• 然而,早1800年意大利色彩运用城市规划领域

    However, in 1800s, in Turin of Italy, color had been used in the field of urban plan.


  • 昨天重返新赛季备战现在努力帮助俱乐部重返甲级联赛。

    He will now head to Toro in order to help them climb back into Serie a after the were relegated on the last day of term.


  • 我们输了比赛,我们的球队4050分钟的好球,生活仍在继续

    We lost in Turin, but in football terms we played well for 40 to 50 minutes and life goes on.


  • 觉得一切非常滑稽。

    Lynn found the whole situation hilarious.


  • 无论天晴还是下雨他们飞得广这儿整个牛蒡,里里外外,他们知道

    They fly far and wide, in rain and sunshine; they know the whole forest here, both within and without.


  • 姆尼港的官员们对新生命的到来感到十分开心,特别是因为黑犀牛以难以圈养而闻名。

    Officials at Port Lympne were delighted with the new arrival, especially as black rhinos are known for being difficult to breed in captivity.


  • 姆尼港犀牛部门的负责人保罗·比尔说:“显然,我们非常高兴又迎来了我们黑犀牛家族的新成员。”

    Paul Beer, head of rhino section at Port Lympne, said, "Obviously we're all absolutely delighted to welcome another calf to our black rhino family."


  • 喜欢电影讨论这些问题任何人有趣

    Salinger loved movies, and he was more fun than anyone to discuss them with.


  • 开始享受作为歌手成功时,许多采访场合中每当问及有所启迪的,我提到小姐。

    As I began enjoying success as a singer, I mentioned Mrs. Collins in various interviews when I was asked about people who had inspired me.


  • 即使裁定前几个国家因“ii”协定停止寻求庇护者遣返希腊,协议规定申请必须提交给非法进入第一国家

    Even before the ruling, several countries had stopped sending asylum-seekers back to Greece under "Dublin II", a convention ruling that applications must be heard in the first country of entry.


  • 故事无需重复。大多数认为如果获得共和党提名奥巴马一定会

    The Palin story needs no retelling here. Most people think that if she were the GOP nominee, Obama would win.


  • 但是兔子所有六月百合的花苗破坏掉了。”太太下楼梯悲伤同时内心里暗暗的为不用谈论月亮而感到松了口气。

    "But the rabbits has et up all the June lily bed," said Mrs. Lynde sadly, as she waddled downstairs, feeling secretly relieved that there need be no more talk about the moon.


  • 银行系统账面看上去很大是因为许多外国银行设有分行,进行对外借贷

    The banking system looks big on paper but it is swollen by foreign banks with offices in Dublin and loans abroad.


  • 开展调查皮尤社会与人口趋势项目”的理查德•说:“无论青年中年还是老年人每个人希望有空余时间自己事情。”

    "Everyone wants free time to do the things they want to do, young, middle-aged or old," said Richard Morin, of the Pew Social &Demographic Trends Project, which conducted the survey.


  • 位作者埃米尔·塔赫里奥托认为伊朗正在颠覆现存地区秩序虽然二人不同角度用不同方法

    Both authors, Amir Taheri and Emanuele Ottolenghi, believe Iran is working to overturn the existing regional order, though each approaches the subject from different vantage points.


  • 写道:“虽然每种分析方法优点存在争议之处,但三种方法表明这种疫苗预防艾滋病病毒传染方面具有可能但却适当的有效性。”

    "Although the merits of each type of analysis can be debated, all three yielded a possible, albeit modest, effect of the vaccine in preventing HIV infection," Dolin wrote.


  • 几个告诉同事快要孩子时,同事们非常惊讶她的肚子“还看不太出来”呢。

    When Palin told her colleagues she was soon to give birth, some months ago, they were astonished and claimed her bump was "barely perceptible".


  • 费城组织者麦克南称:“技术人员提出的解决方案这些领域通常非常笨重。”

    "Technical solutions created only by technical people are often too cumbersome for the field," said Philadelphia organizer Mike Brennan.


  • 旧金山州立大学研究员凯特·莱恩,这是个全世界存在的问题也参加周六会议

    The issue is the same all over the world, says Caitlin Ryan, a researcher at the San Francisco State University, who attends the meeting on Saturday.


  • 弗吉尼亚州麦克高中的时候,一个很棒的地球科学老师鼓励学地理兴趣,促使他获得了弗吉尼亚大学本科博士学位

    In high school in McLean, Va., he said, a "fabulous" earth science teacher encouraged his interest in geology, which he pursued in undergraduate and doctoral degrees at the University of Virginia.


  • 有一时间,我们看出小姐不知为什么事心烦意乱,而且忧伤

    We had all remarked, during some time, that Miss Linton fretted and pined over something.


  • 到目前为止的结论好消息但不是极好的消息,”休斯顿皮克霍尔特公司的一位金融分析家大卫.塞尔

    The result so far is “good news, not great news, ” David Pursell, a financial analyst at Tudor Pickering Holt &Co. in Houston, said.


  • 作为地球上最“冷”动物之一,可以靠冬眠度过整个冬季(心脏停止跳动)。

    One of the coolest animals (literally) on the planet, the wood frog has the ability to go into complete hibernation (including complete heart stoppage) during the winter season.


  • 斯脱”牌散场了,玩牌的人一张桌子上来,柯先生表妹伊丽莎白腓力太太之间

    The whist party soon afterwards breaking up, the players gathered round the other table, and Mr. Collins took his station between his cousin Elizabeth and Mrs. Philips.


  • 海伦山给了我们一个任何其他地方无法模拟的平台”克里萨弗

    Mount St. Helens allows us to evaluate things we could not evaluate anywhere else, ” Mr. Crisafulli said.


  • 现如今,这个比从前富裕了,县城主要街道建起旅店餐馆,苹果种植区果树一直延伸城外

    Today it looks relatively prosperous. The main street of the county seat is lined with hotels and restaurants, and the reddening orchards of this apple-growing district stretch beyond the town.


  • 秋很多年来梦想成为一名职业摇摆舞教练特别是教练。

    Rachel's dream has, for years now, been to be a professional swing dance instructor (specifically a Lindy Hop instructor).


  • 秋很多年来梦想成为一名职业摇摆舞教练特别是教练。

    Rachel's dream has, for years now, been to be a professional swing dance instructor (specifically a Lindy Hop instructor).


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