• 继续做梦吧不是配得

    Keep dreaming. She's out of your league.


  • 我们接受自己认为配得

    We accept the love we think we deserve.


  • 布莱恩因为上的相信。我真的

    You don't think I could get a Brian? Because I could get a Brian. Believe you me. I'm really not.


  • 拍电影之前与我约会女人配得上的那些女人有吸引力了,有时候就是顺其自然的到来,反之说明看不起女人。

    Before I was in movies I dated women who were far more attractive than I had any right to be dating. Sometimes it just comes down to your personality. Saying otherwise is demeaning to women.


  • 我们今天我们孩子一起,我们这里欣赏杰作第一批人。这些杰作终于找到一个这样配得这样重要的家,”

    "We felt that today, with our child, we had to be the first ones here to admire the masterpieces which finally found such a worthy, such an important home," she said.


  • 出去我们一个未来配得上我们希望共同创造世界

    Go out and give us a future worthy of the world we all wish to create together.


  • 这本书完全得上声望

    The book is well worthy of his reputation.


  • 月(8月)天气似乎也是自然努力配得人们心境

    The Thermidorean weather seemed an effort on the part of Nature to match the state of hearts.


  • 他们不仅仅否定亲爱的撒母耳,他们其实还否定了我,因为只有得上掌管以色列

    "They have not only rejected you Samuel," the Lord spoke to me. "but they rejected me because I am the rightful ruler of Israel."


  • 奇怪是,日元或许配得上这个荣誉称号

    Strangely, the yen may be the more deserving of that accolade.


  • 亲爱的想到属于的,禁不住喜极而泣,但时常惶恐,不知自己是否配得上你。

    My dear one, then, I have wept for joy to think that you are mine, and often wonder if I deserve you.


  • 这样高期待配得上一位新的数码救世主差不多猜疑假设之后,貌似我们满足之极。

    Expectations worthy of a new digital messiah; after almost two years of hype and speculation, it seems we'd be satisfied with nothing less.


  • 最近一份报纸试图评价为了自我定位和平力量”形象,德国作为是否足够

    In a recent paper, he tries to assess whether Germany is doing enough to live up to its self-image of being "a power of peace".


  • 朋友B高挑又养眼开玩笑完全NBA球员但是最后却还是可以彻夜聊天、不觉无语的男人一起了,这个男人是一个艺术家,但是身高只及B的肩膀

    My friend B., who is tall and gorgeous, jokes that she could have married an NBA player, but decided to go with the guy she can talk to all night—a graphic artist who comes up to her shoulder.


  • 今年人们已经认为幸运的,名称里的“旺“字。

    This year it was enough for people to think that Want Want had lived up to its name.


  • 一个配得上·姬尔评论必须单刀直入的美国四十年间最为出色的影评家。

    A worthy appreciation of Pauline Kael has to dive right into things: for nearly forty years she was the best film critic in America.


  • 啊,如果都不敢想象自己配得上神对你说话,那么你又如何希望听见声音呢?

    Good heavens, how can you ever expect to hear my voice if you don’t imagine yourself to be deserving enough to even be spokento?


  • 花费多少幸福时日筹划送他可心的礼物,一精致珍奇、贵重的礼物——至少应有点儿得上吉姆所有东西成啊。

    Many a happy hour she had spent planning for something nice for him. Something fine and rare and sterling—something just a little bit near to being worthy of the honor of being owned by Jim.


  • 特纳奖评审团一个真正机会抵抗批判力潮流趋势,认可可信有原创精神的为数不多真正得上赞誉艺术家

    But the Turner jury has a genuine chance to resist the tide of uncritical fashion and recognise the authentic, original handful of artists who truly deserve acclaim.


  • 梅西得上进球即使梅西没有进球,这对于失败者来说也是无意义的胜利

    Lionel Messi deserved a goal but didn't get one, a hollow victory for the losers.


  • 回到保守党俱乐部德里克·飞利浦在撒切尔夫人第一次芬奇利后来回忆道撒切尔夫人真是“棒极了”。德里克·飞利浦弗里尔配得上继承的”席位

    Back at the Conservative club, Derek Phillips, who met Lady Thatcher when she first arrived in Finchley and recalls her as "wonderful", says Mr Freer is a worthy heir to "her" seat.


  • 现代“塞塔”是一家成立于1992年的爱尔兰体育转播商它一直不大配得上这个神话也许英年早逝一点除外

    The modern Setanta, a sports broadcaster founded by two Irish businessmen in 1992, never quite matched the myth, except perhaps in death.


  • 大概预选赛期间英格兰阵稳定球员,他得上国家队球衣。

    He's probably one of England's most consistent players over the course of qualification and certainly deserves his place in the team.


  • 这位托雷斯的锋线队友,2008年欧锦赛最佳射手已经完成前往巴塞罗那的天价转会,而且已经迫不及待的想证明世界看他的贡献是俱乐部自己身砸的欧元

    Torrestrike partner and the top scorer at Euro 2008 has just completed a big-money move to Barcelona and will be eager to show the world why they forked out so many Euros for his services.


  • 团队胜利一场比赛中不同队员发挥出色但是队伍里的每个得上这份荣誉

    We gain success as a team; within the framework there are always going to be individuals who shine from time to time but there are a lot of people who are getting the benefit.


  • 不论欣赏还是有点不适应,你都承认配得上瑞典强壮女人”的称号或许换成全世界更合适

    Beautiful or odd you have to admit that she deserve namethe strongest woman in Sweden” and maybe wider?


  • 他们必须神职人员哪里每年资质认证以证明他们“配得上神殿”,而且倘若他们违反或是顶触了教会政策,他们就开除

    They must obtain yearly certifications from clergy that they are "temple-worthy" and they can be dismissed for violating or contradicting church policy.


  • 他们必须神职人员哪里每年资质认证以证明他们“配得上神殿”,而且倘若他们违反或是顶触了教会政策,他们就开除

    They must obtain yearly certifications from clergy that they are "temple-worthy" and they can be dismissed for violating or contradicting church policy.


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