• 伊芙几乎每件事情冷嘲式的方式离奇可笑的见解娱乐伙伴

    Evelyn is entertaining company, with droll and sardonic observations on nearly everything.


  • 尽管有过各种各样男朋友马德过去现在一直非常自立

    Although she had various boyfriends, Madeleine was, and remains, fiercely self-sufficient.


  • 恩的新舞蹈学校里的人和她一样,思考问题时总是静不下来。

    Lynne's new dance school was full of people just like her people who had to move in order to think.


  • 男人结过两次婚,而且他们的第一个妻子第二个妻子叫贝蒂。

    Both men were married twice, their first wives were named Linda, and their second wives were both named Betty.


  • 娶了一个叫达的女人,然后又和他们的妻子离婚了。

    They had both married women named Linda and then their marriage broke up.


  • 个学生收到了一份礼物,但没有什么礼物能比达从她爸爸那里得到的礼物更好了。

    Every student got a gift, but few gifts can be nicer than that Linda got from her dad.


  • J.K.罗说:“当这本书在11月出版时,我将把所有的钱捐给那些需要帮助的人。”

    "When the book is published in November, I'm going to donate all the money to help those people in need," said J.K. Rowling.


  • 所以一旦有人让我们一些决策,我们知道和我们一起合作的人是谁

    So if we were called upon to make some decisions for Erin we would know who we are coming together with.


  • 于是大卫以色列人埃及西直到马口招聚了来,从基列耶约柜运

    So David assembled all the Israelites, from the Shihor River in Egypt to Lebo Hamath, to bring the ark of God from Kiriath Jearim.


  • 现为在读博士社团成员萨拉佛莱姆说:“我们所有的成员知道有关的事情,知道一生发生了什么,同时我们彼此之间也相互了解。”

    "We all know what Erin is involved with - what's going on in her life - and we all know one another," says Sara Fretheim, a Ph.D. student who is a member of Erin's network.


  • 我们发现,要想维持好婚姻关系,必须双方工作去做,有项目要去完成,”现年82岁的罗莎说道

    'We learned that it was important to our marriage for each of us to always have our own work, our own projects,' said Mrs. Carter, 82.


  • 接下来的几个月里卡洛同学们(班上所有同学幸存了下来)查看彼此的家庭所在地,知道了无家可归,谁受伤,谁正在服丧。

    In the months that followed, Caroline and her classmates located one another - all the students in her class had survived - and found out who was homeless, who was hurt and who was in mourning.


  • 希拉里·克林顿莎拉·体现了女性模范角色男人们把希拉里当作潜在模范角色。

    Both Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin emerged as role models to women, while men saw only Hillary as a potential role model.


  • 这场新闻发布会之前,哈迷们寝食难安,因为JK承诺会上为下一步举动揭开面纱

    Harry Potter fans are on tenterhooks before a press conference in which JK Rowling has promised to lift the veil on her next venture.


  • 凡是住宅、家具邻居道路,样样称心,夫人待人接物又是那么友善,那么亲切。

    The house, furniture, neighbourhood, and roads, were all to her taste, and Lady Catherine's behaviour was most friendly and obliging.


  • 如果各位知道斯莱兄弟最后结局,现在就可以知道——不过大多数哈利迷们知道,写的系列最后本书《哈利波特死亡器》中,双胞胎中会有一个死去

    If you don't know what happens to the Weasley twins, look away nowbut most fans will already know that one of them dies in Rowling's final book in the series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.


  • 麦凯亲密朋友·勒·曼每天互通电子邮件。这位朋友,麦凯现在处境怎样,从电子邮件中的语气可以看出来了。

    Close friend Laurine Le Man has exchanged daily emails with Mr McKay, and says the toll the situation was having on her friend could be seen in the tone of his emails.


  • 不像麦凯恩国内和国际事务所知甚少

    Unlike Mr McCain, Mrs Palin knows little about national or international politics.


  • ·妮可娜十分震惊,“因为知道这些基本的原理,觉得我过去成功努力和尝试浪费了”回忆说

    Arnina Nikitina was shocked. "I felt sorry for the time I wasted trying to succeed without knowing the basics," she recalls.


  • 艾米维奇嘲笑取笑她,不敢任何事至少是那些使我惹麻烦的

    Amy, Vicky and Erin all sneered at her and made fun of her but I didn't dare do anything, at least not something I would get in trouble for.


  • 所知多少认为咖苔夫人为人骄傲可是觉得亲切。

    Lady Catherine was reckoned proud by many people he knew, but he had never seen anything but affability in her.


  • 比尔盖茨离开人世,盖茨基金会继续50

    The Gates Foundation will have to be wound down 50 years after the second of Bill and Melinda Gates dies.


  • 房间里其他每个人面色苍白,使得天生健康看上去有些可疑,似乎她是那种会里根票的人。

    Everyone in the room was so spectral-looking that Madeleine's natural healthiness seemed suspect, like a vote for Reagan.


  • 所知多少认为咖苔夫人为人骄傲可是觉得亲切。

    Lady Catherine was reckoned proud by many people he knew, but he had never seen any thing but affability in her.


  • 约柜基列耶许久。过了二十以色列全家倾向耶和华

    It was a long time, twenty years in all, that the ark remained at Kiriath Jearim, and all the people of Israel mourned and sought after the LORD.


  • 所有这些反映出主导美国最近十六政坛分歧而且对于莎拉·选择温和派共和党人泄气

    Most of this reflects divides that have dominated American politics for the last 16 years, but the choice of Sarah Palin has also discouraged moderate Republicans.


  • 卡洛说:“打电话给朋友们,‘求求你了,如果了,什么完了’,但是他们必须遵从父母意愿。”

    I called friends saying, ‘Please, if you leave, that will ruin everything, ’ ” Caroline said. “But they had to respect what their parents wanted.”


  • 很多美国女性非常雄心勃勃但是她们不好意思承认,”英特尔公司,"多样化包容性"部门主管罗萨·哈德奈尔(RosalindHudnell)说。

    A lot of women in the U.S. are incredibly ambitious, but they are too embarrassed to admit it,” says Rosalind Hudnell, the head of diversity and inclusion at Intel Corp.


  • 很多美国女性非常雄心勃勃但是她们不好意思承认,”英特尔公司,"多样化包容性"部门主管罗萨·哈德奈尔(RosalindHudnell)说。

    A lot of women in the U.S. are incredibly ambitious, but they are too embarrassed to admit it,” says Rosalind Hudnell, the head of diversity and inclusion at Intel Corp.


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