• 其中一些可能很棒若是没有其它判断标准可供参考,我们还是会酒精含量为14%以下的葡萄酒。

    Some of those might be terrific, but if we had nothing else to go on, we'd look for alcohol content at about 14% and below.


  • 有些鸡尾酒酒精含量相当于三个标准量,一瓶红酒通常能装满5个5盎司酒杯。

    Some cocktails contain as much alcohol as three standard drinks.A wine bottle usually holds five 5-oz. glasses.


  • 许多超过医学上酒精滥用放纵饮酒标准没有意识到他们什么问题因为他们朋友们相似的饮酒方式

    Many people who meet diagnostic criteria for substance abuse or binge drinking do not realize they have a problem because their friends all have similar drinking patterns.


  • 标准饮品含有12酒精相当于125毫升红酒品脱啤酒

    A standard drink contains about 12g of alcohol, which is equivalent to a 125ml glass of wine or a half pint of beer.


  • 对于成年人来说,新法令将血液酒精含量标准公升0.8降至每公升0,5克,违反者予以重罚

    For their elders, the permitted blood-alcohol level has been cut from 0.8 to 0.5 grams per litre, with heavy penalties for drivers who violate the limit.


  • 研究所此番努力源于学界一个认识就是酒精滥用有很多种程度有些专家希望以此取代现有滥用上瘾标准

    Behind the NIAAA's effort is a new understanding that there is a spectrum of alcohol-use disorders, which some experts hope will replace the current criteria for 'abuse' and 'dependence.'


  • 斯特林想了下这个“要么说话,要么闭嘴”的提议接着就叫了151标准酒精浓度的玉米威士忌

    Sterling reflected on this “put up or shut upproposition, seconded by his 151 barrel proof corn liquor.


  • 单位8G酒精大概相当于标准葡萄酒,半啤酒或是一个酒吧酒精

    One unit is 8g of alcohol, roughly equivalent to half a standard glass of wine, half a pint of beer or a pub measure of spirits.


  • 芦丁标准物质分光光度法测定甘蔗糖蜜酒精废液黄酮类化合物含量

    The content of flavonoids in waste liquid of alcohol production from sugarcane molasses was determined by spectrophotometry using rutin as standard substance.


  • 墨西哥科学家发现标准度数(40%酒精含量)的银色龙舌兰酒中加热得到的热蒸汽凝结到不锈钢基底上能够形成钻石薄膜

    A team of Mexican scientists found that the heated vapor from 80-proof (40% alcohol) tequila blanco, when deposited on a silicon or stainless steel substrate, can form diamond films.


  • 一杯标准应该只含有10酒精

    A standard drink is any drink containing 10 grams of alcohol.


  • 对于醉酒大学生来说,是否存在一个血液中酒精含量标准,表明他们不再能力表示同意

    In the case of drunken college students, is there a blood alcohol level at which they no longer are able to give consent?


  • 伦敦标准不含酒精饮料柠檬水姜汁啤酒姜汁酒。

    The standard drinks of London are lemonade, ginger beer, and ginger ale.


  • 经检验,男子血液中酒精含量高达0.178%,是法定标准

    The man had a blood-alcohol concentration of 0.178 per cent, more than three times the legal limit.


  • 牙齿挑选标准规定未做过酒精甲醛、过氧化其他漂白剂化学用品预处理

    The criteria for tooth selection dictated no pretreatment with a chemical agent such as alcohol, formalin, or hydrogen peroxide, or any other form of bleaching.


  • 统计数字表明因酒后驾车导致车祸死亡大学生中不仅包括酒精含量超标的人,甚至还包括了那些血液酒精含量低于法定标准的人。

    The statistics included college students killed in car accidents if the students had alcohol in their blood, even if the level was below the legal limit.


  • 本文介绍成熟番木瓜主要原料酒精发酵醋酸发酵生产果醋工艺产品的质量标准

    This paper introduced the process and quality level of using papaya as raw material to produce vinegar by alcoholic and acetic acid fermentation.


  • 安全起见最低危险范围内一个男人每天饮用标准饮料不宜超过2份,每份标准饮料酒精含量为12每周不宜超过14份。

    To remain safe, for the lowest - risk category, a man should drink no more than 2 standard drinks; each standard drink's 12 grams of alcohol. 2 standards drinks per day no more than 14 per week.


  • 酒精肝病诊断标准

    Diagnosis criteria of alcoholic fatty liver.


  • 酒精脂肪肝病诊断标准

    Diagnostic criteria of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.


  • 方法:对符合CCMD - 2关于慢性酒精中毒诊断标准患者120例进行心电图检测,90例正常人体检心电图对照。

    Methods: the ECG of 120 patients with chronic alcohol toxicity in accordance with CCMD-2 were measured, and the results of which were compared with those of 90 persons under normal health examination.


  • 斯特林想了下这个“要么说话,要么闭嘴”的提议接着就叫了151标准酒精浓度的玉米威士忌

    Sterling reflected on this "put up or shut up" proposition, seconded by his 151 barrel proof corn liquor.


  • 有些鸡尾酒酒精含量相当于三个标准量,一瓶红酒通常能装满5个5盎司酒杯

    Some cocktails contain as much alcohol as three standard drinks. A wine bottle usually holds five 5-oz. glasses.


  • 迈克尔·埃涉嫌酒后驾驶被捕后接受了血液测验结果显示血液中的酒精含量并无超越合法标准

    A blood test on Michael Essien following his arrest for alleged drink driving has shown he was under the legal drink drive limit.


  • 这方面的标准因国家异:举例来说美国甜酒酒精含量超过14%的葡萄酒

    S. for instance, dessert wines are defined as any wine with 14% alcohol content or higher. But in the most simple terms, dessert wines are any wines that have a dominant sweet flavor.


  • 这方面的标准因国家异:举例来说美国甜酒酒精含量超过14%的葡萄酒

    S. for instance, dessert wines are defined as any wine with 14% alcohol content or higher. But in the most simple terms, dessert wines are any wines that have a dominant sweet flavor.


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