• 第五部分针对“测供应、施指导”五个因素存在的问题,提出相应解决办法

    The fifth part, aims at "soil test, make formulas, produce formula fertilizers, supply and services" and propose the corresponding solution.


  • 施有机具有持续提高产量土壤双重效果,是砂姜黑土培改良理想的施方式同时注意补充

    Nitrogen phosphorus chemical fertilizer combined organic improve yield, more ideal way of fertilizing. But should pay attention to the plain supplement of potassium at the same time.


  • 研究了生物有机与控释单施复合对人参、紫背菜、黄秋葵几种特种蔬菜品质影响。

    We studied the effects of applying bioorganic fertilizer and slowly released fertilizer, chemical fertilizer separately on the quality of special vegetables.


  • 施用基础上施富钾硅多元复合物施纯硅、钾、钙镁一样,酸性土壤上具有显著的增产效应

    On the basis of N and P fertilizers, application of the multiple element compound has positive effect on yield in the acid soils.


  • 不同株养分含量吸收量明显影响

    Different combined application fertilizer of potassium, calcium and magnesium had significant effect on the nutrients content and total uptake of nutrients.


  • 采用因素水平回归设计研究了黄泥土大白菜产量硝酸盐含量影响。

    An optimum regression design with three factors and five levels was adopted to find the effects of n, K and s fertilizers on the yield of Chinese cabbage and the nitrate content in its plant.


  • 试验研究有机结球白菜产量品质影响

    Field experiments were conducted to study the effects of combined application of organic manure and chemical fertilizer on yield and quality of Chinese cabbage.


  • 第一代巴西、硫技术进行研究。

    Application technologies of K, Mg and s for the first and second Baxi banana plant were studied.


  • 通过田间试验研究了有机无机对土壤-水稻系统重金属平衡影响。

    A field experiment was conducted with rice plants to assess the effects of integrated fertilization on heavy metal balance in soil-rice cropping system and rice hygienic quality.


  • 通过栽培田间小区试验,研究新型高效小麦专用除草药麦田杂草防效和小麦生长发育影响

    The effect of the new kind of concentrated compound fertilizer contained with herbicide on weed control and wheat growth in the wheat field was studied in the basin culture and the plot trials.


  • 在豫东烟区研究烟田有机烤烟生长发育及产量质量影响

    The paper studied the effect of applying organic residues as nest-fertilizers on growth, yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco in eastern of Henan.


  • 研究氮磷钾有机三者紫花苜蓿饲草产量品质影响

    An experiment was carried out to study the effect of NPK fertilizer, micro-element fertilizer, organic fertilizer application on the yield and nutrient quality of Alfalfa Medicago sativa l.


  • 单958供试材料大田条件下,系统研究有机无机玉米产量品质影响及其生理基础。

    This experiment chose common maize Zhengdan 958 as the target plant material to investigate the effects of combined application of organic and inorganic fertilizers on yield and quality of maize and.


  • 结果表明NPK处理比较玉米秸秆还田N没有显著促进黑土有机积累

    The results showed that maize straw returning field combined low amount N did not promote the accumulation of organic carbon significantly, as compared with NPK treatment.


  • 结果表明NPK处理比较玉米秸秆还田N没有显著促进黑土有机积累

    The results showed that maize straw returning field combined low amount N did not promote the accumulation of organic carbon significantly, as compared with NPK treatment.


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