part two gets the particularity which the exterior space of hospital buildings should have, based on the characteristic of people's behavior mentality in it, and makes certain the principle of design.


  • 以单病种临床路径基础进行成本核算研究医院成本核算管理模式

    Cost accounting research on the basis of single-disease clinical pathway is the new pattern of hospital cost accounting and management.


  • 结论系统建立解决了纸质病案存储的压力,实现了资源共享医院数字化建设奠定基础

    Conclusion the establishment of above system resolves the storage of paper medical records and achieves resources sharing, which lays foundation for the digitized construction of hospital.


  • 医院信息系统医院各项工作提供系统性支撑基础性支撑服务性支撑,并且促使医院文化内涵发生改变

    Hospital information systems provide systematic, primary and service support for various activities in the hospital and bring about changes in the essence of hospital culture.


  • 如果医院管理系统部署您的基础设施中,您的医院管理系统将SAAS医院使用它们就像每个创建个。

    Your hospital Management Systems would be a SAAS if you deployed it in your infrastructure and multiple hospitals used them as if you had created one for each of them.


  • 笔者后续研究打下基础同类型医院借鉴

    This paper is the base of the latter research and the reference for the similar hospital assessment.


  • 基础护理合格率达100%,医院可避免压疮发生率零。

    The qualified rate of basic nursing for the prevention of pressure ulcer achieved to 100%. The rate of avoidable pressure ulcer was zero.


  • 1861年,雒魏林北京设立的“旗轩医院”(协和),新建协和医院奠定了基础

    In 1861, Dr. William Lockhart founded the Shuang Qi Gan Hospital (the old Peking Union Medical college) which laid foundation for the new Peking Union Medical College.


  • 目的探讨我国医院伤害监测过程中存在主要问题及其原因,旨在全国范围内有效地开展医院伤害监测,从而更全面、准确地我国伤害预防工作提供基础资料科学依据。

    Objective to explore the problems and their reasons of injury surveillance based on hospital in China, so as to provide primary data and scientific basis for injury prevention more accurately.


  • 重点机构窗口医院建立长期合作关系技术新设备推广奠定了基础

    We focus on the important institutions and model hospitals, establishing the long term cooperation relationship with them, which lays good foundation for promoting our new technology and equipments.


  • 事实证明伊美尚,强大的规模实力技术实力、专家实力,奠定医院品牌基础医院长足发展重新树立使命,即“美丽改变生活”的整形美容使命。

    The facts prove that She Beauty has successfully established the hospital brand with its scale, technology and specialists. It also assumes the mission"beauty changes life"as the future development.


  • 本文以综合医院交通系统医院功能流线系统研究理论为基础结合医院街”设计理念具体阐述医院交通系统与功能流线混乱问题解决方案

    In this paper, based on the communication system and flown line system theory, combining with the hospital street design concept, the content and method of the solution is described in detail.


  • 病种基础质量评价医院护理质量评价重要方式之一也是病人群体质量评价的最佳选择。

    Evaluation for the diseases entities nursing quality is one of the key ways to evaluate the nursing quality in the hospital, and it is also the best way to evaluate the quality of the patient colony.


  • 以哈佛大学附属麻省医院MGH为基础国际研究团队四氢生物蝶呤(BH4 )的水平决定忍受慢性疼痛脆弱性

    The team of international researchers, based at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), Boston, say BH4 levels might also determine a person's vulnerability to chronic pain.


  • 以哈佛大学附属麻省医院MGH为基础国际研究团队四氢生物蝶呤(BH4 )的水平决定忍受慢性疼痛脆弱性

    The team of international researchers, based at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), Boston, say BH4 levels might also determine a person's vulnerability to chronic pain.


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