• 酒店俱乐部弗兰克餐厅提供了轻松友好气氛一个经典的建筑充满历史

    The Hotel Club Frances Restaurant offers a relaxed and friendly atmosphere in a classic building full of history.


  • 远古酒店管理系统完全借鉴了国际先进酒店系统管理思想适用于各种星级各种类型酒店饭店、宾馆大型连锁酒店酒店俱乐部

    Clubank hotel MIS is applicable to all-star, all types of hotels, restaurants, and large hotel chains or hotel club; cause it use the experience of advanced management thought.


  • 他们应该饭店酒店俱乐部更高权重,还有获得高档奢侈品和服务的方便与否,以及享受重要文化活动便利性

    They should give extra weightings to exclusive restaurants, hotels and clubs, as well as access to top of the range luxury products and services and proximity of important cultural events.


  • 现在看看法宝幸福生活酒店他们幸福生活俱乐部

    Enter my saving grace: Joie de vivre Hotels and their Joy of Life Club.


  • 整个项目的开发包括个有170个泊位码头、一个游艇俱乐部度假区游客凉亭、别墅以及酒店特色

    The full development includes a new, 170-berth marina plus yacht club and the resort will feature guest pavilions and villas as well as the hotel.


  • 宜家旁边就是卡浓,而且许多瑞士酒店也有很多羽毛球俱乐部

    There is Decathlon out near the Ikea, and the many shops below the Sweetland Hotel that the badminton clubs frequent.


  • 诺布咖啡馆亨廷顿公园联合太平洋俱乐部费尔·蒙特马克·霍普金酒店短暂停留时,旅行成员们可以了解旧金山历史吸血鬼传说

    During stops at the Nob Hill Cafe, Huntington Park, Pacific Union Club, Fairmont and Mark Hopkins hotels, tour members learn about San Francisco history and vampire lore.


  • 二十多年一家称作汉普顿旅社住宅俱乐部”里工作就像是五星级酒店青年旅馆混血儿一样。

    Over a decade ago I spent a year working at a "residence club" that I'll call Hampton House, a kind of misbegotten hybrid somewhere between a five-star hotel and a youth hostel.


  • 上世纪初,上海富有西方人莫干山一带建了大量别墅还有酒店网球场俱乐部甚至还有游泳池

    Wealthy Westerners living in Shanghai in the early 1900s built sprawling stone villas, hotels, tennis courts, clubs and even a municipal pool in Moganshan.


  • 不同于俱乐部酒吧昆明酒店群集市中心块地区:昆明太多酒店

    Unlike its clubs and bars, Kunming's hotels do not cluster in a small area downtown: there are too many of them.


  • 这个伦敦上流住宅区的豪华酒店包括了一个贵族奢侈绅士俱乐部床边地毯玫瑰白色维多利亚式外观

    This London hotel in ritzy Mayfair combines a gent’s club feel with oodles of luxury, starting from the red entrance carpet and rose and white Victorian facade.


  • 这个伦敦上流住宅区的豪华酒店包括了一个贵族奢侈绅士俱乐部床边地毯玫瑰白色维多利亚式外观

    This London hotel in ritzy Mayfair combines a gent's club feel with oodles of luxury, starting from the red entrance carpet and rose and white Victorian facade.


  • 可能组织去年乌干达自杀爆炸致使坎帕拉一家酒店一家俱乐部正在观看世界杯决赛民众中有数人死亡。

    He may have co-ordinated the suicide bombings in Uganda last year that killed crowds gathered at a restaurant and a nightclub in Kampala to watch the World Cup final.


  • 钱伯斯先生希望这些地铁站站台大厅改造为博物馆酒店俱乐部废弃电梯内安装上攀岩设施,从而使死气沉沉的地铁站重新焕发生机。

    Mr Chambers wants to enliven the quiet platforms and concourses with museums, restaurants and nightclubs, and to put rock-climbing facilities in abandoned lift shafts.


  • 产品用于家庭俱乐部餐厅酒店。的KTV医院快餐连锁店面包店海味

    This product can be used in family, club, restaurant, hotel. KTV, hospital, fast food chains, bread shop, seafood shop etc.


  • 期间,球员教练上海一家万豪酒店,他们在那里食宿费用俱乐部负责。

    In the meantime, players and coaches are living at a Marriott hotel in Shanghai, where meals and accommodations are paid for by the club.


  • 仁川喜来登酒店附近国际会议中心---Songdo Convensia(松岛国际会议中心)、预期2010年开业Jack Nicklaus高尔夫球俱乐部仁川大桥

    Within the vicinity of the hotel is the convention centre, Songdo Convensia, and the Jack Nicklaus Golf Club which is expected to open in 2010, as well as the Incheon Grand Bridge.


  • 客人可以免费使用酒店厨师运动俱乐部包括蒸汽健身设施休息室桑拿浴室等

    Guests receive complimentary use of The Hotel Captain Cook's Athletic Club, featuring steam room, workout facilities, lounge, and sauna.


  • 他们受雇于餐馆酒店医院其他医疗机构中央食品小卖部俱乐部类似机构以及船舶

    They are employed in restaurants, hotels, hospitals and other health care institutions, central food commissaries, clubs and similar establishments, and on ships.


  • 俄罗斯俱乐部潜艇酒店校园两个额外的休息室

    Russian Club and Submarine are two additional lounges on the hotel's campus.


  • 对于那些客人喜欢家里酒店提供健康俱乐部桑拿现场恢复活力

    For those guests who like to stay close to home, the hotel offers a health club and sauna on-site for restoration of vitality.


  • 工作管理足球俱乐部不是维多利亚提供一个豪华酒店内的最高级房间。

    My job is to run a football club and not to make sure that Victoria Beckham has the best suite in the hotel.


  • 对于一部分承担着太多债务酒店老板来说,这是一个大难题;科罗拉多范尔广场酒店俱乐部老板便在十月申请了破产保护。

    That has caught out some hotel owners who took on too much debt; in Colorado, the owner of the Vail Plaza Hotel &Club filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in October.


  • 海滩街区客人可以放松大西洋畅游,酒店拥有私人海滩俱乐部提供了一个游泳池水上活动小屋出租

    With the beach just a block away guests can relax right on the Atlantic Ocean and have access to the private Beach Club that offers a pool, watersport activities, cabana rentals and more.


  • 独一无二的地理位置,使所有入住青岛海尔洲际酒店宾客都机会青岛海港游艇俱乐部零距离接触。

    With the hotels unique positioning, all our guest will have direct access to the Marina as well as the International yacht club.


  • 休斯敦酒店温泉俱乐部坐落这座城市提供城市热门的景点

    The Houstonian Hotel, Club & Spa is ideally located within this sprawling city and offers easy access to the city's most popular attractions.


  • 休斯敦酒店温泉俱乐部坐落这座城市提供城市热门的景点

    The Houstonian Hotel, Club & Spa is ideally located within this sprawling city and offers easy access to the city's most popular attractions.


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