• 两个哥哥当过童子

    Both my brothers were scouts.


  • 碰上,他们一路小跑

    When the two armies come together, they come together in a trot.


  • 它们不管怎样同样远征任何场危机需要的,无论是阿富汗还是比如说保卫爱沙尼亚

    In any case, they say, the same expeditionary forces would be needed in any crisis, whether in Afghanistan or, say, to defend Estonia.


  • 得知农场工作,乐队童子一起表演,并且每天一顿丰盛的早餐所有回答简短的要命

    I learned that he'd worked on a farm, played in a band with the scouts and had always enjoyed a hearty breakfast, but all his replies were poignantly humble.


  • 总的来说,上述合同支持美国司令部FORSCOM搬迁预备役司令部总部亚特兰大地区布拉格

    Together, the task orders support the relocation of the Army Forces Command, known as FORSCOM, and the Army Reserve Command headquarters from the Atlanta area to Fort Bragg.


  • 各自特制版本恩尼格玛密码机

    The army, navy and Luftwaffe each had specialized versions of the Enigma.


  • 英国邮政编码测量局的地图数据目前无法免费用于商业目的,这一点在企业家和社会活动家中饱受诟病怨声载道

    In Britain postcodes and Ordnance Survey map data at present cannot be freely used for commercial purposes-a source of loud complaints from businesses and activists.


  • 美国印度进行合演与印度之外的任何国家合作,而且这些集中印度洋上进行。

    Already America conducts more joint military exercises with India than it does with any other single country, notably in the Indian Ocean.


  • 我们攻克以色列很多每次我们丢失了土地并且仓惶逃窜。

    We’ve conquered theIsraelites a number of times, but we have always lost all our ground and drivenback.


  • 过去的童子知道怎么制作止血带,对现在急救来说是个禁忌

    Tourniquets, which every Boy Scout learned how to make back in the day, are now a first-aid no-no.


  • 每年此时,英国栖满松鸡沼泽地遭到“斜纹呢子围剿,每杆的主人希望能猎的第一天装上一两只松鸡回去。

    Each year the country's grouse moors are invaded by a tweed-clad army ofguns” intent on bagging a brace or two of birds on the opening day of the shooting season.


  • 假期一家自愿救世活动去摇我们非常喜欢做这件事情。

    During the holidays, my family volunteered for bell ringing for Salvation Army, and it was an experience we all enjoyed very much.


  • 来自以及陆战队的代表流露出类似的不满

    Representatives from the Army, Navy, and Marines all registered similar discontent.


  • 上学那段日子里,小童子鼓励着帮助着他。

    ALL of my boys encouraged him and helped whenever they could, this carried over into their school life as well.


  • 平原以色列众人以色列逃跑扫罗儿子死了,也逃跑,利士人便来住在其中

    When all the Israelites in the valley saw that the army had fled and that Saul and his sons had died, they abandoned their towns and fled. And the Philistines came and occupied them.


  • 至于意大利食物娘子曲奇尽全力抑制自己接触他们

    As far as the Italian foods and Girl Scout cookies go, I do my best to limit my exposure to them.


  • 谢尔曼所率领力量要比约翰斯顿强大的多,但是通常选择易守难攻的阵地进行阻击

    Sherman's army was stronger than Johnston's army. But the Confederates usually got into better defensive positions.


  • 2006年底针织厂破产了,陈勇王莉失业了。

    At the end of 2006, the factory went bankrupt and both of Chen and Wang were out of work.


  • 必有耶和华降罚一个日子,要临到骄傲狂妄的,一切自高的,降为卑。

    The Lord Almighty has a day in store for all the proud and lofty, for all that is exalted (and they will be humbled)


  • 过去3个赛季中波士顿打进了NBA总决赛。在他们的前进道路干掉了詹姆斯骑士队。

    Boston has reached the NBA Finals in two of the last three seasons, both times knocking James and the Cavaliers out along the way.


  • 例如驾驶员挑选训练、指挥员的训练、任用条令、IAMV拨发基数计划以及LAMV寿命管理所有这些需要引起美国注意

    For example, operator selection and training, leader training, employment doctrine, LAMV basis-of-issue plans, and LAMV life-cycle management all require the Army's attention.


  • 威瑞森电信是美国光纤入户业务企业,尚不能提供全球信息网格”服务,甚至一半速度达不到。

    Verizon, the nation's leading provider offiber-to-the-home service, doesn't offer a gig, or even half that speed.


  • 大多数泰国挺他信的红杉他们的死对头保皇派“黄衫持反感态度,黄衫2008年12月占领了曼谷国际机场

    Many Thais are turned off by both the pro-Thaksin red shirts and their arch-rivals, the royalist "yellow shirts", who occupied Bangkok's international airports in December 2008.


  • 本地,从北方极处率领许多国的来,,乃大队极多兵。

    And thou shalt come from thy place out of the north parts, thou, and many people with thee, all of them riding upon horses, a great company, and a mighty army.


  • 必有万耶和华降罚一个日子,要临到骄傲狂妄的,一切自高的,

    For the day of the LORD of hosts shall be upon every one that is proud and lofty, and upon every one that is lifted up; and he shall be brought low.


  • 这年秦国围攻邯郸魏国大将晋鄙率十万前去救赵。

    The same year the State of Qin besieged the State of Zhao's capital, Handan, and the king of Wei sent Commander Jin Bi with 100, 000 troops to help Zhao.


  • 非常法国到达那里,他亲眼看见柏林非常不安拿破仑指挥官

    He was very affected by the arrival of the French Army there, and he actually saw Napoleon and his commanders in Berlin, which was all very upsetting to him.


  • 非常法国到达那里,他亲眼看见柏林非常不安拿破仑指挥官

    He was very affected by the arrival of the French Army there, and he actually saw Napoleon and his commanders in Berlin, which was all very upsetting to him.


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